Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

September 26, 2006

Tech Fans: Behind the Curtain

Dan at What's the Good Word wrote this epic piece on the Tech fan. As a GT grad and fan, his piece carries the sort of weight and honesty of Hemingway discussing World War I or John Rambo talking about 'Nam.

My only regret is not seeing and linking this sooner for that I apologize to the entire Dawgosphere.



Anonymous said...

Phenomenally accurate. Hard to believe that this actually came from a Tech fan, of whom I thought none could actually see themselves for who they really are.

Nathan said...

It's difficult to explain how much "NEVER FUCK UP OR PEOPLE WILL DIE" being directly pounded into your skull on a daily basis screws up your ability to reason with people. It drives my wife insane, to say the least. You just can't admit you ever made a mistake, because mistakes kill people and thus engineers don't make mistakes.

Dan said...

I wish I could say it's because I have a degree in one of the few non-fatal engineering disciplines (ISyE), but I've known too many IE's that are exactly as how I described. And the worst thing that happens when we screw up is a decrease in manufacturing effeciency or logistics operations.

Nathan said...

I need to funnel Dan some of my mountains of AOL cash (lol) to write for me there. Much funnier :(

In reality though, I think most Tech fans see the warts in our own crowd - as I've had many Georgia fans discuss the behavior of certain elements of your fanbase with me. All in all, it's only the very whacko fringes (aka - the Internet) that take it way too far or seriously believe a bunch of the junk that's thrown around.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Intense fascination with high technology, extreme dishonor attached to even the slightest f$#!up, repressed sexuality that makes itself known in some truly bizarre ways -- Georgia Tech sounds like Japan. Oh, and also I hear a lot of Japanese kids go there.

Dan said...

"I need to funnel Dan some of my mountains of AOL cash (lol) to write for me there. Much funnier :("

Sweet! Of course considering my rate of actually posting articles, I doubt it would pay for my internet connection.

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