Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

August 5, 2009

Season Tickets: They're in the Mail

The ticket office mailed out season tickets today and they are scheduled to be delivered all this week.  UGA even emailed season ticket holders their tracking number to keep tabs on the precious paper.  This will help those who call in sick at work in order to wait for the mailman.  The season is drawing near, people.



Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who has not received an email with a tracking number?

Carlton said...

And the panic sets in....

Unknown said...

I have not received one yet either.

Anonymous said...

I haven't received an email with a tracking number and have over 70k points, so don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Anon w/ 70k points - do you get to go to the fall kick-off reception? I would want it to be like stafford's boat party for the donation required to get in.

Joel said...

My email was in my spam folder, so you may want to check that

Anonymous said...

No go on the Fall kick-off reception. I give $$$ each year, but not $25k. For that kind of donation, it should be a "full service" event:)

Anonymous said...

Way OT, but a funny ticket mailing story: Back when I worked for UGA my tickets got mailed to an address I hadn't lived at in over a year because the Athletic Department didn't bother to update the employee addresses. When I went to the Athletic Department to sort things out, they whipped out this little yellow pad with AD letterhead on it and wrote out by hand my ticket info and Evans (before he was AD) signed it. I thought there was no way they'd let me through the gates with that but they did.

NCT said...

Email received @ 1051.

Anonymous said...

Can not wait to receive mine! However, I have a feeling the there will be plenty of tickets available after the OSU and SC games! When was the last time we began a season 0-2? Oh, that would be 1996 when we began the season by losing to Southern Miss and SC. Who knows, maybe we pull 1out of 2.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:17...
U are as full of sh@t as a Christmas Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:05, great data backing up your statement. I can at least state that our D is going to get torched due to lack of pressure from the DE spot, in addition to our secondardy resembling hot garbage. Enjoy your Christmas turkey!

Anonymous said...

I still haven't gotten my email. I'm guessing emails go out as packages are scanned and shipped, so maybe mine are going out a day later than a lot of folks'. Damn them.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:25

I doubt OSU will put up big numbers despite their hype. There is no way in hell Carolina will with the offense they will be running w/ Garcia at the helm.

BTW, nice job trying to pass yourself as a Dawg.

Jen said...

My email was stuck in my gmail spam filter, so check there!

Anonymous said...

So, for those of you who got a tracking number, when are the tickets supposed to arrive in ga? I never got my email from the ticket office yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Mine were leaving Ft. Smith, AR for Atlanta yesterday. Sent priority so they should be here tomorrow I would presume.

Anonymous said...

Mine are in Atlanta today. Maybe I should stay home and wait for the mailman. :)

Anonymous said...

Got mine with no email

Jared said...

My tix just arrived

Ubiquitous GA Alum said...

Tix arrived today ... no e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Haven't received an email (I even looked through my "spam" folder).

Mike said...

Shoulda stayed home from work. I missed the mailman, have to wait til tomorrow. :(

Anonymous said...

Apparently the email only went to some. Anyway, I haven't received my media guide yet. Have any of you who donated $1k or more received yours? Do you remember if they were mailed from Athens, or did they come from somewhere else?

Football Dude said...

Media guide came last week. Return address is Athens, but there's no postmark. So it could have originated anywhere. No email for me either, but I've received the tickets and then received the email a day or so after delivery. So don't panic yet.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why we are all excited about a season ticket package that comes with an 8-4 record attached. Do you think that Damon will refund a portion of our donations due to terrible defense?

Football Dude said...

Received tickets today. Still no email.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:37, not many 8-4 records since Richt arrived. Mostly it's 10-win seasons and top 10 finishes.

As a UGA poser, you suck.

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