Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

November 19, 2009

Uga VII Has Died


The AJC reports that Uga VII (aka: "Loran's Best") passed away today., WSB and the local NBC affiliate are also reporting this story. According to the AJC/WSB the cause of death was heart attack. His father Uga VI also died of heart problems.

Uga VII was approximately 5 years old.

Uga VII debuted at the Aug. 30, 2008 game against Georgia Southern, and his record stood at 16-7. My favorite memory of him was leading the Dawgs out onto the field in Tempe, Arizona. That was the longest distance any of the Uga's had traveled since Uga IV went to the Final Four in 1983.

It's important to remember that Uga VII was a family pet for Sonny and Cecelia Seiler, and it's always tough to lose a family pet. Our thoughts are with them through this time.

As of this posting, there are no announced plans for an service (Uga VI had a private service), nor have there been any public discussions of an interim mascot for Friday or any longer term plans. As someone on the DawgVent suggested, an appearance by Otto II or some other cousin may be in order. But it's too soon to know.

Damn Good Dawg.



The 31st Floor said...


Anonymous said...

People have been whispering that he looked a little listless.

Massey said...

It was a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

We gotta blackout to represent UGA VII


Anonymous said...

Must have been sick of Willie too.

2 years, 2 deaths. Someone needs to take better case of those dawgs!!!

Mr. Bulldawg said...

Damn :(

Anonymous said...

DGD! Just wish people would stop asking for a blackout anytime anything happens.

Anonymous said...


That Tennessee game broke his heart.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

JT said...

anon 5:56-
show some class

S.A.W.B. said...

dear anon 5:56 -

Fall in a well and die.

Anonymous said...

There will be no mascot at the game......only a wreath on the dog house

Anonymous said...

good to see class live and well with the Techies.....always a pleasure dealing with those asshats

Anonymous said...

Just getting back at the November 16 picture.

If you pussies don't want a rivalry maybe you should stop posting pictures entirely.

You get to make fun of us for being nerds, we get to make fun of your fat, inbred dogs.

Maybe if you ever went outside the bloodline you'd have ugas last for more than a year.

Anonymous said...

he was a pet and a dog....rivalries take second place to a death. Grow up.

Will said...

Hey, here's a thought, go fuck yourself. He was my pet, as much as he was everyone else who loves Georgia's pet. Granted, the Seiler's were the ones this most effects, but that dog was a member of my family too. I know it's hard to form a bond with a car, but that dog is more of a person to me than any of you douches at Tech will ever be.

Anonymous said...

He was my dog, too.

Anonymous said...

No, it wasn't a personal pet to any of us. That dog, however, is a symbol of our university and a point of pride. None of us will lose sleep over Uga's death but we at least have the capacity to show empathy.. Maybe you should take a step back and reevaluate just who exactly needs to grow up.

Buzz can blow me said...

You Tech fans are pathetic.

Your mascot is a damned felt bee so I wouldn't expect you to understand.
And we'll start considering it a rivalry when you start winning it regularly. And that means more than 1-2 times a decade.

I'd look at the slack jawed neanderthal you have on the sideline before calling anyone a hillbilly.

VAdawg said...

Tech= Classiest sons of bitches around.

stick jackson said...

Damn good dog.

Anonymous said...

For the true definition of classy see the post on tailgating directly under this one.

The best part is all the complaints about no wastebaskets while there are no less than 15 in the picture.

I may classlessly dump on uga, but apparently so do you.

706Dawg said...

My dog too. What a final game he witnessed patrolling the sidelines. DAMN GOD DAWG!

706Dawg said...


Anonymous said...

"And we'll start considering it a rivalry when you start winning it regularly. And that means more than 1-2 times a decade."

So with an average of 1.5 wins the last two decades against Florida, I'd say they aren't your rivals either.

Squarebush said...

Once again, GAyTech takes a back seat to the Dawgs. The lead story on tonight's local sports cast: the death of a dog. The next story: the bees losing to Dayton today.


Weren't we just RIP'ing VI?

Anonymous said...

"Once again, GAyTech takes a back seat to the Dawgs."

I guess being anti-gay is really classy too. You guys are so mature.

Shep Dawg said...

I still agree, a blackout for Uga is in order this weekend.

Skeptic Dawg said...

We are all proud of Uga! However, Uga VII does not depart this earth with a stellar record. Yes, that is largely due to CWM and CMR, but all Dawgs are judged on their record. Maybe this a sign that change is coming. Bad things happen in 3's. Holy crap! Does that mean the remaing 2 will be in the form of Kentucky and Gay Tech? Uga VII never beat Gay Tech. What a sad way to go!

Anonymous said...

Please, no blackout. Three solid wins in his honor, and a worthy replacement, would be a fine tribute.

NRBQ said...

How did I know, before I logged on, that Tech shitheads would be here first?

The consistency of assholeness.

Hobnail_Boot said...

Techies.. no matter how hard you try, I will never care about you.

R.I.P., Uga VII.

Anonymous said...

We need Otto II to finish the drill....the thought of no UGA on the sidelines at Tech breaks my heart

Anonymous said...

