Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 20, 2008

It's the subtle things that crack me up

Makers Mark and Gentleman Jack predictably sold out at liquor store on Mill Avenue. Yes....the brown water people are definitely here.



Anonymous said...

what about that evan williams?! haha

Anonymous said...

So, as a desert dweller unfamiliar with your ways, I must ask: Why the Jack and not the Jim? I personally enjoy me some Knob Creek.

Anonymous said...


Obviously it's to save 3 or 4 bucks after spending a wad to travel out of state.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, that is a righteous deal on some Knob Creek

Anonymous said...

Because Jack > Jim every day of the week.

Anonymous said...

no self respecting bourbon drinker would touch that Tennessee swill.....

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked that the Jack is on the shelf and not the Jim. No UGA fan I know drinks Beam.

Anonymous said...

Dude, Stock up on the Knob Creek. That's a power buy for sure.

Anonymous said...

Knob Creek is where it is at. That shit will get the ball rolling for sure! GO DAWGS

Anonymous said...

what's the difference in gentleman jack and the original?

Anonymous said...

Hairy Dawg, things may have changed in recent years, but when I was in school (more than a decade ago), we drank crates of Beam.

I'm having flashbacks of duct taping baggies of the stuff to girlfriends' thighs as a pre-game ritual. I can almost smell it. Good times.

Shan said...

But I'm SURE my fellow Dawg fans carefully followed the established ASU tailgating rules that said you could only start 3 and a half hours prior to kickoff, and ONLY drink beer and wine. (Obviously, the bourbon was all consumed in a Hertz rent-a-car just outside the tailgate perimeter at 9 AM).

JasonC said...

Jim Beam is SATAN!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts on how we're doing on our weaknesses:

1. Kickoffs - improving
2. Pass rush - improving
3. Penalties - still bad
4. Goalline offense - deplorable

These are fixable. Let's get them fixed before Bama.

Unknown said...

A neutral referee crew would have cut the penalties in half.

Anonymous said...

for those of you who were lucky enough to make the trip to tempe, I thought I'd inform you that during the broadcast, herbstreit let it slip that gameday was headed to Athens this Saturday....

Also, they showed a cool stat about teams dropping from #1 at the start of the season to #3 without losing. It has happened three times in the last 25 years, and each team that dropped ended up winning the national title that same year. Maybe it's an omen...

Eric said...

Defensive rush: much better
Pass defense: impressive
Penalties: could be better, except
Refs: horrid
Kickoffs: great
Kickoff coverage: scary bad
A.J. Green: Draft ready
Moreno: anti-gravity
Dawg fans: A+
Offense: B
Defense: B+
Can't believe I'm scoring the defense better than the offense with this team; but all in all, I'm happy with this one. Name anyone who figured UGA would make this trip into that apparent "heat" and come out so dominant, well, I don't remember anyone.

Anonymous said...

i think b. sanford gave a pretty solid recap there...

anybody else notice that az state threw the ball at bryan evans about 80% of the time and completely avoided asher allen? hmmm...

i also don't really understand logan gray returning kicks, but with the richard samuel experiment over and with the throwing more to a.j. green, i can't really complain about this game at all

just a very solid win and the bama game should be nuts

Unknown said...

I heard the DVR comment too! Did you also hear Holtz say that opposing coaches shouldn't be scared to play Florida? He had good points about their offense, I kinda agree. I ain't skeert.

Ginger said...

I was looking on an ASU message board and reading their comments is kinda funny. A lot of 'wait till next year' and hating on everything from the coach to the QB.

Also a lot of Arizona fans writing and saying how ASU sucks and how they are loving it.

Funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that ABC was breaking in a rookie camera man in the first quarter?

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see that cameraman got benched...I usually don't watch the ABC night game since I'm watching the ESPN SEC game, but man ABC is horrible...

and we caught the ball....if we catch the ball we win every game with comfort...

Charlie Dodson said...

Rick drinks Makers

Anonymous said...

anyone know more about chandler and lomax?

Anonymous said...

Refs must have snagged all the Gentleman Jack.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm the only one, but man I can't wait to get Brannen Southerland back!!!

Anonymous said...

umm, is that a CVS? As a cvs employee here in bourbon country, I certainly wish that we carried the stuff.

Anonymous said...

maybe gameday isnt coming:

Anonymous said...

anon 11:08, that' a bad link.

Anonymous said...

ASU fans are fair weather and most of them were drunk and that my friends made them rude. Our section cleared on the drive for ASU were we held them to a field goal. But the ones that stuck around became instant Gator fans and started doing the chop. My response to that was does UNLV have a chop? Beautiful stadium and a great game. I think the final rushing total was 6 yards. And Rudy was nothing more then a Jonathan Crompton clone. It was also funny hearing the Knowsho chants just after he scored his second touchdown. Those silly douche knozzles.

I second that thought about AJ. Man that guy is scary good. His play also seems to make MoMass step up. Hell even trip got into the act of catching the ball.

Anonymous said...

It is in fact a CVS. The CVS' in Arizona (and more along the west coast) carry your full line of Beer, wine, and the hard stuff. Hate to say this but in the south you will never see Jack, Jim, or even Jose on a shelf at CVS. (the picture is actually taken in my store right on campus)

Anonymous said...

gameday is coming!

Joel said...

Yep - a CVS...and 2 of those bottles of Makers were in my hotel room

Anonymous said...

Can I get a case of Knob Creek shipped to Hall County? That's a deal!!!

Smitty said...

The bartender at the Library told us they thought Colorado drank a lot during their trip to Tempe a couple years ago. He said you guys won the drinking championship and its only Friday afternoon.

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