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September 29, 2009

SEC Power Poll Ballot

  1. Alabama - I had them No. 1 last week and see no reason to change.  Everything they do is competent.  Nothing spectacular, just solid, consistent football.
  2. Florida - That off week will help, huh?  UF blew the Wildcats off the field in the first half until they slowed and Tebow got hurt.    
  3. LSU -  Slots three through five are interchangeable.  LSU continues to look sluggish.  At some point I'll have to admit that it is simply a defining characteristic of the team, not just their play. 
  4. Georgia - Other than the turnover problems the Dawgs have had, UGA and LSU are playing a mirror image of themselves this weekend.  Neither team runs the ball, rushes the passer, or defends particularly well. 
  5. Auburn - Another blowout win over a patsy, but at least it was convincing.  Two things that I'd never thought I'd see in a sentence together:  "Chris Todd" and "5 TDs".
  6. South Carolina - Garcia and the Cocks keyed the hell out of Ole Miss's shiny #4 ranking in front of a national audience.
  7. Ole Miss - The Rebs were overrated and now all the experts admit it.  Frankly, they had as good a case as anyone else for the top 5.  Nutt is a far more compelling personality when he is the crazed underdog than the frontrunner.  A high ranking just doesn't fit the guy's personality.
  8. Arkansas -So that's what an SEC defense is supposed to look like.  Saban blitzed Mallett like he was Poland and the result was surrender.  Also, Hogs, learn to tackle.  That Trent Richardson TD run was embarrassing.
  9. Mississippi State -You can't get closer to a big win that State did Saturday.  If the ball were pitched on 4th down, Mullen would have a signature win in his first year.  Instead, he has sadness.
  10. Tennessee -The woe is back in Knoxville.  We should have known that the Vols would be lethargic after last weekend's big moral victory against the Gators.
  11. Kentucky - Hey, the 'Cats looked decent in the second half after Tebow got knocked out.
  12. Vanderbilt - Our nerds are better than your nerds, Conference USA!


PTC DAWG said...

I'd swap the Barn and South Carolina....

lerch said...

Ga vs. Idaho State in 2010.

That's killer.


WFdawg said...

Seeing us schedule Idaho State brought a wave of relief. It's been awhile since we've played a cupcake. I think Central Michigan was the last one. I mean, I'm all for the valor of playing a tough OOC schedule, but let's season it with a few cupcakes each year.

Wade Wilson said...

3 OOC home game cupcakes next year? Just call us U of F baby!

gris said...

Wade, we play @ Colorado. unless you;re calling Ga Tech a cupcake.

PTC DAWG said...

Who are the 3 NON BCS teams we play next year OOC? Riddle me that one, Wade.

Anonymous said...

Given our starting lineup next season, it only makes sense to add a cupcake or two. Otherwise, we could be looking at a truck load of losses.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but miss st had lsu beat last week and west Virginia is a solid team that would give Georgia a run for it's money. By the way chris Todd had a bum shoulder last year and still had a better arm than cox. Now he is healthy and the rest of the sec better watch out because unlike lsu and uga we can run AND pass the ball. War eagle!

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you forget to lock your back door. Invariably, some bum is going to come in and start picking through your dinner leftovers. War eagle my ass!

Sam said...

PTC, if you mean non-BCS AQ teams that would be Idaho State, La-Lafayette and Georgia Tech--wait, the ACC still has an AQ?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who's absolutely thrilled that Georgia is playing 11 REAL football games this season? We only get 12 plus maybe a conference championship plus maybe a bowl each year. Might as well make the 12 we can control as entertaining as possible. Slapping poor matchups in left and right in hopes the pollsters might actually bestow a national title shot upon us one future year seems like a bad trade to me.

Anonymous said...

Dante, goal number one every year: win the SEC. That's an easier task when the SEC matchups are your primary focus.

murph said...

Eight More Games to a Toilet Bowl by Willie "Makeit" Martinez

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