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July 29, 2007

Mike Vick being sued for $63 billion (Source: AJC)

Image: DeadSpin

An inmate housed in a South Carolina prison is suing Michal Vick for $63 billion. The lawsuit claims that Mike Vick stole Jonathan Lee Riches' pit bulls and sold them on eBay and opened credit cards in Richs name, used his likeness to sell merchandise and stole copyrighted material. But that's not the half of it. Per the AJC.
Riches claims that Vick sold the pilfered pooches on eBay and used the proceeds to purchase missles from the Iranian government, that he has "plead (sic) allegiance to Al-quaeda" and has subjected Riches to "microwave testing."

Riches is demanding $63 billion "backed by gold and silver."
In related news, Vick has been implicated by LaToya Jackson in a dastardly plot to sell her nipples to North Korea's Kim Jong-il in a complex flesh for plutonium ring.

See Also
-- Full Ron Mexico / Mike Vick Coverage - DeadSpin



Ludakit said...

Best. Picture. Ever.

Anonymous said...

you're about to get sued now Paul. You forget the copyright on his name.

Anonymous said...

I guess Vick's Virginia associates don't adhere to a strict "Stop Snitchin'" like their neighbors to the north in Bodymore, Murderland.

Anonymous said...

I guess Vick's Virginia associates don't adhere to a strict "Stop Snitchin'" policy like their neighbors to the north in Bodymore, Murderland.

Andre Walker said...

That picture is so wrong, but it's right too.

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