Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

February 5, 2009

Posting Today

Didn't get back from Athens last night til close to 2 am.  Will be working without ability to post for most of day.


Anonymous said...

In other words... Ihave nothing to talk about today.. Bc I'm running a crappy blog.. Gay.. Oh wait did u guys see the new item in the online store.. Tag: bloggers have bills too.. You are worthless pwd.. Can u just let quiton take over the site full time?

The Watch Dawg said...

Looks like some 15 year old is browsing the internet while he's at school again.

(talking about anonymous douchebag)

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,

Without your stalkishly high number of visits and posts, I probably wouldn't have made nearly as much money last year.

Thanks for paying my bills for me.

If it would make it easier for you, I could just forward them all to your house. That way we could cut out the middle man.


Anonymous said...

Lol, if the blog is so crappy then why do you keep showing up to post. Lol that makes a lot of sense.

Irwin R. Flecther said...

Hmmm...the thing that threw me is the complete lack of punctuation. Not only is there no well thought out opinion, but his lack of commas, quotation marks, and other useful tools make his statement a complete mess.

It took me a while to figure out why PWD would be calling himself worthless and advocating for Quinton in the third person. At first, I was excited ...finally, a commenter who has exposed PWD's innermost thoughts. He is really pointing out how hard it is for PWD to feel accepted and probably has revealed a strong addiction to acid or some sort of mind altering substance (or at the very least, a broad psychological disorder). "Almost a Stephen Crane-esque look into the life of a modern day Samuel Coleridge," I thought!

Alas, I soon figured out that this statement was directly after where his "closed quotes" should have ended his paraphrase. Faced no longer with a 3rd person psychopathic rant and instead with a 2nd person insult typically reserved for 5th graders, I was immediately disappointed and realized that this was no Stephen Crane wrapped up in an anonymous comment. Instead, this was just your run of the mill 21st century douchebag.

Which is the perfect segway for me to post this link...

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:19- your mom is at the top of the stairs, your grilled cheese sandwich and spaghetti o's are ready. I think she even cut the sandwich into 4's for you. You and your posts are so cute!

Anonymous said...


please don't associate us anons with THAT anon!

Anonymous said...

I love the irony of some Anon Ahole calling out Paul for light posting because he got home from the Dawgs basketball game late last night and has too work today. Only a guy so dedicated to the Dawgs would travel up to Athens at this point to watch a really, really bad basketball program get whooped on their home court.

I'm a grad student who lives in Athens and could (a) walk to Stegeman and (b) could get in for free and last night the thought of going to the game never crossed my mind.

So yeah, Paul - your dedication to the Dawgs and to this blog are seriously questionable. Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you should really stop attending home basketball games if you hope to maintain semi-anonymity. Because the other guy in attendance probably knows this isn't his blog.

Kudos on your dedication though.

Anonymous said...

Lots of humor above. Thanks for the laughs.

JT said...

Scott Boras has a new bargaining chip. If the Dodgers don't bring a better offer, Manny will be signing with Ole Miss.

Anonymous said...

MaconDawg - funny you said that. I was at the game last night looking around and wondering which guy was Westerdawg...

Then I kept thinking the Dance Dawgs had a much better signing class than b-ball.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog PWD. It is much appreciated. I hope you are making some coin for the trouble.

Anonymous said...

Paul, thanks for your hard work on the site. MOST of us appreciate your dedication to UGA sports and to keeping us informed/entertained.

Anon 10:19 can suck it (and probably does).

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