Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

May 9, 2008

NCAA 2009 Football Game: EA Sports Trailer

In the attached preview for the 2009 game, you can see that the Georgia is sporting their alternate black jerseys. Just watch the video game being played over the shoulder of the EA Sports guy. It's UGA vs. LSU at Sanford Stadium in the background.

Cool move on EA Sports part. Last year was the first time in over 10 years that I hadn't purchased the yearly upgrade for the game. I might have to pick up the new one now that the PS3 is locked and loaded.

Warning A: The video load slow.
Warning B: Geek Alert.



Hobnail_Boot said...

Knowshon for 6.. that was sweet.

Fallen_Hero said...

LOL, yeah, I saw that over his shoulder too! I guess I need to find me a PS3 on craigslist cheap!

Unknown said...

I would go with an Xbox 360. Better games and Xbox Live is a better slightly more expensive service. Any good game on PS3 is on the Xbox but the vice versa is not true.

SlawDawg said...

TD for KM!!!! special K owns the SEC WEST~!!! atleast for this trailer

Unknown said...

I'm just glad EA has finally stopped ignoring Nintendo on the college football front. I had a hard enough time ponying up $250 for the Wii. There's no way I'm blowing $300+ on another game box.

Andrew said...

Knowshon breaking that thing was a pretty nice subliminal touch in the background there...not to mention the stifling D we saw when LSU had the ball. Also: snow in Clemson?

Unknown said...

I liked that my PS3 is also a Blu-Ray player. Although, I don't own a Blu-Ray disc yet...I just like the idea that I don't have to go out and buy a player when I start getting them.

The only beefs I have with my PS3 are:

A. I've never seen a piece of electronics with a worse cooling system. It needs significant ventiliation and it gives off more heat than a 1930s radio.

B. RockBand for PS3's downside is that GH3 guitars don't work on it, and the factory Rock Band guitars for all platforms are P.O.S. quality strum bars. Without Guitar Hero 3 compatibility on that platform, you can't get access to better guitars.


Anonymous said...

maybe the snow symbolizes their preseason expectations falling from the sky

Ludakit said...

I'm exactly the opposite PWD. I own a PS3 but have yet to buy a game. I think that GTA IV and NCAA 2009 are going to be my best bet.

I bought 2007 for my Xbox 360 and hated the gameplay so much that I never made it past one season. But since I used to be a warrior on PS2, I'm going to give it a look on PS3.

Oh and KM for 6 was SICK.

Ludakit said...

And what I meant to say before was that Blu-Ray on PS3 is awesome. I have about 3 movies and love the way every one of them look.

DLorberbaum said...

Dante, I was excited as well that NCAA 09 was being released on the Wii. I have not played Madden for the Wii so I have no idea how the game play is going to work.

I love my Wii though and since my wife bought me Guitar Hero III for my birthday in March we have both been addicted to it.

On a side note, can anyone see on the screen where the game is being played if Georgia is ranked #1? I know it had been mentioned before on another website I read, but this would be confirmation on if we are #1 in the game.

HiAltDawg said...

Last year's PS3 version of NCAA disappointed (unless you like making cold calls to recruits), I ended up buying the PS2 version and liked it. So far, EA Sports really under-achieved on PS3 games. PS3 really drove the Blu-Ray victory over HD-DVD and I know people that use the PS3 for watching movies only because it's cheaper and better than some Blu-Ray players (for now). Blu-Ray movies look awesome on PS3 and regular DVD's look great with the HDMI cable. I plan on renting PS2 & PS3 NCAA 09 before purchase. I really only play NCAA Football video games, and since I'm a Georgia Man I hit the deck for push-ups/crunches or lunges after each score. Unlike ga techies that invent a new imaginary girlfriend (from Canada, of course) or kissing my sister like clem-and his sorry-son fanatics.

Unknown said...

If I did a push up for every TD that I've ever scored in the PS2 version of the game, I'd have an upper torso like The Governator.

dean said...

I have to disagree with Chris 2:47. I went through 4 original Xbox's and after the 2nd 360 I'd had enough. The damn things kept freezing up or would not even start up. Even a couple of friends of mine are on their 2nd 360 for the same problems I was having. I stuck with them because the games were better than the PS2 games but the PS3 games are as good as the 360's. The only game I can think of on the 360 I'd like to have on the PS3 is Halo. I've had the PS3 for about 6 months now and haven't had a problem yet. I couldn't say the same for the 360.

Unknown said...

DLorberbaum, I've got Madden 07 on the Wii and I like it. Some people are put off by their control scheme but it's a mixed bag. I absolutely LOVE the stiff arm but hate that I have to shake the controller to hike the ball. I also like that I can play left-handed comfortably. When it comes down to it, if someone offered me a standard controller or the Wii-mote to play Madden, I really wouldn't care one way or the other. The biggest problem is that a forward thrust is hard for the system to recognize (on any game, not just Madden). If they can map those motions elsewhere, that would be nice.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure we are ranked #1 in the game too.

Anonymous said...

hey PWD,
when are we going to get your 2008 College Gameday Predictions?

Unknown said...

Geek Alert: Call me a font-freak, but I wish they'd fix our damn yard numbers on the field. We use the same sans-serif typeface for our numbers that LSU does (shadow included), yet Tiger Stadium in the game has them correct and we don't. I'm boycotting this game until they correct this, number one ranking or not.

Hobnail_Boot said...


Yes, UGA is ranked #1. Can't tell what LSU is ranked b/c it's blocked by a beer bottle.

As is custom, I shall play one game with Georgia then switch to another team. I tend to take it WAY too seriously when I play with the Dawgs and thus it cramps my playing style.

Anyone else like this? I try to play as UGA would play, and end up sucking. I'm better w/ any other team because I just open it up and don't care.

blackertai said...

This may sound like I'm a traitor, but from 2004 on, I've played as Florida (first subbing in Utah's playbook, now running with Urban's Florida-rific one). For some reason, EA gives Florida alot of breaks in-game, and as I'm never as good as my friend who owns the system we play on, I need all the help I can get. Everyone will be happy to know that his Georgia team usually beats the hell out of my Florida.

Unknown said...

anon - re: College Gameday

That ended up being a total debacle. I'm may look into again later.

Right now, I can guess:

Week 1: USC at UVA or Alabama vs. Clemson

Week 2: Miami at Florida

Week 3: Ohio State at Southern Cal

Week 4: UGA at Arizona State

Week 5: VT at Nebraska
(Bama at UGA isn't totally out of the question IF Bama were to really wow People in the first few week and/or if Nebraska were to really suck.)

Week 6: Ohio State at Wisconsin
or FSU Vs. Miami

Week 7: LSU at UF

But those are all guesses based on 10 minutes of skimming schedule info.

Week 6:

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