Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

April 20, 2006

Around and Around has the official announcement on Takais Brown signing his LOI. While the AJC and ABH chime in as well.

There's another new Georgia Blog called Off the Rip that seems to be worth keeping an eye on. They also have a story up today on Takais Brown.

The AJC also has an article up about Georgia's "staggering" ability to produce NFL talent under Richt. 31 players have entered the NFL draft under Richt. Third on the NFL list since 2001 to only Ohio State and Miami. The article is sort of a cluster. Your typical Carter Strickland train wreck complete with heaping praise from those outside the program and snide, wise ass comments from Carter. I said when he left that Dawg fans would soon long for the days of Mark Schlabach. I was right.

Lastly, has an interesting discussion going about Georgia's 2006 outlook.



Anonymous said...

I never got so worked up over Schlabach. He was a good writer (as demonstrated by his move up the food chain to the Washington Post) and he wasn't, to my tastes, unduly negative. Not a homer, but not a hater either.

Let's face it, he was one the beat during the Harrick fiasco, and whoever was on that beat then was going to write some awfully tough pieces, or else get fired for being in the tank. Like people say about (most) political writers, their bias is toward conflict and scandal, not one side or the other.

Anonymous said...

third behind miami and ohio st. hmmmmmmmmm. those teams have nc's in the past few years. when was uga's?????????

Anonymous said...

During that same period, UGA has 2 SEC Titles and 1 SEC East Title.

During that same period, Ohio State has 2 Big 10 titles. Miami has 1 Big East Title and no ACC Titles.

Both won a MNC, but UGA has been more consistent than either over the same period.

Winning a MNC takes luck and talent. We've had the talent. Next comes the luck.


Anonymous said...

Or not, which is the whole point of luck. But Richt is piling up the residue of design like crzy.

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