Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 8, 2008

Auburn Search involves Patrick Nix and Rodney Garner is reporting that Miami Hurricane offensive coordinator and former Auburn quarterback Patrick Nix will interview for the head coaching job at Auburn today or Tuesday. They also report that Georgia defensive recruiting coordinator (sorry, I was in a hurry) Rodney Garner interviewed for the gig on Sunday.

I would imagine that both are courtesy interviews / disaster scenario hedge bets. However, the Georgia Sports Blog would like to give Patrick Nix our full, formal endorsement for the head coaching position at Auburn University. Nix is an Auburn man with strong recruiting abilities, and he's an excellent counter.

("The Spike" Nix on left. Click to enlarge)

Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.
Please let it be Nix.

The other guys in play for the gig include:PWD


Anonymous said...


And, please let it be Nix.

Anonymous said...

Is Rodney Gardner as DC just subconcious wishful thinking?

Anonymous said...

I like Rodney Garner, and I think he is a good coach.

Now that we have that out of the way. If Auburn were going to orchestrate having RG has their defensive coordinator, the logical question would be...why now?

Tubs went through 5 or 6 DCs at Auburn, and they never even considered Rodney.

If it happens, it happens. And I'll wish him well in his promotion. But I don't see it happening.

Anonymous said...

Gardner was responsible for UT stealing all those Georgia boys when they were on their late 90's run. Never thought he was a great coach - no doubt about his recruiting ablility though.

Anonymous said...

Garner!!!! It's Garner. Not Gardner. Frustrating. I know spelling mistakes happen, especially to me, but I get frustrated when people misspell names. Sorry. Had to vent.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happens we cannot lose Stacy Searles. I hope AU gets someone outside the box that doesn't even know the man exists. He can have just about anybody else off our staff.

Anonymous said...

It will not be Garner or Nix. Will Muschamp will be named Auburn's Head Coach on Tuesday or Wednesday. Don't ask me how I know, I just know.

Anonymous said...

how do you know?

Anonymous said...

So you make an anonymous post about Muschamp. Coward.

It will not be Muschamp. I know because he is smart enough to stay away from Auburn (at least again).

Anonymous said...

His niece's former college roommate gave a lap dance to a guy who knew a guy whose barber also cuts the hair of one of the Congressmen who just loaned Bobby Lowder a bunch of money. And by "college roommate" I mean Patrick Nix. Please let it be Nix.

Anonymous said...

+1 Anon. 2:51

Anonymous said...

muschamp would be insane to leave texas. with a guarantee to be texas' next head coach, why would you leave. the only jobs better than texas are USC or Florida.

Anonymous said...

so why is the picture supposed to be funny (I'm slow so bare with me)

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:22:

Nix is telling Ball to spike the ball on third down, setting up a fourth down that Ball didn't realize was actually fourth down.

Anonymous said...

Dude your blog refers to Garner as our defensive coordinator.

Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks. I was in a hurry, and I was thinking about DCs.

Anonymous said...

Dawg 05 proudly endorses Willie Martinez as the new head coach of Auburn. Willie proudly gives my endorsement two thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

Anon- 6:35 that I deleted.

Don't be a douche and talk about people's private lives on my site. Not anonymously.

If you want to run a gossip site that's fine. Just do it elsewhere. This ain't People Magazine.

(And no, he wasn't talking about UGA players)

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for anon 2:01 to correct anon 2:03.

AuditDawg said...

All I want for Christmas is a Patrick Nix led Auburn Tigers. That would be great.

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