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July 13, 2011

Benedict on S&C Program

Check out Brent Benedict's Q&A with Chip Towers.  Good to see the kid is taking the high road.

One thing stood out: 
Q: I understand this mainly had to do with not seeing eye-to-eye with new strength and conditioning coach Joe Tereshinki about training techniques with respect to your injury. I know he’s employing some old-school philosophies with a lot of lower-body work. Is that what this was about?
A: “Coach Tereshinski came in and he has his own philosophy and he and the coaching staff believe that it’s going to work and there’s no reason not to believe that. So,  there were a few things going on and I wasn’t able to resolve that. Of course I hope Georgia does well, extremely well. I’ve told all my buddies back there I wish them the best of luck and I really believe it will be successful.”
Not trying to read too much into this, but it makes me wonder how tough the other regimen was if doing squats is too much for a guy that got hurt nearly two years ago.  I get everyone needs to rehab on their own schedule and all that, and no one should be asked to re-injure themselves, but it is hard to imagine Joe T and his crew asking a kid to do that.  Either he is ready to go or he isn't. 

What am I missing?



Dawgnoxious said...

I suspect Benedict's departure went down like this:

Brent: "These weights are heavy. I quit."

Coach T: "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men."

Dubbayoo said...

Maybe he doesn't trust the knee enough to do heavy singles/doubles on it. Being an OL he's probably capable of repping 500+ and it takes a lot of confidence to drop down with that much weight on your back. If that is the case my response would be this - If you're going to lift thinking about the knee you're going to play thinking about the knee.
4-star or not he wasn't going to be able to help us much.

goalinestalker said...

Sad thing is,that I watched this kid play in high school and he completely dominated! He got hurt after Bolles scored and he was just running down the field to celebrate with his teammates. Theus kid at Bolles is every bit as good as BB.Fingers crossed he comes to UGA with his brother.

Anonymous said...

Just sounds to me like he wanted to be Babied and Coach T said that sh*t won't happen here son. It's been two years since the injury occured. If he isn't ready for serious lifting now, then better he go elsewhere.

Richt Defender said...

After watching the bowl game aaarrrggghh, after dreaming our players could look like Ala players. I say turn Joe T loose and let the chips fall where they may.

Otto said...

Maybe he didn't feel JoeT's program was up to date enough to get him back and compete for the big money in the NFL draft. I doubt he thinks VT's program will be any easier.

Richt Defender said...

Mr. Westerdawg Thank You! Why the more blogs that pop up like weeds. The deeper my appreciation of you! Since i started reading posts off of dawgbone you have been my most trusted concerning all things UGA. Something goes wrong (which happens every week now) I check with AJC (yeah i know) and then you. So you can imagine what it is like when you are off at some plush spot and not blogging much. My point there are some new guys a year or so old that are ok. But some of these rascals jesus help me!!!Their egos cannot fit in Stanford at all.So thanks for keeping it real!!! speaking of keeping it real youtube Dave Chappelle's "when keeping it real goes wrong" and while you are at it check out Kevin Hart the hottest young comic out youtube his "ostrich spill" sheer comic genius. Peace

Paul said...

I do not know anything about S&C at the college level. However, I did have a conversation earlier this year with a former Bulldog who went on to start over 100 games in the NFL. His opinion? Coach T is a wonderful man who has no business heading up the S&C program at Georgia. I sure do hope he's wrong.

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