...and women's basketball...
...and tennis...
...and golf...
...and swimming...
...and well...everything but Zit Popping.*
When we were leaving, I got the sense that the Tech fans were shocked to learn that there's no trip to Boise following this one.
As Mike Knobler of the AJC said, it was an epic flop by a Tech squad that was unable to hit, pitch or field. This one stings for them for legit, very unfunny reasons and for the normal ones, too.
(Image: the unstoppable Matt Olson)
The next time a Tech fan tells me that, "The Bulldogs aren't in our heads." I will point to the six errors tonight and the public bed wetting that took place in Athens as UGA obliterated Tech 26-6 in the two games. You take away the first inning tonight, and Tech was outscored 23-1 in the other 17 innings of the regional.
I don't mean to say that it was just Tech playing poorly. That would be grossly inaccurate. The Dawgs played lights out against LU (Game 2), Louisville and Tech (2x). The pitching was at times overwhelming, the defense strong and the hitting was remarkable. No one would've beaten Georgia this weekend.
I was just glad to see it in person.
See Also:
-- Dawgs drill Jackets - DawgPost.com
-- Georgia kills Tech - DawgSports.com
-- McCree saves Bulldogs with solid effort - ABH
-- Poythress Cleans Up - ABH
-- Dawgs Pummel Tech - ABH
-- Georgia wins Regional - Red and Black
-- Ticket and TV info for Super Regional - GSB
*Line ripped off from the dude sitting behind me in Section 4. Well played sir.
So any chance Beckham stays next year?
The game was awesome although it was three and a half hours long. It was rocking inside and outside the stadium. Also, the home plate umpire's strike zone was more abstract and obtuse than a German art house movie.
The Tech fans looked sick as if they had watched someone run over the family dog or misplaced their 20 sided dice.
Coach Hewitt sat in a Georgia section and got it pretty good. I sat behind Coach Felton and I think he had a smile on his face the entire time. It was great to see Damon there too, dressed casually in a Georgia golf shirt. Its nice to see your AD as a guy that looks like a normal fan and not a total CEO type.
If ANYONE knows what the police lights and sirens were for behind the outfield wall I would appreciate that mystery being solved.
Fav sign: Give us your lunch money nerds!
Georgia's 18 tonight, by the way? More than Tech has managed in football in any of the past seven years. Just like football indeed.
+1 on the 18 points line.
the Kudzu Hill crowd was in fine form last night. I can't think they helped on some of those errors. There were times the pitchers had to step off because of the music and noise.
"Just like football (and basketball too)".
dubbayoo - not sure if you were serious, but there is no chance Beckham stays, nor should he. He's going to be a top 10 pick.
Now let's see if he can go out with a CWS championship!
Section 4, eh, PWD? That's where I was sitting last night as well.
I rather enjoyed the Techie who stood up in the 7th or 8th and shouted 'That's TWO!' at the Dawg fans behind him after Yech turned a double play. Apparently he had forgotten that it was currently 18-6 at that point.
And I thought nerds were supposed to be good at math...
Dude -- Were you in Row 11?
email me
decaturdawg at hotmail dot com
Come on fellas, don't rub it in the nerds' faces. Let's not be like them, the Gators, and the Vols (i.e., disrespectful).
If you're uncomfortable with rubbing it in after a victory, then college sports blogs may not be your cup of tea.
I'm just not comfortable behaving like a GT or UF fan -- you know, being a sore loser AND a sore winner.
College sports is my cup of tea. Acting like nerds who wear jeanshorts is not.
Anon - losing with dignity is important.
Winning with dignity in college sports...as a player is great.
Winning with dignity as a fan...there's no point in it.
Half of the fun of college athletics is delighting in the misery of others.
You're missing out on half the fun. Which is fine. That's your right.
But I'm in the Schadenfreude Business here. That's what I do. I delight in the misery of others as if I were paid to do it. Oh wait. I am paid to do it.
Ahhh....good times.
Dear Al Gore, thanks for the internet. Good stuff. - PWD
Your opinion is wrong.
Kidding, great blog here, love your stuff, just want to be better than the rest.
Step 1: No jeanshorts.
Step 2: No orange or yellow.
Step 3: No ugly chicks.
We're getting there...
Dear Anonymous Wuss,
In the words of the great Jack Handey: "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man."
Are you sure you guys didn't go to Florida?
I'm sure the caliber of reader here would never commit such a heinous act such as wearing jean shorts. But every time I see a Georgia fan in jean shorts I just feel like saying, "C'mon man you're killing the joke, don't you have some nice khakis?"
It's not as funny when you make fun of UF and you got people in your own fan base that do the same thing. Come on people, let's rid our state of all traces of everything Florida, we're classier than that.
What row in Sec 4 were you in? I heard the the same comment...I was in Sec 4 as well.
I was in Section 4. I was the 6'5" albino dude with the mexican accent.
Didn't you guys see me?
Zip popping?
I am almost afraid to ask...
oh good grief. should've said "zit" not "zip"
i was sleepy.
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