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October 12, 2008

AP and Coaches Polls Are Out: UGA #9 and #10

The Associated Press Poll and USAToday Coaches Poll have been released, and the Dawgs moved up slightly. We are now 10th and 9th respectively. Texas is #1 and Bama is #2 in both polls. Vanderbilt is #22 and #23 respectively.

Update: The Harris Poll is also out. We're at #9 there, too.

Teams of note on our schedule:


Others Receiving Votes

Georgia Tech
South Carolina

Other Items of Note:
  • Tennessee, Michigan, NC State, Texas A&M, Tulane and Army are now involved in an epic struggle to determine who is "The Best 2-4 Team in America." (See Also: UT vs. UGA Post-Game Ramblings - RockyTopTalk)

  • It's not ideal that we'd enter Baton Rouge as the higher rated team. That's just one more thing to piss of the Tigers. (See Also: UGA at LSU Tickets)

  • It's interesting that BYU didn't move up in either poll. There's a theory that all the non-BCS teams will hit a ceiling, and it may be that BYU's ceiling is around #8. (See Also: Survive and Advance - Fanblogs)

  • Auburn lost to home. The Razorbacks are were considered the Beacon on a Hill of SEC Awfulness. A towering example of suckitude which the entire league could point to and say, " least we're not them." Until Saturday. The Birmingham News now wonders if Tuberville is coaching to save his job. (See Also: The Brink of Calamity -
What stuck out to you this weekend?



Crane said...

you have a lot of empty bullet points.

Anonymous said...

Crane - it was quasi on purpose. I was editing as I went along. And hitting save intermittently.

I just hit save one time when I didn't mean to.

Crane said...

I have no problem with rankings until the end of the year. Keep Winning and We'll be in there at the end of the year.

Auburn losing to Arkansas is just awful. An Rational SEC Homer may have a difficult time defending the depth of the conference this year. Too many Radical Changes to Offenses. Not half-way decent quarterbacks.

Ideally how does one feel about the dreadfulness of Auburn and Tennesee this year? It will be very expensive to get rid of the respective coaches if things continue as they both renewed contracts this year.

Anonymous said...

Doubtless some will be peeved that Florida hopped over us ("but they lost to Ole' Miss and we lost to the #2 team in the country!?!"--faulty logic since we haven't really beaten anyone and they beat an overrated LSU and we got DOMINATED in our loss), but I'm happy about it. If we can somehow make it through Vandy and LSU and Florida spreads the KY jelly then we'll still probably be ranked lower. Perfect opportunity for an upset. I do NOT like going into the UF game as a favorite.

Anonymous said...

USC to 4?!!!!!!! They lost to Oregon State. We lost to #2 Alabama. WOW!

Unknown said...

I was gonna complain until I read anon @ 1:42's comments... well said sir/ma'am, I wasn't looking at it that way until I read what you had to say. I feel much better about the Dawg's situation now. Go Dawgs

Will said...

This weekend confirmed my suspicion that, however good they should be on paper, LSU's D is sucktastic this year.
Before the Florida game, I had a hunch--LSU after all, was the only school that gave up 20+ to the craptacular offenses of Auburn and Mississippi State.
Florida was the first O with a pulse to play the Tigers, and that+untested and young QB manifested itself in a depantsing of the defending champs.
Bama's biggest threat to win the West is Ole Miss, and barring some sort of injury, Bama should pencil themselves in for a trip to Atlanta now.

Anonymous said...

Well damn, if BYU's ceiling is #8, I guess ours is #10. Has there ever been a team who gets passed more times during winning weeks than the Dawgs?

Anonymous said...

We haven't beaten anyone.

Have you seen how bad ASU is? They've lost 4 in a row, and it looks extremely doubtful that they are going to a bowl.

South Carolina is 5-2, but their biggest win is over Kentucky.

It's not just about who you lose to. It's also who you beat.

Anonymous said...

We'll beat LSU.

Anonymous said...

"Have you seen how bad ASU is? They've lost 4 in a row, and it looks extremely doubtful that they are going to a bowl."

Yet they were good enough to push USC up 5 spots in the polls, even after QB Sanchez threw three picks and USC turned the ball over 5 times. Wow. Must be nice to be loved like Pete Carroll & Teblow.

Anonymous said...

To me the legitimate question is this: Is the SEC as good as advertised? I've got serious questions about that right now. And that includes (current) SEC standard-bearers Alabama, Florida and UGA. All quality teams, to be sure, but after this weekend, I have to say the Big 12 looks a lot better in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Auburn sucks.

