Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 25, 2007

Your Moment of Zen: The Law of the Forest

HT - DeadSpin (and it's worth reading their article on it simple for the commentary and comments). The Kansas City Wolf protects his turf.



Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of great you tube videos, Carolina fans have already posted one highlighting all the ways they got screwed against LSU last weekend. Typical USC fans; a sorer loser you can never find. I hope they get Croomed this weekend.

Watson said...

i watched that carolina video. there were some bad calls probably by the refs there but who the hell complains about them that much to make a youtube video? you lost to the #2 team in the nations. a few bad calls wasnt going to turn the tide in tiger stadium. move and accept defeat like real teams do. that is absolutely rediculous. but it does not suprise me one bit.

Trey said...

There were only a couple missed calls. The rest were tactics that one should consider a little "underhanded" by LSU.

The officials in the SEC aren't exactly getting 'em right, but they've been notoriously bad and no one has ever done anything about it (with the lone exception of the Sanks "fumble" when they had to "suspend" officials to save what little face they had left). For more proof, see Florida-Ole Miss last weekend. When push comes to shove, and it looks like Florida might lose to Ole Miss, call back-to-back snap infractions. That'll put an end to any drive.

When you are playing the big boys, you have to expect calls like these to go against you. Michael Jordan got every call imaginable. His final signature moment against the Utah Jazz was the most blatant offensive foul ever recorded on video, but no one cares about that, and no one will care about how bad South Carolina got screwed in Baton Rouge. It is what it is.

And, the wolf has a future in the NFL. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

The Chiefs may want to adopt a policy for all their employees along the lines of: "Don't jump on top of anyone who is lying on the ground, no matter how funny it would be to do so."

And this was pretty funny, no question. But lawyers hate funny.

Anonymous said...

Stick, that's not entirely true. We just officially hate funny when it's also expensive. Once the statute of limitations runs, mascot kidney punching = guilt-free hilarity.

But after seeing that clip I have to ask, am I the only one who can't stop humming Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran?

Nathan said...

Kansas City Chiefs fans are the best NFL fans, by far. You find another city or stadium in the NFL with a more "college" atmosphere than Arrowhead - evidently it extends right down to mascot antics.

If you like football, whether you are an NFL fan or not, you owe it to see at least one game in Arrowhead. One of the best places to see a sporting event I've ever been.

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