Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

January 17, 2007

Worst. Mic. Man. Ever.

UCLA's mic man in action. No seriously. This isn't parody. Click on the yet.......not yet.........not! now! now! now!

I. Am. Speechless. His suckiness overwhelms me.

Hat tip - and The Wizard of Odds.



Jason said...

Dude, don't knock Geoff. He's an institution.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but most of the alums love him. I remember him from when I was younger. He's kinda' like the Alumni cheerleaders UGA has on Homecoming Weekend, only he's always there.

Yeah, it's kinda' stupid, but it's part of the tradition.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I liked UHF with Weird Al when I was a kid, too. But at some point, somebody has to be kind enough to tell you that singing "Like a Surgeon" to the tune of "Like a Virgin" isn't sophisticated humor.

I'm sure it is a kick in the teeth to all of the You-Clah's who think that USC is smarmy, but that dude is terrible.

Seriously, put the William Hung CD to rest and admit that just because it is a novelty doesn't mean it is any good.

Scott said...

At least he gets the crowd to respond... most of the "regular" cheerleaders don't!!

Anonymous said...

what a homo

Anonymous said...

Weird Al's last 3 or so CDs have been excellent and he puts on a great show live.

As far as the Mic Man, they should take a page from the UGA playbook and move him to Homecoming weekend. Something like that during that big of game (USC) would just be too distracting.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Since nobody's made the obvious joke yet, I guess I have to be the one to ask: What is this guy's sex life like?

"OK, honey, if you truly love me, if you want to please me, I want you to give it everything you've got . . . not now . . . not now . . . I'm almost there . . . OK! NOW! OHHHMYGAAWWWWD!"

Anonymous said...

Hey- was that Terry Donahue???

Anonymous said...

"I want every man, woman, and child"
to vomit. This guy is teh suxorz.

Michael Pigott said...

Shorty Price would've backhanded that guy on his own sideline!

Jmac said...

I'm not sure what's more comical ...

Mic dude or incredibly passionate UCLA football fans.

Anonymous said...

a liken it to jerkoffs from NJ putting ketchup on BBQ. Goes to show Cali knows d_ck about football. These goobers dont deserve this sport.

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