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September 30, 2007

Polls -- if I had a ballot

In the wake of so many upsets across the college football landscape, here is my 1 am stab at what my top 25 would look like.

1. LSU
2. USC
3. Cal
4. Ohio State
5. Boston College
6. Wisconsin
7. Oklahoma
8. USF
9. Florida
10 West Virginia
11 Georgia
12 Kentucky
13 Virginia Tech
14 Texas
15 Oregon
16 Rutgers
17 Clemson
18 Purdue
19 South Carolina
20 Arizona State
21 Missouri
22 Kansas State
23 Cincy
24 Hawaii
25 Nebraska

I can't believe how high I have UK and USF. I probably have KSU too low.



blackertai said...

Purdue and Rutgers probably shouldn't be on the list. Resume ranking alone might keep Purdue out, and should do a lot to hold Rutgers out as well. Purdue's got the albatross of the victory over Notre Dame, and Rutgers has beaten no one, and lost to a 2-2 ACC team. I'm also not really sure about Nebraska being in the rankings, as they just don't seem to have the defense to keep themselves in games. They're not playing in the Big 12 championship game this year.

Matthew Lawrence Woodwork said...

It seems to me that SEC teams are the most difficult to accurately gauge in terms of skill levels. By all rights, UF should have whipped AU last night but it didn't happen. Now UF has been beaten by what should be a mediocre team and was given a good fight by an Ole Miss team UGA has now routed. If UGA doesn't beat UF, this year . . .

Anonymous said...

Boston College??? Please, Acc sucks again this year.

Anonymous said...

yeah - nebraska shouldn't be ranked by me or anyone else. That was a whiff.

Watson said...

BC?!?! I think UK as of now should be higher

Dubbayoo said...

I disagree with dropping Oregon to #15. They only lost by a touchdown. How close SHOULD the #11 team lose to the #5 team?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have Florida and Oklahoma in the top ten after losing to unranked teams. But the AP and Coaches did, so I guess I'm in the minority there.

JasonC said...

Bad logic-
I don't think you can say Auburn and Ole Miss did this and we did that, so we will beat Florida. Obviously, Florida is beatable and I thought they were before Auburn did it (I just didn't think Auburn would be the team to do it). Match-ups, strengths and weaknesses all play a part of it. I only heard the Ole Miss game, but from what I could tell, we hardly "routed" the Rebs. We were a fumble and an INT from losing that game. Ole Miss was killing us early and that fumble w/ the TD drive changed what could have been a 14-0 hole to a 7-7 game. After that we were toe-to-toe with them until Miller's INT tilted the game in our favor. Ole Miss gashed us on the run and Adams was very effective against us until the end of the game.
Can we beat Florida? I think so, but we still have to play great to do it (better than we did against Ole Miss, that's for sure).

Regarding rankings:
Rutgers is probably a tad high
Purdue " "
Oregon is probably a little low
I would put Kentucky in front of UGA
I might drop BC a little, but not much

Everyone wants to hate on the ACC, but I think BC is a quality team and they are undefeated, that is more than a lot of other teams. And unlike a lot of the 4/5-0 teams, they have played more conference games than 1-AA and Sunbelt teams.
You can say that the ACC is weak, but you can make an argument that the big11 and big12 are weak too. But as I read somewhere else, there is a fine line between having a weak conference (with mediocre records) and have a conference with a lot of parity. You can say the big11 sucks because Illinois beats PSU, but then boast about how tough the SEC is because Vandy beats UGA or Miss St beats Auburn.
I don't think the ACC is consistently as good as the SEC, but FSU just beat Bama and I didn't think FSU was that good.

Anonymous said...

you think YOU Have USF high... but the AP has them at 6?? I agree that they're good and I'm glad they're doing well, but going from #18 to #6 is a huge jump...

Anonymous said...

1. LSU
2. USC
3. Cal
4. USF
5. Kentucky
6. Ohio St
7. Wisconsin
8. South Carolina
9. Florida
10. UGA
11. Boston College
12. Oregon

Anonymous said...

Well, if we play Soulja Boy before every game, you might as well put the Dawgs in the top 5. Good Lord, after Moreno and Brown start dancing on the sidelines, we played out of our minds.

Unknown said...

Well, this time last year we were 5-0 when we were entertaining Tennessee in Athens. We were 4-0 with Deej in '05 heading into Knoxville. We're 4-1 with Stafford heading into Knoxville. That doesn't mean squat, but there are little things about this UT game in Knoxville that are huge. 1. Talk radio fans in Tennessee are chomping at the bit and stating there is no way UT can beat UGA (Dawg fans know otherwise) 2. This is a must win for Fulmer or he's fired (B.S., he won't be fired) 3. Richt's record on the road and especially in Knoxville (again, B.S.) 4. To hell with 4. If we play lights out, we win, there is no way UT can stop us. If we pull that crap we pulled against South Carolina, we're in trouble. If we pull that crap we pulled against Ole Miss, we won't be so fortunate to come back - and we all know that. Don't think UT hasn't been waiting for this, after losing to Cal and Florida. Beating UGA would be a commanding "yes, we still got it" for them rocky-sons-a-you-know-whats.

I'm already sick to my stomach. This is going to be a long week. I pray those thugs at UT smoke their dope before kickoff, for that would make for one sweet rout heading to Vandy.

But that's not going to happen.

I know this isn't a forum, but what do you think? How do we go there and beat 'em if we play like we did against Ole Miss?

Anonymous said...

Iyam, BC is the new ND, and that's why they should be ranked. It can't be just basketball for the Catholic schools.

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