Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

December 9, 2010

My honest take on Urban Meyer's Departure

As I said on Twitter yesterday, I"m having a lot of trouble getting excited about Meyer's departure from Florida. My reasoning is pretty simple. Florida isn't Georgia's biggest obstacle to success right now.

Georgia's biggest obstacle to success at this point is Georgia. We absolutely must get our own house in order, or we won't take advantage of Meyer's departure. I still believe now as I did last off season, that our problems are:
    1. Sense of Urgency
    2. Lack of a Meritocracy - Which I would extend to the hiring process
    3. Personnel Utilization Issues
I'm glad Meyer's gone because he's an excellent coach, but I'm more interested in what Mark Richt and Greg McGarity are doing in Athens than what Jeremy Foley is doing in Gainesville.



Crane said...

Our motto shouldn't be GATA

It should be GYST

Get Your Sh%$ Together

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Good post.

Anonymous said...

Unless FL rehires Ron Zook, they will continue to dominate the East until we go back to a GATA attitude.

Sam, Dawg Fan said...

I concur with getting the UGA house in order. I really like Chip Kelly's approach to coaching where (at least he says) he does not worry about who they are playing only about executing on their end. Realistically, you have to adjust some to the team you are playing, but for the most part you need to execute your offense and defense to be successful.

Sports Dawg said...

I agree. Besides, I thought it was a much bigger deal when Spurrier left UF as opposed to Meyer leaving now.

PatinDC said...

Once again, on the money

Anonymous said...

I hardly batted an eye when the news on Meyer broke. I'm so tired of Georgia obsessing over everything "Florida." That's probably been the problem over the last 20 years. Cannot do a damn thing about what Florida does or doesn't do. We've got to fix Georgia. I hope McGarity can apply his knowledge he learned in Gainesville to our advantage.

Andy said...

I also couldn't agree more. GYST and this can then be a small, jovial discussion (same for playing in Jacksonville every year).

Hobnail_Boot said...

LOL @ catching up with Florida.

That ship sailed a LONG time ago. Now we're looking up at South Carolina.

Anonymous said...

During a press conference in Memphis to promote the Liberty Bowl, Richt was asked about his team’s turnaround after a 1-4 start. After saying wryly that “getting A.J. Green back may have helped,” Richt spoke again about the decision not to be as physical in preseason practice.

“I definitely take the blame for the start, because I didn’t get us ready,” he said.

If you guys think Richt has the answers to fix things you are fooling yourself. He is a coach without a sense of urgency or accountability from the people above him. After last year’s performance there is no excuse for not having the team ready to play this year.

Anonymous said...

Anon- I think that's more just coach speak than anything. I wouldn't look too much into it. He's the head coach; he's basically required to take the blame and give some BS excuse about why we lost games.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:02,

Someone should ask smart-ass Richt if getting AJ back against Mississippi State would have meant we would have beat Colorado.

Blaming the poor season on AJ not playing in 4 games is the excuse a loser makes. What are we going to do next year when we don't have him? Blame another bad year on AJ leaving for the NFL?

I'm so sick of his "I can only control so much" attitude towards this job. You're the head coach at a major college football program getting paid 3 mil a year. Act like it.

Anonymous said...

Will Muschamp to Florida. hmmmm

John L said...

Will Muschamp on Sportscenter when asked about replacing one of the most successful college coaches over the last 10 years: "Oh, I embrace it. Urban Meyer did a phenomenal job at Georgia... ugh, I mean at Florida"... hmmmm

John L said...

Will Muschamp on Sportscenter when asked about replacing one of the most successful college coaches over the last 10 years: "Oh, I embrace it. Urban Meyer did a phenomenal job at Georgia... ugh, I mean at Florida"... hmmmm

Anonymous said...

What happened to Georgia Sports Blog. ya'll used to post much more stuff.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you used to have a blog?

Anonymous said...

yeah, what the heck. This used to be my favorite blog, and now...nothing. The posts are still quality every time there is one...which is practically never. I guess yall don't care about UGA anymore since we started slipping.

Anonymous said...

This blog knows little about football but an awful lot about who won the last game-

Anonymous said...

Or I'm too busy.

Anonymous said...

if every blogger on GSB is too busy, wouldn't it make sense to bring other people in to blog?

Anonymous said...

This used to be such a good blog.

Anonymous said...

PWD = puppy dawg

Anonymous said...

Top 5 UGA Blogs:

1) Get the Picture
2) Only in America
3) Bernies
4) Georgia Sports Blog
5) Dawgsports

Anonymous said...

Wow, not even a little blurb?
I'm disappointed.

Taylor said...

I feel like this blog died

The Sports Fix said...

Leave it to Charlie Weiss to throw a wrench in the works.

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