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October 17, 2008

Aaron Murray Broke his Leg Last Night

Aaron Murray was having a big night until disaster struck. According to the AJC, he had thrown for 205 yards with three touchdowns and rushed for 95 yards and 1 TD in the first half. Just before the half, a defender hit him and rolled his ankle.

The AJC says its a broken leg. says it's a broken fibula and dislocated ankle. The Tampa Tribune says it was a dislocated ankle and a broke tibula. In other words, we'll specifically know what happened probably tonight or tomorrow morning. Regardless, he's out for the season.

I'm not a doctor, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. However, if you're going to have a season ending injury as a QB, it's probably better that it's a broken lower leg than an injured knee, shoulder or back.

If you subscribe to, watch the video of Orson Charles talking about Murray after the game. Charles is Murray's all-world tight end / teammate, and it's an impressive interview.



MLT said...

Does this perchance lead to us medically redshirting him in year 1, and then redshirting him in year 2? Can you redshirt back to back seasons if the first is medical?

Anonymous said...

This begs the question, why the hell was he playing on a Thursday night?

Anonymous said...


In the vast majority of cases, a player only gets five years of eligibility. That means they almost always are allowed only one redshirt - medical or otherwise.

Those cases we hear about where a player is granted a sixth year of eligibility are very rare. They are only granted when a player has endured several years of medical problems.

Anonymous said...

damn... the injury bug is taking down our recruits now. this is getting ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Caleb King broke his leg in his senior year too. He was ready to play last year (physcially), but he wasn't enough of a "blocking specialist" for CMR ... plus we had Brown, Moreno and Lumpkin ahead of him.

The point is that this stinks for Aaron since he will miss the stretch run of his SR year, but in the long run he will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking....the only way a broken leg would factor into a kid like Murray's future at UGA is if he were planning to enroll early (I can't remember) and the injury keeps him out of spring practice.

Otherwise, it probably won't have any impact on his tenure at UGA.

But again...I'm not a doctor. I just can't see a broken leg being something that keeps you out for 10 months. It's not like he's a race horse.


it's ok, because Stafford will be at QB next year anyway. So after a year to recover, Murray can challege Logan for the job. No worries.

Streit said...

Stafford hurt his leg in High School as well (missing the first 3 or 4 games of his senior year.) Murray was not going to start next year whether Stafford comes back or not (Joe Cox or Logan Gray would get the nod).

Anonymous said...

Aaron will now drop to a 2 star recruit since he got hurt and he is committed to UGA.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to worry maybe my knee will explode just because I like UGA.

Curse of The Celebration!?

JasonC said...

Did I miss something? Had we decided to move Murray from QB to LT?

Anonymous said...

well, if it is a broken tibia (bigger more weight important bone), as what the team doctor proposed, non-operative treatment is casting and weight bearing for 6 weeks then a knee brace/cast would be put on. If the fracture is bad, operative treatment would take nearly 4 months to union.

Matt Fairchild ( said...

Hopefully it's not a Tyrone Prothro type of injury. These type of injuries can be devastating for a young athlete especially one that limits their mobility, speed, or jumping ability. Hopefully Murray gets the best medical attention possible and heals properly.

Anonymous said...

in reference to Mike: more likely than not, he will need surgery. In most fracture-dislocations, the person is going to need pins and screws, maybe plates, that sort of thing.

Hopefully it's not actually a dislocation because those are very serious. That's not to say that he won't be fine in a year or so, but I would say that he will almost definitely redshirt next year.

You can only redshirt one year unless you want to go through a whole mess of appeals and such and then probably not even get he extra year. It's very hard to get 6 years of eligibility.

The only reason why Owens was able to medically redshirt was because he didn't redshirt his freshman year.

Aaron will have healed by August of next year (though he will still have at least some rehab), so he's not going to medically redshirt but he will probably redshirt, which would be beneficial to him in terms of rehab and such. The really good news is that Ron Courson is one of the best athletic trainers in the country and if he can't get an athlete back to playing condition, then no one can.

Anonymous said...

Im a big UGA fan and thus a fan of Aaron. We all wish you the best of luck and a quick recovery. Remember it is not all bad as you are STILL A GEORGIA BULLDOG.

Anonymous said...

More importantly, to get that sixth year of eligibility, your first redshirt season has to have been for medical reasons. So if you just don't play your freshman year because you're not ready, then you tear up your knee your junior year, you're not getting that sixth year.

If you tear up your knee your freshman year, then do it again your junior year, you have a chance.

I would also theorize, though this is totally out of my you-know-where, that the injury would have to have been sustained in college. But that's me totally speculating.

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