Image: Hipple
Message board rumor...."Vandy Coach Bobby Johnson said this afternoon on Nashville radio that the UGA-Vandy game will be picked up by ESPN. The game is the return game promised to Vandy for them playing Michigan last season in Ann Arbor. He didn't know a kickoff time yet."
(Note: CBS posted some very specific start times a few days ago, and they promptly yanked the entire web page down)
The schedule very likely looks like this:
- OKSU (Home) - 6:45 pm ESPN2 (confirmed)
SC (Home) - 5:45 pm ESPN2 (confirmed)
WCU (Home) - 1:00 pm TBD (projected based on history)
Alabama (Away) - 3:30 pm CBS (projected)
Ole Miss (Home) - 12:30 pm LFSports (projected)
UT (Away) - 3:30 pm CBS (projected)
Vandy (Away) - Night Game ESPN/ESPN2 (rumored)
UF (Jax) - 3:30 CBS (confirmed)
Troy (Home) - 1:00 pm No TV (projected based on history)
Auburn (Home) - 3:30 pm CBS (projected)
UK (Home) - Who knows!!!
GT (Away) - 3:30 ABC (projected)
The Georgia-Tennessee game has been picked up by ESPN pretty often.
That schedule, especially with those start times, is very manageable. Last year Tennessee somehow ended up playing the 745 road kick v. Uga, SC, and Arkansas. Ouch.
The UT Game is definitely on CBS. They have a double header that day and all indications are UGA vs. UT will be the first game at 3:30 while the other game is primetime.
you're right! you can't beat that and won't!!
PWD, I appreciate you putting that together. This is useful for looking ahead to which of my buds can/can't make the games.
Don't book a wedding based on the above info! lol
A lot of those are estimates. If our season explodes positively or goes to complete crap some of that will change.
Too late, I'm already in a wedding on Oct 20th.
ESPN's website confirms a 1:00PM kickoff for the Troy game. Wonder how they know that, or if it's right?
Grrrr.... Weddings during football season? Even if it's a Georgia bye week, they still annoy me. Last time I went to a wedding during football season, at least it was on UGA campus so we could head off to the nearest bar (Walkers in this case) to check out the scores while the wedding party was doing their pictures.
Some people just don't understand Southern etiquette. I'm going to be stuck in a wedding during the Kentucky game.
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