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February 12, 2009

Winless is now on the Table

Dennis Felton's second team was the least talented hoops squad I have ever witnessed in 20 years of watching SEC basketball. Given that the roster had almost twice as many walkons as scholarship athletes, it's a reasonable assumption to say they may have been the least talented basketball team in the entire history of the SEC.

That group won two SEC games.

That's why I thought it was almost impossible for another SEC team to ever go winless in conference play. Until last night. Last night's Georgia Bulldog basketball team gave up the fight, and were mauled by a bored Tennessee team by 31 points. They had 18 field goals and 23 turnovers. In the first half, they had twice as many turnovers as FGs.

Winless is certainly a scenario that's now on the table. The Chattanooga paper says the last SEC team to go winless was the 1953-1954 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. How long ago was that? I'm pretty sure that Vince Dooley was a point guard for the Auburn team that hung at least one of those losses on Tech.

Said a different way...Tech's O-Fer was roughly 20 years prior to desegregation.

Georgia's players need a locker room brawl, a night with the girls from the ice capades, trust falls, or something to bust this slump. They have to find it in themselves to not quit on each other and these coaches. The stigma of an o-fer won't make finding a job easier for the assistants, and these are hard working guys with families.

Dig deep guys. Don't embarrass yourselves further. You're not this talentless. This isn't a coaching thing any more. This is way beyond that. This is player thing.



Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say anymore. My poor parents are coming up for the Florida game on Saturday and I'm not even looking forward to it. I can't imagine what the attitude in the locker room has to be like at this point. They need something...

Anonymous said...

I can't watch it.

It makes the mid-season release of Felton more justified every time they take the court.

Anonymous said...

It's all foreplay 'til we get to the SEC tourney anyway

Anonymous said...

Trust falls! I'm still laughing at that one.

Dubbayoo said...

Was Vince Dooley really a point guard? ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes. Dooley was a guard for Auburn. However, he stopped playing b-ball for them during his JR year. So he missed the GT game reference above. Just found that out here:

Anonymous said...

"It makes the mid-season release of Felton more justified every time they take the court."

On the contrary. This proves that getting rid of Felton midseason has just pushed this team back further. They've gotten worse because they've given up.

Anonymous said...

The attrition of Felton recruits over the years is really being felt now.

We have very few guys who can score. Our guards include two walk-ons (or former walk-ons), 3 unranked recruits, and the #32 PG prospect in the nation.

The talent on our front line is better but not by much.

After 6 years with the same head coach, I find it disconcerting that the program is in this much disarray without a major scandal as the cause.

Dubbayoo said...

UGA's basketball team is approaching the ineptness of West Georgia's football team. They went 0-10, had more INT's than TDs and didn't score a single rushing TD the entire year.

Crane said...

PW, are you advocating a Necessary Roughness and/or The Replacements Bar Brawl/Dance?

Anonymous said...

The depth of our ineptness is perhaps due to Felton's dismissal, but not our ineptness generally. We sowed those seeds a while back. We've been awful all season, the schedule has just gotten tougher recently. If we go 0-18 to finish the season, it'll have little to do with Felton's dismissal and more to do with the fact that the player's quit and Felton failed to recruit better ones.

As we lose more and more games, it's better for everyone involved that Felton is gone. As it is, there isn't anyone left to kick around. All that this losing is leading to is fan apathy, not anger.

In this case, apathy is the best possible public rxn.

Anonymous said...

So, at some point Dooley didn't hate basketball? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I say revoke every fcking scholarship and start completely over next year. I don't care what the issues may be, there is NEVER an excuse to quit - especially if you are a Georgia Fking Bulldog.

Anonymous said...

We should just not have a coach and let them go out there and play. Is there a difference between the two?

Anonymous said...

You're right. It's a pride thing at this point. Coach is fired and there is no chance of post season play (last year's SEC tourney was one and a million).

The guys have to play to avoid the 0 for the SEC stigma. As bad as the team is playing, I believe UGA will man up and steal a SEC game, fluke or no fluke. Remember, this team beat an above average ACC Virginia Tech and stayed competitive with Mizzou (just beat KU). Thompkins gets his points, a few guards go off from behind the arc, Jackson starts catching the ball... All it takes is one night to get hot.

With that being said, our window of opportunity may be limited to beating Ole Miss on the road. I don't see UGA winning any of the games at home.

Anonymous said...

That team a few years ago would beat the doors off this bunch thanks to Sundiata Gaines alone. I had a feeling we'd miss him on the floor, but we miss his attitude even more.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Egger - I agree. If Mr. Gaines would finish his degree, there is no reason that his # "2" should not be hanging from the rafters. He could be the best player ever at UGA considering the circumstances. He is near the tops in almost all the categories. It also shows that Dave Bliss was a fundamentals player. We also miss his aggression and play down low.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if Sundiata finished his degree? I know it was a big story during the tournament how he had loaded up on something like 20 hours so that he could finish. I know, I know... off subject...

Hobnail_Boot said...

Ok, here's the glass-half-full part of this.

Damon's gotta recognize the rapidly-growing fan apathy, and he knows he's gotta bring someone in who not only will coach and recruit, but will also fire up the masses.

Let's see all the programs' warts before choosing the man to heal them.

The Tick said...

I think we are better suited for tournament play anyways.

Anonymous said...

" 'It makes the mid-season release of Felton more justified every time they take the court.'

On the contrary. This proves that getting rid of Felton midseason has just pushed this team back further. They've gotten worse because they've given up."

I think they were this bad to start with. I'm not saying they have no ability; but I am saying that the lack of cohesiveness, lack of development, lack of a plan, lack of GETTING A POINT GUARD who could shoot OR defend have always been there, and it's Felton's fault.

The team was awful to start with, and his leaving has not resulted in some magical new abilities or strategies, because they aren't capable. The turd could not be polished.

They'd still be o-fer if Felton were around.

Anonymous said...

What coach is gonna want to come in and try and clean this up?! I don't know if we'll be able to pay anybody enough to come in and try and turn this ship around...

Sports Dawg said...

I don't think they have it in them PWD. I was at the LSU game & it was well into the second half before a UGA player ever got on the floor after a loose ball. I didn't see much talent, and I saw less desire. It's also time for Coach Herrmann to coach sitting down some. Whew...

Anonymous said...

Felton is the one who got off easy,he should have gotten to enjoy his product.The tn. game was just UGLY.The Globetrotters shoot less lay-ups than tn. did.

Anonymous said...

Felton has truly left the cupboard bare naked for the next coach. It's time to start pulling scholarships!

Anonymous said...

Bring in the Hanson brothers!!!

Anonymous said...

For the record, UGA was integrated in spring of 1961, which would be less than a decade after the Tech team's oh-fer.

And I feel you Anon #1: my parents are coming for the game and I'm already shaking my head in embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

easy victory this weekend....easy victory.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe we just beat the Gators. GO DAWGS!!

Anonymous said...

Way to show some heart Dawgs!

Whoever inherets Ware and HT3 is going to win a bunch of games over the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Quick. Note that we cant possibly win the SEC tournament again. Or the NCAA tournament. What the hell. It couldnt hurt.

(please note, this is not a dig at you, PWD. I dont think Nostradamus could have seen this one coming. Or the Amazing Kreskin. Or Billy Donovan.)

Anonymous said...

Time to buy a new table.

The Watch Dawg said...

Winless just slipped off the table and left a trail of orange and blue tears in its wake.

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