Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

February 25, 2008

Fark of the Day

Hat Tip: Hunkering Hank

(Update: Don't blame the Georgia Sports Blog for the spelling. It's Fulmer's advertisement. That's how they spell it in Knoxville)



Anonymous said...

It looks even better than I had imagined.

Anonymous said...

Except sheriff is spelled wrong. :\

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well the post you just posted is about to be zapped as well. You said the magic word 3 words in.

Anonymous said...

Damn texasdawgfan, running low on Midol?

Anonymous said...

What makes me mad is that I posted a damn good debate as that Felton should be fired. I didn't have ant curse words, rtc. Yet my post got deleted and others that reponded.

ugagirl24 said...

Easy Texasdawgfan . . . and you wonder why your comments are getting deleted!

Anonymous said...

ok.. so Paul Westerdawg, Dawgnoxious, Quinton McDawg are going to delete UGA alumni, UGA Fans, UGA lovers etc...

Then how in the hell can this blog reflect UGA alumni, UGA Fans, etc and their love for UGA.

I can understand deleting post from the enemy, spam, etc.. But to go ahead and just flat out delete a post from a UGA Alum or a fan is down right treason

blackertai said...

Oh god. Treason.

Not this stick again from someone from Texas.

It's not treason for PWD to enforce some rules of decency on his blog. If you want to come have a decent conversation over why you think Felton should be let go, I'm sure he'd be fine with that. But when you come on here sounding like a drunk Tennessee fan, don't expect to be treated so easily.

Anonymous said...

"Sherriff" was a band in the 80's. Very popular in TN.

Dawgnoxious said...

"ok.. so Paul Westerdawg, Dawgnoxious, Quinton McDawg are going to delete UGA alumni, UGA Fans, UGA lovers etc..."

Yes, we delete all comments from UGA fans...who channel Redd Foxx in the comments. It's real simple: easy on the f-bombs, texasdawgfan.

MeanOleDawg said...

Good Lord, I would think that since it is HIS blog he could delete your post just to either amuse himself or to piss you off. I personally hope it was for no other reason than to make you wet the bed texasdawgfan. You moran.

Anonymous said...

the words are "schtick" and "moron", gentlemen

MeanOleDawg said...

"Moran" was on purpose for the delicate minds. I love the internet vocabulary and spelling police.

Anonymous said...

Texas -- You were drunker than Cooter Brown the other day, and you dropped all sorts of profanity.

If you don't like the way we moderate comments, there's a great site you should check out.

It's called From there, you can create your own blog.

Anonymous said...

As for the misspelling.

Talk to Fulmer. It's his Advertisement.

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