Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

April 16, 2007

Get Your Bulldog News Here

Bad ass new feature from I can now incorporate keyword searchable, real-time* headline news tracking into the blog. Look over to the right in Red where it says "Bulldog Headlines."

It takes a few seconds to load, but you'll see headlines for "Georgia Bulldogs." You can also click "Mark Richt", "Damon Evans," etc to get other headlines about those topics instantly.

I don't like the current location of the headline reader or the color scheme. But try it for a while and let me know what you think about it.

I imagine being able to do some cool topical searches such as "SEC Media Days" or "Oklahoma State Cowboys" as the season draws closer. I hope you like the enhancement. Ideally, I'll move to a 3 column template, and we'll find a better home for this feature.


*At least, I think it's real-time.


Anonymous said...

Great addition! Always nice to find current bulldog news quick and easy. One suggestion - grey on red is hard on the eyes, the sources appear in this color and it is killing me. Can you change the font color for the source to something easier on the eyes?

Anonymous said...

Can it be reformatted in anyway? It looks messy and isn't all that user friendly.

Unknown said...

Guys -- when I said "I don't like the color scheme." I was sorta saying..."I don't like it either." lol.

The first version I tried was down in the white section of the side bar. Only for no explicable reason, the text for the headlines appeared in white. White on White is much tougher to read than grey on Red. ;-)

I'll definitely work to reformat it.....once I figure out how. These new internets are tricker than my limited HTML skillz.

Give me a week or so, and I"ll try and figure it out.

Great feedback.

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