Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 24, 2009

Chick-Fil-A at your tailgate...

If you're headed up to Athens this weekend for the game, you might look into picking up some Chick-fil-A trays for your tailgate.

You can order trays of nuggets, strips, sandwiches, wraps, brownies, etc. from Chick-fil-A at Beechwood in Athens, and they'll have it ready for you on game day, or any other day for that matter.

Contact Chris at to place an order. He handles all the catering and tray orders, and he'll take care of you.

Enjoy your tailgates this weekend and let's make sure to keep campus clean.


Full Disclosure: This is a compensated endorsement, but I'm practically a Chick-Fil-A evangelist so it's still from the heart.


Anonymous said...

The Chik-fil-A at Beechwood in Athens might be the best CFA on the planet. I miss eating lunch at that place. We pick up chicken mini trays from Beechwood CFA for tailgate breakfasts. They're good people.

the wrath of john brantley said...

First things first. Tell them to give the Peach Bowl it's name back. And then take down the false idol in left field at Turner Field.

Anonymous said...

I eat more CFA sandwiches than I do peaches, so the CFA Bowl doesn't offend me.

Chris said...

Chik-fil-A at Beechwood really does go above an beyond for the UGA community, and in return they are quite busy. But there support for student groups is really incredible.

Anonymous said...

Chik-fil-A's food is not that great. Their "original chicken sandwich" pales in comparison to other places.

I think you are all brainwashed by the non-secular management and the religious background of that company.

You have a mind of your own! Don't drink the kool-aid!

Hood's Ole Dan said...

#1: I got a free breakfast from CFA Beechwood this morning. It was delicious

#2: Anon 9:48. Are you even from the south??? Your statements make you sound like a complete idiot

dawgnotdog said...

Yeah 9:48....what chicken sandwiches are better?

I know that "thing" that Burger King serves is quite tasty, even tastier the more mayo you put on it to hide the, er, flavor it up.

And the McChicken needs no words to describe its wonderment.

But are there any others? I need to know what I've been missing.

Anonymous said...

"Chik-fil-A's food is not that great. Their "original chicken sandwich" pales in comparison to other places."

Sure people have different tastes in food, but this comment is just ignorance.

If you dont like the chik-fil-a sandwich than you are just an idiot. I feel sorry for you.

How does intelligence come into play in a food conversation? It just does.

Sam said...

Anon 9:59, if you are going to call someone an "idiot" I suggest that you learn to type or spell first. ("than" when I think you meant "then"; "ignorance" when "ignorant").

Please tell me you did not attend UGA.

Pretty funny how you say in one sentence how people have different tastes and then blast the person for having different taste.

What a a--hole.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:59 is a student I bet. He's just one of those that majors in "Sociology" or "Sports Management" and doesn't attend class. And the very few times when they do decide to show, they stick out like a sore thumb. I come across these types of idiots every day. He's probably reading this in the Tate Center right now thinking to himself, "I'll show him! I'm going to class today! *looks up his schedule to see when and where his class is*

But don't worry, he'll get his degree in 6 years and then he'll be working in the same building as me. Except I'll be on the 30th floor and he'll be in the mail room.

Dawgnoxious said...

I know it is useless to argue with a fool, but no serious person can say Chik-fil-A sandwiches are not that good. I realize tastes vary, but the statement was made as a statement of objective fact (as opposed to 'I don't like CFA sandwiches; I don't think they are good'.

The overwhelming consensus on the matter categorically disproves your assertion. That's like saying "The Godfather" isn't a very good movie. YOU may not like it, but you are in the small, ignorant minority and you marginalize yourself by speaking such foolishness.

dstarnes said...

What really sets Chick-fil-a apart is the service. the food is as good as you'll get with fast food, but it's the efficiency and service that make it great. If I go in a Chick-fil-a anywhere, it's clean, I'm served by someone friendly and polite and am in and out quickly. The food is consistent and I know what to expect when I go in, no matter where it is.
Most other fast food restaurants, they don't seem to care if you live or die. As a matter of fact, I think they'd prefer the latter. The orders are frequently wrong, the place dirty, and the quality poor. Chick-fil-a amazes me in that regard.
The others:

BulldogBry said...

Eat mor Sundevil

PTC DAWG said...

You ain't got nothing unless you have a Dwarf House nearby. The expanded menu is good stuff.

Anonymous said...

What a a--hole.

I think that should have been "What an a--hole."

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome string of comments.

I am glad I spent time on this.

MaconDawg said...

Dawgnoxious speaks the truth. Again. And I'll take the chick-fil-a sandwich over the processed foot and beak patties served by McDonald's and Burger King every day of the week. Except on Sundays, though I'd eat one then too if I could.

And anonymous #3,417 of the day: Anyone who thinks Chick-Fil-A sandwiches are some form of religious indoctrination really should remove his or her tinfoil hat before commenting again. Or else the Illuminati will eliminate him or her. Or so I've heard at our weekly blood cult social.

