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April 28, 2009

UGA considering game in the Georgia Dome?

Georgia is in preliminary discussions with the Georgia Dome about participating in their new kickoff classic style season opening game in 2010 (source: Athens Banner-Herald). Per the article:

"Richt said somebody currently on Georgia's schedule would have to agree to come off the schedule to make the deal work, and he wasn't optimistic that would happen."

When you look at the 2010 schedule, Georgia currently has only four home games scheduled with two open slots left for home games. In even numbered years, Georgia only gets three SEC home games due to "hosting" the Cocktail Party in Jacksonville. For a variety of financial and political reasons, Georgia needs six home games.

In other words, Mark Richt is likely alluding to the possibility of moving or cancelling the Colorado game in Boulder which is currently scheduled for 2010. Georgia has schedule flexibility to play a road or neutral site game vs. the Buffs in 2011; however, UGA's available dates are likely either Week 4 or Week 5 of that season. Colorado already has four non-conference games for 2011, and it would be extremely difficult to move their games around.

Basically, Georgia would need Colorado to look at their 2010 schedule and think that playing UGA is just too much competitively, and let us out of the deal.

It's very possible that Richt is referring to UCLA as the team that the Dawgs might play in the Dome next year. The Bruins tried to book a game with Auburn to open next season in the Dome, but the Tigers couldn't/wouldn't do the deal.

I think the much easier option for getting into the Georgia Dome season opener would be in 2011. That would require talking to Louisville about moving the season opening game with them to 2010, moving it later in the season in 2011, or canceling the entire series against what is now a glorified cupcake.

At the end of the day, Richt is right. Playing in the Dome in 2010 is a long shot.

See Also:
-- Dawgs to play game in Dome - AJC
-- UGA vs. UCLA Game Recap from '83 (Life After Herschel) - SI
-- Auburn walks away from UCLA - FanBlogs



dickey moe said...

Nick Saban is talking with Mac Brown about opening the 2010 season at the Georgia Dome.

If Richt wants that game he better get on the ball.

Anonymous said...

You really have to hand it to Gary Stokan. The guy dreams big in coming up with these match-ups.

Jacob said...

I am all for playing UCLA in the Georgia Dome. I wouldn't however be up for trading a home game to play in the Dome.

Gen. Stoopnagle said...


PTC DAWG said...

Why wouldn't GT want to move their home game with UGA to the Dome? We fill up half of Grant Field as it is. GT would still get their same amount of tix. :)

All kidding aside, I like our shot to play in the Dome to be earned. We get one every year. 3 out of 8 so far.

Ubiquitous GA Alum said...

I'm with Jacob. I can go to the Dome anytime, but we need to keep our home games at home!

Also of note, in the notebook PWD linked above it notes ... "UCLA declined an offer to play Georgia Tech." ...

Anonymous said...

Cancel our series with the 'Ville. I went to the Bama-Clemson game last year and was impressed with the job they did with the game. I would be for playing there but I want to keep Colorado, I'm hoping for another Tempe-like experience.

mitch said...

Keep the colorado game in 2010.

Dubbayoo said...

Story of the year:

Mr. Bea Arthur said...

This is why the stupid cocktail party needs to be home & home.

Do not take away a roady to Boulder.

Anonymous said...

What a douche Moore is--he has to get in one last jab at the colleges before he leaves (especially when the article was all about Pro Teams). Show some class Terrance, oh wait, in 24 years we never saw that--why should we now?

Anonymous said...

booo... don't cancel the colorado game.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of playing a game in the Dome, but not at the expense of losing a home game. What about Michigan in 2011? They didn't want a 1 and 1 back in 05 but maybe a 1-1-1. The home and home series could pick up in 2017 and 2018. The Wolverines have a solid fan base in Atlanta and they travel well.

Anonymous said...

we are not talking about losing a home game. We're talking about losing a road game for a game at the Dome.

the tri guy said...

