Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 4, 2007

Boycotting the Sugar Bowl? Are you kidding me?

No. Not her. I'm boycotting her.

I can't believe some of the people on message boards and even in the comments here that are talking about "dreading" this game with Hawaii. In particular...

I'm sick to death of hearing these absurd
"Boycott the BCS" comments.

If you want to boycott something, then don't buy All State insurance, Tostidos Chips or use FedEx. And then send them a note telling why.

But do NOT turn your back on the Dawgs or withhold your support. The Sugar Bowl didn't want Hawaii, and the Rose Bowl *by rule* wasn't allowed to select UGA.
From the Official BCS Rules: When two bowls lose host teams, then the bowl losing the number one team may not select a replacement team from the same Conference as the number two team, unless the bowl losing the number two team consents.
As Dawgnoxious said today, the Sugar wanted us. They need us. Don't you want to go where you are wanted? What were we supposed to do? Just sit at home and pout?

UGA knew the situation coming into the season:
    1. If you are from a big conference and don't lose a game, you will play for the national title. This has been true 38 of the last 40 years.

    2. If you lose once, you are at the mercy of Pollsters and men in funny suits. So don't lose. This is the system, and they aren't implementing a playoff mid-year no matter how much we/you think the system is broken. This has been true 40 of the past 40 years.

    3. If you lose twice, you are out. This has been true 39 of the past 40 years. LSU is the first exception to the rule. So don't lose twice.
We didn't get "screwed" by the process. The process worked *exactly* like everyone thought it would pre-season. It's a lousy process, but everyone knew what would happen and it happened. Why the shock?

Did ESPN campaigning against us piss me off?
BUT, never in the history of sports
has ANY school won a national title in a year
in which they lost to the Gamecocks.

The Dawgs need our support. It will take a lot to overcome the natural hangover and disappointment that comes with playing a team like Hawaii. We need to be there and be proud because whether you want to admit it or not....those lei wearing goof balls can beat us.

The Sugar Bowl has been an exceptional Bowl Partner for the SEC for 50+ years. There isn't a finer host city in America. Furthermore, there's not a bowl city that embraces UGA fans more than the Big Easy.

There is no such thing as a bad season
that ends in New Orleans at the Sugar Bowl.

If we wanted the National Title, we shouldn't have pissed ourselves vs. South Carolina, played dead vs. the Vols, or ignored offensive line recruiting for three years. This is the best Consolation prize in Football History.

Are you kidding me? Boycott the Sugar?
That's like saying that you'd boycott sex
with Jennifer Aniston because Jessica Alba
turned you down. It's about half a step
below retarded.

I mean really.

See also
-- Richt appeals to Dawg Fans - AJC
-- Time for a Blackout on Whining - AJC
-- Let's beat the Pineapple off them - DawgSports

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