In lieu of such lofty goals as scoring 50 points a game, well dressed coaches are not a substitute for well played basketball. If he was as good at marketing UGA hoops as he is his own personal brand, we'd be in great shape. this article annoys me.
Enough about me. What do you think about me?
I wish he would care more about scorig points or creating some sort of offensive rhythm than he does about pourig over fabrics. This article makes me want to do more than roll my eyes. This is completely frustrating and another example of how he cares more about himself than he does the place that employs him.
As his team limps toward the SEC tourney having just won a game with the score under 50, I think this is the last type of PR he'd want. Ranks up with Clinton's $200 haircut on the LA tarmac early in his presidency. Who cares how much he pays, really, but the PR timing was bad.
Considering most UGA fans could buy their entire wardrobe for under $1,000, he's not going to win friends with this.
Now if he was winning, the story would probably reverse. If Bruce Pearl wasn't winning, people would be appalled at his prodigous sweating. Instead, it's a badge of honor and dedication.
Tennvolchamp - you're right, everything is different when you are winning. But watching Felton and reading articles like this about him is equivalent feeling the dentist drill on your teeth while you are in the chair. It just makes me cringe.
In fairness to CDF he didn't write the article, a journalist did. Dennis was asked questions about his wardrobe and he gave honest answers.
Is the article both silly and irrelevant? Yes, but who knows, maybe CDF thought it was ridiculous too.
I dunno, just seems to be a light piece of 'fluff' journalism, not worthy of getting your underwear in a bunch.
I like your blog, but if you're being honest you seemed to have formed a negative obsession w/Felton.
Until we start winning 20 a year, I'm not so sure Coach Felton could take a leak w/o you saying it gets on your nerves. Sorry, just my opinion, I'll just stay away from your Felton posts from now on.
Felton is the right coach for us right now b/c he recruits well, keeps us out of NCAA trouble and he isn't going anywhere right now.
But I don't believe that he's a long term solution. I respect that you think I'm unfairly negative.
I do think that I'm negative towards him. But I don't think that I'm unfairly negative towards him.
And it isn't an obsession. It's a hobby.
PWD, you're right this article is obnoxious, & I don't think you're unfairly negative.
As for anonymous’ comment, why do you need to be honest with your self? If the internet was made for honestly, we wouldn't use screen names.
CDF isn't likable at all. If we were winning 20 games a year, he still wouldn’t be likable. But, it would get on my nerves a lot less.
First time poster, first time reader…
So, did he say the same stuff when he was at Western Kentucky? I'm pretty certain the Hilltoppers rocked red and black. The mascot is a red version of Grimace, fer cryin' out loud.
Not sure Ian. I do know that he had a big hand in helping design the renovations for WKU's arena.
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