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December 26, 2009

Urban Meyer stepping down as UF Coach

Urban Meyer is stepping down as the head coach of the Florida Gators after the Sugar Bowl citing health issues. This is Meyer's official statement:
"I have given my heart and soul to coaching college football and mentoring young men for the last 24-plus years and I have dedicated most of my waking moments the last five years to the Gator football program," Meyer, 45, said in statement. "I have ignored my health for years, but recent developments have forced me to reevaluate my priorities of faith and family.
In 1998, Meyer was diagnosed with a cyst on his brain. On Dec. 7th, wrote a 10 page article on the situation with Meyer's health. We can only assume that this is related to that. In my opinion, the first red flag was the diagnosis of dehydration episode after the SEC Championship. The Gators invented Gatorade. Their coach shouldn't dehydrate.

But speculation aside, the next step will be finding a new head coach for the Gators. It's one of the premier jobs in all of football. The only downside of the job is the level of expectation surrounding the position. At this point, it's impossible to keep the Gator fans happy. They were complaining about an undefeated season THIS year. Other than that, Foley will pay whatever it takes. But still...Meyer is the best coach in college football right now for my money. The pressure is really on Foley.

Here's to Meyer's health. Hopefully, he makes a full recovery. As a Dawg fan, I hope he gets things together, gets healthy and returns to coaching...somewhere far, far, far away from the SEC.

Turn to ESPNNews for wall to wall coverage right now. It's the Urban Meyer Network right now.

BTW -- Comments are open right now. I'm editing and writing. I may move them back to moderation later. But for now, this is open.



81Dog said...

as I much as I have disliked Corch Meyers' grandiose, insufferable attitude, and hated losing to the Gaduhs, I honestly hope there is nothing seriously wrong with his health, or that whatever it is can't be fixed, treated or cured. Football is football, but this is something else.

I'd only wish bad health on a real tool like Paul Johnson.

(I just threw that last part in for laughs. Even Mini-Skipper should enjoy good health, although from the perpetual pucker on his doughy little face, you'd think the guy had a permanent case of indigestion.)

William said...

First let me say that my prayers go out to Meyer and his family.

Second, this may be the biggest month in Schednfreude EVER

JasonC said...

Stoops, Spurrier, Mullen, Wittingham, Stong, Tubberville?

Anonymous said...

Stoops - can't see the move. But he has to be the first call.

Mullen doesn't have the resume.

Spurrier is the panic hire. But it could happen.

Strong - can't see him leaving LVille, but he might.

Tuberville is probably beneath the Bull Gators.

I think the 2nd call (after Stoops) is Gruden.

After that, it's chaos.

Anonymous said...

Only reason I can't see because why screw over the first school to give you your big break? But if they offered him, he'd have to STRONGLY consider taking it.

I just think they'll get someone more proven.

Austin Brown said...

Stoops def. 1st call. I think Mullen should be the back up plan, especially if Meyer stays involved in the program.

Anonymous said...

As of this moment, ESPN is making it sound like Meyer was burned out and that is why he stepped down. Holtz and May sound like they think he'll take time off and then come back to coaching. They list the Stoops brothers, Mullen and Petrino (gag)as possible replacements.

Anonymous said...

Wittingham (sp?) at Utah is a good choice. Beat Bama and runs the same system. That's a likely phone call for Meyer and a story they could sell recruits.

Mister Perry said...

I agree ... I think Whittingham will be the second call after Stoops.

goalinestalker said...

Randy Edsall? Tub is 2-0 against Meyer

ChicagoDawg said...

With respect to Strong, I can't see FLA throwing the keys to one of, if not THE, premier jobs in the country to a career assistant. The guy has never lead a program and Louisville is a great job for him and it is worth the risk if you Louisville. However, a program that just won 2 NCs in 4 years, huge talent base to draw from, and deep financial resources doesn't have to take risks with assistant coaches -- especially when their last attempt at doing so failed miserably (see Ron Zook).

saleebydawg said...

Washington Redskins hire Urban Meyer . .
Washington Redskins draft Tim Tebow . .
just sayin'

Unknown said...

He should have touched tebows jersey. He would have been healed.

Sam, Dawg Fan said...

Best wishes to Meyer and his family.

I disagree about Whittingham's resume being less impressive than Meyer's at the same point. Utah has been 47-17 under Whittingham. Meyer was only there 2 years. Overall records about the same with Whittingham doing in all in the MWC with a few nice wins (Bama, Michigan at UM). I would be shocked though if they went that route.

Petrino? No way. I think Foley wants someone that is going to retire there.

How about Paul Johnson!

The Watch Dawg said...

Whittingham isn't leaving. He was in Utah long before Meyer got there, and he'll be there a lot longer. He's a mormon. He ain't leaving the only pro-mormon state in the union.

Anonymous said...

Watch Dawg,

There are lots of Mormons in coaching outside of Utah.

Andy Reid and Mike Leach just to name a few that jump to mind. Not that it matters or is relevant but Jim Harrick was Mormon.

Rick said...

Now it's being reported Meyer won't resign, but take an "indefinite leave of absence".

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