Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 12, 2009

Commenting is Back On

For now, there are two stipulations with commenting:
    1. You can't post anonymously. You'll need a create a username.

    2. All comments are moderated. They go to me first, and I'll release them as long as you're not the jerk who was posting all the problematic stuff on Wednesday.
By tomorrow night (update: maybe Monday night...I got distracted), I hope to have a new commenting system in place that will allow me to ban problem children users by email, IP address, domain and/or username. I've got something picked out. I just have to figure out how to implement it.

Frankly, this is for the best. The tone of the comments the past few days had slipped into near 10th grade level. So, this will make the user experience better for folks with something interesting to say. And it'll save the rest of you the hassle of having to read that trash.

If you're wondering what this is all about...this explains the issue.



Anonymous said...

In order to get the message through, I crafted a message the Techsters could easily understand:

"jaH tu'be'Hom Daq tlhap vo' SoH ghobe' Daq QaQ 'ej mej mob"

Besides, with Avatar out, shouldn't you be busy constructing your very own life sized model of the girl and designing your costume for the Orange Bowl?

Unknown said...

Thank you PWD

Sam, Dawg Fan said...

Too bad it had to come to this.

I suggest you get some folks you trust to assist in moderating the posts. It works for another site I visit a lot.

81Dog said...

it's a shame that one (or a relative few) morons feel compelled to try and place their stamp on what has been a pretty rational comment area. Glad you figured out how to get a handle on it.

The Watch Dawg said...

Bravo, PWD

banning anonymous posting in itself will go a long way toward cleaning it up.

Barstool said...

Well done, sir. The comments section can, and had been in the past, a pleasure to read for civilized discourse. Don't let the original purpose of sharing opinions get ruined by junior high or high school kids (or those at their maturity level).

Andy said...

Near 10th grade level is putting it nicely. Still, this move should be good. Bring on GSB 2.0!

HobnailBoot said...

Great idea PWD. Also a nice filter to keep the Nerds out. Go Dawgs. Great work on the site.

Barstool69 said...

Anyone know what going on at Sanford last night around 7:30pm? All the lights were on and they were blaring rap music.

Rad said...

Agreed, well played. I've enjoyed the intelligent conversation here (even when I don't always agree). Thanks for the extra work to keep it going.

Andrew said...

We must protect this house!

Will Q said...

"near 10th grade level" aka every day at the AJC

The Watch Dawg said...

If you need any help moderating comments, I'm sure you'd find many of us regulars willing to help. Although given the recent problems, I can understand if you'd be hesitant to have anybody else with access to comments.

Unknown said...

Pollack tweeted that Kirby Smart was at UGA yesterday. Anybody heard similar?

The Watch Dawg said...

Yeah Dust,

David Hale reported that he was told Kirby was in Atlanta for the HS playoffs, and made a trip back to Athens with Mike Bobo. Supposedly it was a friendly visit. It's certain he was at UGA, the purpose of the visit is what we don't know.

murphdawg said...

Buncha savages. Thanks a lot Bin Laden.

Unknown said...

Barstool, get a life man. Nobody cares what was going down last night at Sanford. The season is over, we're going to Shreveport, ok? And your "rap music"? It was probably like Dave Matthews or something that someone your age would classify as "rap music" just because you haven't heard it before.

Dubbayoo said...

Just checkin in.

Unknown said...

Thanks for cleaning that up. I like this blog because the cursing is kept to a minimum and most of the posters have something worthwhile to contribute other than the comments at Big E where everyone only knows homo & your mom humor. Keep up the good work.

Barstool69 said...

My age being 24? It was "Empire State of Mind". It should have been you instead of Goose.

Anonymous said...


This is a big recruiting weekend. We had recruits at the stadium.

Hollywood - lighten up.


kupets said...

I don't like it. Cause PWD said he was going to have to review the post and and aprove them before they will be available. What if PWD is not around? Are we suppose to wait until he gets the time to approve the post?

This doesn't seem like a good idea and could discourage some Georgia fans from participating in this blog. I suggest let regestered users post then if you feel it the need to delete or ban then do it. Just don't let us post and have to wait in limbo until you decide to approve the post.

Anonymous said...

Kupets, it's temporary. Registered user functionality with doesn't do what I want it to do.

The Watch Dawg said...

lol @ barstool - "it should have been you instead of goose."

Well played sir, well played.

Rick said...

The Techies are huge nerds. They'll find a way around this added security. I'm sure of it.

Unknown said...

Thanks PWD. The political commentary will wreck a pleasant conversation any day of the week. I'd rather read Boogers' Tebow love than read some Sophomore Poly Sci major pop off on national defense.

I will say that when I went to the lemon link I thought "Paul has a more devious sense of humor than I've ever seen". I was glad to know it wasn't you thought, as it was a bit tasteless for such a fine blog.

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