November 11, 2007
Evil Richt Rocks the House
After the Florida game, Orson Swindle told me that Georgia brought Evil Richt to the Cocktail Party. Well, it looks like Kathryn sent Evil Richt to his second game of the season. (Image:
Evil Richt knows how to party. Evil Richt would drink you under a table. Evil Richt shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. Evil Richt stares down officials and eats them for breakfast. Evil Richt fell into a burning ring of fire and laughed about it. Evil Richt once spent a night in the Starkville City jail for picking flowers. Evil Richt wears black.
I heart Evil Richt. Frankly, I'd like to roll with Evil Richt, but I'm not man enough. Plus, I just said, "I heart..." That's a good way to get your ass kicked when riding with the Coach in Black.
The AJC has the story of the uniform change. Actually, they have two stories on the making of the Blackout. Apparently, the seniors knew, but no one else new for sure.
Someone tell Mark to grow a goatee. It's the only thing missing from the Evil Richt look. More on the game later.
See Also:
-- Officially outrageous -
-- Audio from Richt - AJC
-- Game pics - AJC
-- Blackout a success - AJC
-- Richt wears the black hat - DawgPost
-- Stafford Shines - Mark Bradley
-- Kelin Johnson directs the Band - ABH
-- Best streak since 1942 - AJC
-- Blackout becomes Wipeout - ABH
-- Devotion to senior class pays off - ABH
-- Worst kept secret in UGA history - Ching
-- Richt victory watch - DawgSports
-- Notes from the blackout - Get the Picture
Related Merchandise and Items:
-- T-Shirt: Blackout Auburn - Footballfanatics
-- Tickets: Kentucky vs. Georgia - Stubhub
Evil Richt,
Reasons I Love Football,
team bonding,