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November 3, 2009

You know SEC Officiating is bad...

...when it becomes fodder for the Onion: "SEC Replay Official Overturns Roe v. Wade."
Confirming the conference stood by the decision, an SEC spokesperson also said that officials would be disciplined for last week's Florida–Mississippi State game, in which a "grave error" was made when a replay call upheld both a Florida touchdown in which the ballcarrier had clearly fumbled before crossing the goal line and Brown v. Board of Education.
Rogers Redding is to competent officiating what the Buford T. Justice is to effective law enforcement.


Mackie said...

Mike Slive will BBQ your ass in molasses!

Blue Gill said...

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing SEC officiating get the attention it so well deserves.

all school said...

Mike Slive is gonna go home and slap the hell out of Rogers Redding's mama. Right after he stops for a Diablo sandwich and a Dr. Pepper.

Anonymous said...

Watch out. Slive will suspend you for publicly complaining about SEC officiating. And since you don't actually play for that team, he'll suspend the head coach in your place. It's in our bylaws somewhere...

Anonymous said...

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes Rogers Redding look like a possum's pecker.

j.leonardjr said...

The Germans ain't got nuthin' to do with it!

j.leonardjr said...

Funny,you sounded...taller on the radio.

Anonymous said...

What we're dealin with here, is a complete lack of respect for the law.

Anonymous said...

That an attention getter!

Russ Fortson said...

Bank robbery?!? That's baby sh*t compared to what these referees have done!

Andy said...

Well, I can't resist either:

"The boys are thirsty in Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana, and we'll bring it back no matter what it takes."

Slive has that as his ringtone, I garunteeeee.

Anonymous said...

"I saw that, you sombitch! You did that on purpose! You're going away till you're gray! I got the evidence! Junior, put the evidence in the car"

Gary said...

This sounds more like SEC officials:

"You som'bitches couldn't close an umbrella! "

Anonymous said...

Mike Slive to Mark Curles and the suspended crew: "don't go home, and don't go to eat, and don't play with yourselves. It wouldn't look nice on my football field. You can THINK about it, but don't do it."

all school said...

it's a pleasure knowing there is a website where people truly appreciate the classics.

I bet Slive and Rogers Redding show up for their next press conference in matching suits. It's a bitch getting them in a size 64 extra fat and a 24 dwarf.

Anonymous said...

Hold up in that car white genleman.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is this world comin' to?

Anonymous said...

Happens every time these referees start poontangin around with showfolk fags!

Wade Wilson said...

Pat Forde from takes a shot at Urban Meyer's suspension of Brandon Spikes:

Forty names, games, teams and minutiae making news in college football (discounted suspensions -- half off! -- sold separately at Florida [1]):

Urban The Ironfisted
Everyone who has seen the video of Gators linebacker Brandon "The Gouger" Spikes (2) going after the eyes of Georgia running back Washaun Ealey recognizes the truth. It was an appalling cheap shot, one of the worst things a football player can do to an opponent.

(Well, maybe not everyone would recognize it as such. If the guy in the replay booth at the Indiana-Iowa game (3) had watched the video, he would have given Spikes a sportsmanship award. And taken another Hoosiers touchdown off the board.)

[+] EnlargeUrban Meyer
Steve Mitchell/US PresswireUrban Meyer suspended Brandon Spikes for the first half of the Vandy game.

Gators coach Urban Meyer (4) reviewed the video and used it as a teaching moment. The lesson Meyer delivered: Nothing, not even thuggish behavior, will be allowed to substantively interfere with our pursuit of a repeat national title. That was the unmistakable message sent by Meyer's semisuspension of Spikes, which will keep him off the field for roughly 30 first-half snaps against mighty Vanderbilt on Saturday.

Spikes' action reminded The Dash of a moment from the 2006 Colonial Athletic Association basketball tournament. Namely, when George Mason guard Tony Skinn groin-punched Hofstra's Loren Stokes.

Going after a guy's eyes is more serious because of the potential damage. But the two acts are similarly classless.

Eleventh-seeded George Mason bit the bullet, did the right thing and suspended Skinn for its first game of the NCAA tournament against No. 6 seed Michigan State. The Patriots wound up going to the Final Four.

Florida suspended Spikes for half a game against the worst team in the Southeastern Conference. In a word: weak.

Anonymous said...

If only we could get some of that Colorado beer in these parts.

Brewed from the cold water of the Rockies.


Dawgnoxious said...

Anon @ 11:06 -- winner winner chicken dinner

Anonymous said...

off topic and random...

what options are out there for a defense coordinator next season since we dont have one this season?

Anonymous said...

You sumbitches couldn't close an umbrella!

Anonymous said...

potential DCs: I say we go after Muschamp, Smart, Strong, Foster, The DC from Boise State, Cincy, TCU, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Anyone other the Willie

Anonymous said...

put the evidence in the car junior . . .{but dad} i said put the evidence in the car you mooseprick!!

saleebydawg said...

There's no way, *no* way that you came from *my* loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!

Anonymous said...

You see Mr. Redding, when I get you back home, I'm gonna find the tallest tree in the country. And then, I'm gonna hang you from it.

Mr. Bulldawg said...

Nobody throws a celebration penalty on a pretty touchdown AJ snags in. That ref insulted our town, he insulted our players...he insulted coach Richt's authority! And that ain't nothing but pure and simple old fashioned communism!

Anonymous said...

Too bad the problem with UGA football is not the officials but the UGA coaching staff. Name one coach on the staff that is wanted by other schools? Richt has fallen behind. Time to cut ties with him and get another head coach who knows how to hire good coaches and knows how to coach winning football. For Mark Richt, we have too many penalties, apparently, too few drivers licenses, poor kickoff coverage, OL play that sucks, poor QB Richt and start over.

Unknown said...

Fire Richt and start over? What kinda shit are you smoking?

Anonymous said...

If they do reverse Roe v. Wade, that will be the best thing they have done all year!

Mr. Bulldawg said...

Lunch time...I want a diablo sandwich and a Dr. Pepper

jon gruden '10 said...

This is what WILL happen..

Tommy bowden as offensive co. And tuberville as defensive co. And linebackers coach... Jancek is getting fired.. Willie is taking a demotion and will coach the secondary..

Take that to the bank

Anonymous said...

Not the same, but the same...

"It's a good thing your momma died in childberth because if she could see you know she'd die of shame."

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