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December 18, 2006

Football Scheduling: SEC makes move to help TV Partners

Awesomeness like this should happen at a reasonable football hour. Not pre-noon.

Last year, the SEC ran into a problem on Nov. 11th when the SEC full slate of action included
    Alabama at LSU (ESPN Night Game)
    South Carolina at Florida (CBS 3:30 pm EST)
    Tennessee at Arkansas (ESPN2 Night Game)
    Georgia at Auburn (LF Sports at 11:30 CST)
A game of the historical relevance of UGA vs. AU shouldn't air at 11:30 am central time. Especially when one of the teams is ranked in the Top 5. In an effort to better stagger the SEC schedule and avoid quality games being shown at unreasonably weak, non-national time slots, the Tuscaloosa News reports that the SEC is making some changes to the lineup.

The SEC is swapping Bama's games with LSU and Miss. State. That thins out the SEC schedule for Nov. 10, 2006, and it strengthens the league's TV schedule for Nov. 3, 2006. The move should avoid one of the league's TV log jams from last year.

It's a small win, but it's a good thing. Ultimately, for Dawg fans it almost assures that UGA vs. AU will be a 3:30 game or a night game next year in Athens.


PS -- Not that it matters, but UGA plays Troy on Nov. 3rd next year. See our full 2007 schedule.


Anonymous said...

We have a good schedule lineup next year too. We have an off week before Florida, Troy before Auburn, Kentucky before Ga. Tech, and Ole Miss before Alabama. Gotta love it. No 2 gauntlet games in a row.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just rub it. Sorry Mississippi State, you stink so bad that we're going to move you to a busy SEC week so fans can watch good teams like LSU on national coverage and we can safely relegate you to pay-per-view or worse. Not that I mind the change, but this is really sending a vote of no conficdence to a fellow SEC school and that's just a bad precedent to set in my opinion.

Anonymous said...


We make up for that in 2008.

In '08 we get:
at SC
at Arizona State
Bama (home)
at LSU
UT (home
Vandy (home)
UF (Jax)
at Auburn

That's sick.


Anonymous said...

Not really on topic, but what is the deal with Geathers? As I understand from my SC friends, he has committed to USC.

As I undersand it we are no longer recruiting him. Does that mean his scholarship offer has been pulled, or that he turned it down and has now committed elsewhere? Not sure what to make of it. His recruitment has been strange from the beginning, but the way this went down at the end was very strange.

Anonymous said...

Geathers didn't make a high enough test score. He can't get into UGA so that is why we are no longer recruiting him.
SCU will jump at the chance to sign him, regardless of whether he can read, write, or feed himself.
He will sign there - no surprise.
Sucks for us and it sucks for him since he wanted to be a DAWG!

Anonymous said...

PWD...that IS an ugly schedule for '08; HOWEVER, if we run through that gauntlet, much like UF did this year with theirs, we deserve no less than the MNC!!!

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