Anonymous said...

"The overwhelming consensus on the matter categorically disproves your assertion. That's like saying "The Godfather" isn't a very good movie. YOU may not like it, but you are in the small, ignorant minority and you marginalize yourself by speaking such foolishness."

And you call him ignorant? What overwhelming consensus are you referring to? The 6 of 17 posts on this topic that say they like Chick-Fil-A? Wow Dawgnoxious, with those kinda numbers, you guys must be right!

Typical hard-headed fool. I don't care what you and your group of jesus freak friends think, it does not make your opinion on anything the "overwhelming consensus." That just makes you sound as ignorant as the person you are chastising.

By the way, I also do not think Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches "are that good". They are ok, but I wouldn't call them my favorite. Does this make me part of the small, ignorant minority that speaks foolishness? Should I be able to say the same about YOU because YOU don't agree with my opinion?

You're a bully and a hypocrite. Whatever credibility you had is slowly slipping away, not that you care anyway. Enjoy your sandwich, loser.

saleebydawg said...

"You're a bully and a hypocrite. Whatever credibility you had is slowly slipping away, not that you care anyway. Enjoy your sandwich, loser."

brave, bold words from someone who won't even write her name in the box.

and i think the fact that chick-fil-a makes so much frikin money off chicken sandwiches that they can sponsor one of the best bowl games around should tell you that you ARE in the minority if you don't like them.

Anonymous said...


Your argument is bad and your logic is flawed. McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. make a hell of a lot more money than Chick-Fil-A does. By your logic, their restaurant MUST be better.

Case closed. More revenue = better food. Right?

saleebydawg said...

I never said anything about "better", in fact, I never made any comparisons to any other restaurants. You made that up all on your own, silly little girl.
I think you should reopen the case and review some of the comments that were made. Pay close attention to the statement "chick-fil-a makes so much frikin money off chicken sandwiches that they can sponsor one of the best bowl games around should tell you that you ARE in the minority if you don't like them" and "write her name in the box"

Rick said...

Wait saleebydawg, aren't you saying that someone that doesn't like Chick-Fil-A is in the "minority" because Chick-Fil-A makes so much money that they are able to sponsor a bowl game?

That's what I read: Someone that doesn't like Chick-Fil-A is in the minority. I think Anon was trying to point out that revenue has nothing to do with it.

It'd be like me saying to you, "McDonald's is the biggest and most profitable fast food company in the world. If you don't like them, YOU are in the minority."

One could argue that since McDonald's sells more food, those who eat at McDonald's are in the majority and those who eat at Chick-Fil-A are in the minority.

Josh Scott said...


Why are you assuming that Anon was female? Is it because you found his/her comments "silly" and that would be typical of a woman? Or did you just want to use your "silly little girl" line?

Grow some balls.

And what difference does a name make? Does it make a post more valid? No, it doesn't. I'll include my name just for you though. Do you like my brave, bold words? Do something, punk.

saleebydawg said...

You're assuming I can't like both McDonalds and Chick-fil-a.
I'm simply stating that Chick-fil-a makes A LOT of money selling chicken sandwiches. If you believe that sandwich is not very good, then I believe you are in the minority group of people whom either A: like chick-fil-a chicken sandwiches, or B: do not like chick-fil-a chicken sandwiches.
I don't give 2 sundevils about McDonalds in this debate. It had nothing to do with my original comment. Bob the anonymous poster is the one who dragged them into it. (Happy Josh?)

Rick said...

For the record, I could eat chicken minis everyday for the rest of my life. They need a 6-piece though. :D

Dawgnoxious said...

Typical hard-headed fool. I don't care what you and your group of jesus freak friends think, it does not make your opinion on anything the "overwhelming consensus." ... You're a bully and a hypocrite. Whatever credibility you had is slowly slipping away, not that you care anyway. Enjoy your sandwich, loser.

1. I had credibility? Sweet!
2. Somebody has Jesus issues.
3. Relax. It's just a chicken sandwich. If you don't want any, then there's more for me and teeming masses.
4. You probably hate Jacksonville too, so I won't have to compete with you for tickets either. On Oct. 31, you should go sit outside the Georgia Dome with a bag of McDonalds.
5. If I didn't like CFA, I'd want to be anonymous too.
6. For the record, the chicken, egg & cheese biscuit is where it's at. It's a party on a bun.

WindyCityDawg said...

The closest Chic-Fil-A to Chicago is in Racine, WI. I went there once. It was delicious. It's in a mall though, which really isn't the same.

God I miss Georgia, where the nearest Chic-Fil-A was rarely more than 15 miles away.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:48... I cast the demons out of you! Be gone!

Jason said...