WOO HOO!!! The WLOCP is awesome!!!1 Screw playing a neutral site game in ATL where all our rivals are trying to rob recruits out from under us; let's go get drunk and get our ass kicked instead!!! Jeez...

Anonymous said...

The dome blows. football needs to be outside, particularly in the south.

Ubiquitous GA Alum said...

PWD, Coach Richt is talking about losing a home game or so the ABH reported ...

"Richt said Georgia would essentially lose a home game if it played in Atlanta."

My guess is they're trying to do a one and done with somebody and not a D-II or Football Non-Bowl Sub whateverthehecktheycallitnow

Anonymous said...

I don't doubt that Richt said that.

But if we're not losing a road game (ie: Colorado), then there's nothing hard about doing this.

Anyone else can be bought out.

Anonymous said...

These neutral site games are stupid. What's next, Notre Dame vs. Arkansas in Seattle?

Play at home, people.

skidawg1985 said...

I really do not want them to drop CU. Completely selfish reasons in that I live less than 2 hours from the People's Republic of Boulder.

As for the anonymous person on the neutral site games: the Cocktail Party and Red River Shootout are both pretty cool IMHO.

Cousin Pat said...

The only reason we should ever want to see UGA in the Georiga Dome is for the SECCG.

C'mon, folks.

If you want exposure, take our new barnstorming tradition to its logical conclusion and set up some home-and-away series with the likes of Texas, Oklahoma, USC, Michigan, tOSU & Oregon.

Anonymous said...

Actually, anon 1:31 or so.

ND plays Wash St either this year or next.. San Antonio.

By the way Paul, great sense of humor on my verification word


Anonymous said...

We should only be looking for home and homes. If you give up a home game you lose money. If you give up a road game you look gutless.

Right now we have an opening in the 2010 and 2011 schedule. Let's set up a home and home series with a big name team. UM and ND have declined before, but offer it to them again publicly. Call them out. Better yet, set up a home/home with USC. They're usually willing to play anybody. Texas, OU, Nebraska, OSU, PSU would all be awesome.

Also, I think Evans needs a new policy when it comes to these "gimme" games. Instead of D-IAA teams, why don't we play non-BCS teams that we have overall losing records to? Right the wrongs you know? We have overall losing records to Navy, Rice, Houston, Miami (OH). They would look better than playing Ga Southern, yet still provide an easy win.

Anonymous said...

The dome sucks for college football and tailgating.

Same for Jacksonville.

Play all the regular season games on campus.


Anonymous said...

The dome blows except when it's the first Sat in December. Don't move the CU game.


What next the Superbowl in London?

Stay away from the Dome! Only SECC!

Richard said...

Screw the Dome. Leave it for the SEC Championship Game. I'm going to Boulder. The GAA won't take that game from us.

shliknik said...

Don't drop the CU game. I was already planning my trip!!!! ARG!

dawgnotdog said...

We have plenty of quality OOC home and homes lined up.

Problem with the Big 10 schools is that they want to exchange around 3500 tickets.

I can already imagine the griping about that.

Give me more Sun Belt teams!

Gen. Stoopnagle said...

Seems like the readership has spoken: we're going to overwhelm Boulder in '10. I cannot wait! Wish it was this year!

I would give an away game for a one-shot versus a BCS team at the Dome. You know, like @ Oklahoma State or @ Louisville. That's easy.

I'm also a fan of the scheduling mid-tier BCS conference teams like Arizona State and Oklahoma State.

I'm also a fan of scheduling non-BCS (or BCS teams like Pitt) with whom we do not have a winning record. I'd totally do a home-and-home with Navy.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please don't take away the game in Boulder. It's the only game outside of Athens that I have any interest in traveling for.

todd said...

I don't care about playing UCLA. Sorry, I'd rather stick with playing @ Colorado.

And if we do play at the Dome, it should be a one shot deal. Any team that wishes to get a home game out of us should be coming to Athens, not Atlanta.

However, I would be for booting any future game with GA Southern and playing an ACC or Big East team at the Dome instead.

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