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February 24, 2007

Georgia Passes by MSU

When you pass the ball well, establish an early inside presence, shoot lights out from beyond the arc and play solid defense, you can beat anyone. Georgia hasn't done all those things in a single game very many times this year. Unfortunately for the Bizarro Dogs from Starkville, everything came together for UGA today.

Georgia won 86-73. The AP's story is excellent. Some highlights:
Georgia (17-10 overall, 8-6 SEC) ended Mississippi State's four-game winning streak as Levi Stukes scored 21 points and Takais Brown added 17.

Takais Brown scored eight of Georgia's first 12 points, all near the basket.

When Mississippi State added more size and began collapsing its defense around Brown, Georgia quickly adjusted with a barrage of 3-point shots. Georgia made six of its first eight 3-point shots to take big leads of 21-9 and 41-27 before settling for a 47-33 halftime advantage.

Georgia made 12 of 19 3-pointers for the game, including 5 of 7 by Stukes.
Most interestingly to me, Georgia had about 15 assists in the first half. Overall, 23 of our 33 FGs came from assists.

Much like the Auburn game, we established our inside game and the big men quickly and efficiently worked the ball back outside. The ESPN game flow shows a team that never had its signature offensive drought(s). We slowed the scoring a bit early in the 2nd half only to crank it back up later. We never came to a grinding hault like in so many other games, and the lead got as large as 21 because of it.

Game flow from No scary long flat lines for us.

If we can hold serve at home vs. the Vols next Saturday, we still have a great shot of dancing.

See Also:
-- UGA vs. MSU Boxscore -
-- Stukes keys win - AJC (story in progress)
-- Photos --



Anonymous said...

Somebody told me that if we win the next 2, plus at least 1 in the tourney, we'd have the #1 RPI in the country. Did they just dream that up, or did I dream they told me that... is it even possible to determine something so iffy and that far down the road??

Although the person that told me might have said AJC in the same sentence so I should probably just assume it's wrong... very, very wrong.

Anonymous said...

GDawg - If we won the rest of our games, the SEC tourney and the National Title, we still wouldn't have the #1 RPI in the country.

We're at 54 now. Beating MSU took us up about 5 slots.

If we win the next 2 + go 1-1 in the SEC tourney, we might get to 35-38 range.


LD said...

Looks like there were some good results for us today. The LSU win should help us in RPI, as well as the Auburn win (prior wins over improving RPI teams help more than prior losses to decreasing RPI teams hurt).

We need to root for no surprises in the conference tournaments. It could come down to an automatic bid going to a team that wouldn't have gotten in otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I read the what has Gdawg confused. Someone wrote that if we "go 9-7 in the SEC with the #1 RPI" we'd go dancing. What I think that they are referring to is the SEC as a conference having the #1 RPI, and that 9-7 against that field should get us in.

Anonymous said...

In other news....Akeem "The Dream" Hebron was arrested for underage possession of alcohol. Can anyone tell me what the 1st time offense is for alcohol possession under UGA rules? I hope this is one of these times were we handle it with in house punishment. Akeem hasn't had a history of this behavior so thats what I hope. Plus, that opening schedule next year is pretty tough and we're going to need all of our linebackers.

Anonymous said...

He will be punished by 2 seperate policies. First, the University will give a firt-time offender probation. Second, the athletic department (CMR) will issue their own punishment. If he re-offends while on university probation he is subject to immediate suspension from the university. However, there is definitely a double-standard where athletes are concerned. Just ask Blake Edward, Allen Bliss, Coleman Hoover, Tyler Addison, etc.

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