Anonymous said...

The Razorbacks are were considered the Beacon on a Hill of SEC Awfulness.

Are you sure that's not a typo? I could swear you meant "Bacon".

What stood out to me is that Georgia's defense gets a week off to prepare for LSU this Saturday, especially if our coaching staff is stubborn and keeps starting Nickson.

Anonymous said...

great site and I am glad I found it as I will have to link it to many future articles!

Jesse W.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go with USC's big jump and OU's small drop in the polls. Can someone explain USC beyond the "they have the most talent"? That worries me that at the end of the season if there is a debate between 1 loss teams to put in the BCS, and we are one of those teams, that OU or USC will go before us.

Will said...

But haven't you heard? USC is God's gift to College Football.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Harris Poll, which is part of the BCS.....Oklahoma at #4?

Anonymous said...

how about utah being ranked #14 in the harris, with one first place vote? they play byu eventually so one of them will get knocked out.

Anonymous said...

paul, have you heard anything on figgins? is he gonna play the rest of the year?

Anonymous said...

Some of that link got cut off, heres the harris poll...

Anonymous said...

What stood out to me this weekend...

I was impressed by Georgia's line play against Tennessee, offense and defense.

The Big 12 is getting the hype, but none of their defenses are strong enough to win it all.

Don't go to sleep against the bottom half of the SEC.

Georgia's schedule is not as tough as it looked at the beginning of the season.

Penn State is very good this year.

The ACC is incredibly weak. Gardner-Webb?

Anonymous said...

anon 7:03,

Figgins will continue to play for the rest of the season (assuming, of course, that nothing else happens to him).

Anonymous said...

Does Vance qualify for a Medical redshirt?

Anonymous said...

The former SWC winning so many games stood out to me this week. Texas, Texas Tech, TCU, Baylor, Houston, and Arkansas all won this week. I was hoping the Pony Express could've hung onto their lead over Tulsa and left the Aggies as the only former SWC member to lose this week.

Speaking of ceilings, I was looking at rankings and schedule and noticing that our ranking as of 11/2 is as high as it's probably going to get without outside help and/or an SEC title game.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eveyone was complaining about our ranking before the Bama game and then we got our a$$ kicked. Just keep winning! We have beat no one but we have games against Vandy, LSU, Florida, Ga Tech and Bama in SECC game to prove we deserve to be in the NC game. Right now we havent proved anything. If we beat those teams we will jump USC because of their poor schedule. By the way LSU dropped 11 spots too after their a$$ kicking. We control our own destiny.

DawgWood said...

I keep hearing "If we win out, we'll be ok". How our remaining opponents keep proforming and how we keep getting jumped, I'm starting to think we are a long shot for the BCS title game. After looking at it today, beating Florida is the only national spotlight game left. I hope I'm wrong, but I think SEC champs is the best we can do.

SteveODawg said...

If our loss to Alabama is blow out, then did Oklahoma get blown out as well? A football game lasts 4 quarters.

I don't care how bad we looked the first half of that game, or how we stalled in the red zone against Tennessee. We are a good team.

It seems that everyone here has the same tone they had last year after we lost to South Carolina and Tennessee. Remember how we finished? Get your heads out of your butts and actually root for our team instead of calling for our coaches heads.

Quit worrying about the polls. Last time I checked, the preseason and midseason polls didn't determin1e the SEC championship. Our goal is the SEC championship. If we win that, then we can think about playing for a BCS championship. If stats and rankings determined the winner then no SEC team will be in the picture.

Yes we should be ranked ahead of other teams, yes it seems that there hasn't been much respect to us from the voters this year. If we win out or loose one more, we could still play for it all. Remember what happened last year? Lets focus one game at a time and quit worrying about anything past that. I for one see that we can win out.

Go DAWGS!!!! To hell with LSU.

SteveODawg said...

If stats and rankings determined the winner then no SEC team will be in the picture.

I mean the outcome of games when I said the above.

Anonymous said...

steveodawg, stop dreaming. We're not playing that great. When you can't score in the redzone time and time again, you have issues. TN is one of the worst teams in the SEC this year, how do you think we'll manage if we play the same against LSU and UF? There's no need in criticizing people who see the truth in our play, and there's no need for your blind praise. Open your eyes, we still have a lot of issues keeping us from being a great team and title contender.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:59

Vance isn't eligible for a redshirt of any kind (medical or otherwise). He redshirted in junior college - strange, but true. That's why he arrived at Georgia with three years of eligibility left.

Anonymous said...

From this weekend, I can't wait to see what you can make with this one...

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