Full disclosure:

I love CfA. I especially loved getting my sweet tea and chicken sandwich fix from the Cfa on Beechwood in Athens, however:

I've only gotten food poisoning once in my life, and it was from the Chick-Fil-A on Beechwood. I had to have one of my friends pick me up from work and take me to the hospital for fluids, and I could hardly move by the time I finally decided "Hmm, maybe I should go to the ER."

Did that stop me from eating there? Of course not. So that just kinda' goes to show how addicted I was to those damn things.

Anonymous said...

As long as you don't endorse Pepsi, everything is A-OK.

Anonymous said...

People fighting over taste in food seems pretty goofy to me... but what exactly is so amazing about a CFA sandwich? It's a couple of pickle slices on a fried chicken patty on a white bread bun. Granted, the quality of chicken is usually quite good, but I have no idea how someone could act like this is the Holy Grail of food.

And the McDonald's chicken sandwich they have now is a blatant rip-off of CFA's, and as such, tastes almost identical. Everything else is just blind loyalty to a brand name.

Russ Fortson said...

Chick-fil-a! Mmmmmmmm!!!

Their only problem is that I can't stuff my pie-hole there on Sundays.

Eat more chicken!

ChicagoDawg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ChicagoDawg said...

WindyCityDawg -- Not sure where you are in Chicagoland, but they are building a Chick-fil-a in the Naperville/Aurora area (near the Fox Valley Mall). Can't wait.

Irwin R. Flecther said...

Here is a fact...Chick-Fil-A overwhelmingly receives good reviews on websites such as Yelp (see this page for the Renaldo Beach, CA CFA, Urbanspoon, Citypages, Google, etc. etc. It is a fact that if you do not like the Chick-Fil-A sandwich and do not believe it to be one of the highest quality fast food items in America, you are in an overwhelmingly small minority.

Sorry...sometimes facts suck.

However, in my opinion, anyone that doesn't love Chick-Fil-a has bad taste.

"Their "original chicken sandwich" pales in comparison to other places."- I love the ambiguous 'other places' line. Ripping on it without providing other options...what are you, a Republican? (Rim shot! I'll be here all night.)

However, I must agree that behind Chick-fil-a's hidden Jesus agenda is a Jim Jones-style mind-control chicken, fried in 100% peanut oil.

As long as the Utopian compound in the Amazon has plenty of chicken, a deep frier and an ice dream machine, count me in.

Also, if it is true that there will be a CFA at the Fox Valley Mall, I'm pissed. Someone is going to make a ton of cash running CFA's in Dupage county. That place will be a dream come true. I always wanted to put one on Roosevelt in Glenn Ellen. That will be bigger than when the Krispy Kreme opened near Midway and you had to wait 25 to 30 minutes in the drive thru for a dozen.

Jman781 said...

Wow. I am absolutely baffled as to why people have so much hatred toward a sandwich, and this hardly seems the place for Jesus bashing.

Chick Fil A is the best fast food restaurant, in my opinion. Revenue arguments don't make much sense to me, for the Burger Kings, McDonald's, Wendys, etc.'s of the world have more stores and are open 7 days a week. Furthermore, these stores offer more types of food; if you want a burger then Chick Fil A simply won't satisfy your needs. For the limited menu, which includes their invention, the Chicken Sandwich, an individual Chick Fil A store on an average day would compare quite favorably, if not much better.

But I agree. It does come down to preference. And most people I know, which I admit is not scientifically accurate sample size of the entire 6 billion people on the planet, prefer Chick Fil A for the taste, the healthiness, and, most importantly, the service. Also, many of these people are fans of the Gators, the Jackets, the Bulldogs and many other college teams, so it is not just a UGA thing.

So why all the hatred on a post about Chick Fil A sandwiches?

Jman781 said...

One more question:

Why would a company like McDonald's, which makes twice as much as the next largest fast food chain, KFC, create a sandwich that openly imitates a Chick Fil A sandwich if they are not concerned about the competition or do not feel that customers enjoy the taste?

The mere fact that McDonald's deems the Chick Fil A style sandwich as menu worthy should suggest than many, many folks like Chick Fil A, for they are trying to neutralize a perceived threat by offering a comparable item at their restaurants...Why they are threatened by a little, backwards, Jesus loving, private southern franchise is beyond me.

NRBQ said...

I don't think much of Chick-Fil-A's food (although when I take my adolescent son there, the service is excellent).

But I do love the Bulldogs.

So, am I a low-life?

Muckbeast said...

This post is evil because its 4am and now I want a Chik-Fil-A sandwich badly.

Well, the good news is at least tomorrow isn't Sunday. :)

Anonymous said...


I didn't hesitate to delete his comment because of my character. I hesitated because I didn't sit in front of the computer all night. I stopped deleting idiot posts earlier in the evening.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty absurd that a CFA post resulted in 40 responses.

DWARF said...

The Dwarf House in Hapeville is open at 4 AM on Friday...They have sammiches waiting...

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