Prayers for the Seiler family and also the family who gave him back so he could be Uga.

Andy said...

And my dog too. DGD.

R.I.P., Uga VII. Hermie and I will miss you.

Ty Durden said...

Just because more people have loved this one dog in his too short two year stint more than anyone will ever love you doesn't mean you have to come flaming on the internet. If this is how you really feel, I invite you to come to Athens on Saturday and spew your venom. I'll even save you a ticket, not that you'll make it across Broad Street before someone beats the hell out of you.
Show some dignity for your own school ( whose image you are completely peeing on right now) and just shut your mouth

Ty Durden said...

P.S. My dog too

The 31st Floor said...

Guys, Tech fans cheering at death is nothing new. Imagine the shrieks of delight and "Allah Ahkbars" that went up a few weeks ago after the Fort Hood massacre.

It's a school that produces domestic terrorists, mid-level IT managers, and drunk micks who lie and cheat their way to a job at Notre Dame. Oh wait.

Fuck them and fuck their school

Hayley said...

Poor UGA. They are going to have to give his replacement a thorough medical!

MAB said...

PWD - is reporting that there will be "no live mascot" for the UK game, but a wreath will be placed on UGA's doghouse. They are also saying a replacement will not be named till next year.

Irishdawg said...

Tech dickbags, how pathetic are you losers? You troll rivals' blogs to just make fun of a dead mascot? I can't imagine ever going over to the incestous little piles of insecurity that are Tech message boards and posting anything to any of you shitheads, ever. Go die in a fire.

The 31st Floor said...

Irish - It's because they'd rather see Georgia lose than their own team succeed. Nothing more, nothing less.

-It's why they played Rocky Top after the '07 beatdown

-It's why they do gator chomps in bars.

-It's why they make posts like above.

-It's why their completely content ging 1-10 as long as the win is against UGA.

They're losers.

They always will be.

UGA VII in '08 said...

Rest in peace, number seven. You left too young. Me and Bowser send our Sympathies.

Anonymous said...



JT said...

shouldn't all the techies be out at the New Moon premiere?

Anonymous said...

No they haven't....

Mike said...

Glad I got a chance to see a UGA VII in person last year in Tempe.

Gotta love the legacy of college mascots. I always enjoy the history.


Largemouth Dawg said...

To hell with tech. And a good tribute on SI

Damn Good Dawg

Hobnail_Boot said...

Rumor has it the players are calling for the fans to blackout Sanford.

Anonymous said...

I also read that Sonny's daughter said "there might not be a Uga VIII" What is that about?!

DrummerDawg said...

When Loran's Best was Uga VII, he saw us get dominated by Alabama in black and stomped by Florida with the (in my opinion) ridiculous black helmets and pants.

How about we wear red with silver britches, win the game, and have a nice tribute for him?

Anonymous said...

DGD! He deserves a patch on the uni, moment of silence, and a win!
He deserves better than this old and tired "blackout". People need to stop suggesting this every single time something out of the ordinary happens.

Uga VII will be missed!!

Anonymous said...

Uga VII: DGD. Blackout nothing!

Dawg19 said...

I am fine with the fans wearing black. But the players need to wear the red jerseys to truly honor the history and tradition of Uga...

Anonymous said...

Will there be an Uga VIII?

Ben said...


Only the good die young...

Keep this winning streak alive Dawgs! Big game tomorrow night! Cats are hurting but so are the Dawgs emotionally and physically! Should be a classic back alley scuffle tween the hedges! I can't wait!

Dawgs 27
Meows 20

Mr. Sanchez said...

I hope every Tech "man" who wants to dance on the grave of a dead dog gets an incurable, extremely painful STD from the next hooker or plastic doll they take to bed.

I know some pretty good people who attended Stephon Marbury's own "Georgia Tech University", but apparently others are about as low class and worthless as a human can get.

Bird Dawg said...

"And then the mascot died"

That'll be a fitting sentance when descrbing this season. I'm not down on CMR or the program. Sh*t happens. It is somewhat comical that the Tech folks take a cheap shot over the death of a pet and school mascot. Low rent is as low rent does.
I just hope we can finish the year on 3 good wins.
Damn Good DAWG !

kevin said...

Never will forget a Grizzard column from the 80's about a UGA friend that had passed away and one of the letters he got in response to that article was from a GT fan saying, "Good, thats one less we'll have to deal with!"

I don't know what makes some GT people so spiteful and hateful. But I feel sorry for them. All of that hate over a game?

RedCrake said...

Georgia Tech fans hate us because of a game. We hate Tech fans because they're shitheads. It's just the way it is.

Mr. Bulldawg said...

LoL RedCrake

80dawg said...

anon 5:56 Tech, be happy you are winning. You have got to be joking!!! Bottom line, Sports illustrated did not pick a guy in a bee suit for the best mascot and put him on the cover. That would have been a bulldog. Enjoy your winning season and stop acting like an idiot by making fun of the death of our beloved mascot and the pet of the Seiler family. Try your best to show some class. I understand that Tech has lost almost every game to us this decade, but show some class. I hope I never stoop to this level.

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