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May 1, 2006

EA Sports NCAA Football 2007 News, Videos and Screen Shots

EA Sports has gone with the obvious choice and named Reggie Bush as the cover boy for the NCAA College Football 2007 video game. July can't get here fast enough.

Reggie Bush NCAA 2007 Coverboy

EA Sports has also published more screen shots for the game. Here are my two favorites.

XBox 360 Platform Screen Shot

I think this is the PS2 platform

Orson had the best headline on any articles related to this topic when he said, "Tell Your Wife to Take a Lover." I recommend that article for the comments as much as for the actual video and article. Speaking of videos for the game Orson put this one up on YouTube. (visit his site for the comments)

EA Sports has higher res versions of the same video from NCAA College Football 2007 on their web site. It just takes forever to load, and they are only available via Quicktime. Quite a bit of the videos are related to the trick plays, new collision annimations and the return of the block kick feature which has been fairly absent for the past several editions.

For more of my articles on the game, click here.



Anonymous said...

Is it me or was Georgia left out of the video?

Anonymous said...

We're not in this video. There will be several usually. They rarely leave us out.


Anonymous said...

Stupid Nintendo-ignoring EA. I bought a GameCube because I refuse to spend more than $50 or $60 on a game machine that I only use for football, the occasional platform game, and Bomberman. As much as I'd like to keep up with recent college football video game goodness, they can kiss my rump if they think I'm shelling out $120 for a five year old gaming system just to play their stupid game. At lest they're still planning on putting Madden 07 on the Cube last I heard.

Ranting aside, it looks pretty sweet.

Darth Scooter said...

Bad news Dante. Last I heard only Sony has any plans to release games on their current system after the new ones come out next fall. In fact the production has supposedly been stopped on Xboxs and almost all the games that were scheduled for the Cube have now been moved to the Revolution.

I for one now believe that EA's NCAA games should be a banned substance. I had convinced myself that I wasn't going to buy this years edition. Then I saw the pics and videos, and can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

Anonymous said...

Last year, I moved into a new house and didn't unpack my PS2. I went 4 months without playing a single game, and I was feeling pretty good about my addiction.

I play a TON of this game. It's ridiculous really.

Then the screen shots and videos came out for NCAA 2006. Next thing you know I'm in line at the store buying the game the day it came out.

It's definitely is a controlled substance.

The College Game said...

It's NOT going to be on XBox?

Anonymous said...

it will be on the Xbox. I just didn't include any screen shots.

XBox 360

Anonymous said...

Besides all the add-ons, the game play looks pretty much the same.

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