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June 8, 2007 Old School Pic of the Week's old school picture of the week is former UGA QB Wayne Johnson against Georgia Tech in 1986. He's also got a pretty familiar old pic of Herschel on the front page.



Anonymous said...

Seeing him reminds me of the 1985 UGA vs. Alabama game between the Hedges on Labor Day weekend. Dawgs were down most of the game when late in the 4th quarter Wayne Johnson starts slinging passes all over the place leading us down the field. We score a couple of times and get back in the game. The fans are roaring and then Terrie Webster blocks a punt and the Dawgs recover for a TD to take the lead with less than a minute to go. The only time I've heard Sanford Stadium louder (up to that point in time) was when Butler beat Clemson in 1984. Everyone thought we had the game in the bag at this point when suddenly Mike Shula and Albert Bell decided to play catch right down the field. We wound up losing as Bama scored a TD with 10 seconds left in the game. What a heartbreaker.

Anonymous said...

Some of the best games I've ever seen in my life were loses.

1. 2005 AU = Friggin 4th and 60.

2. 1995 UT - Friggin Edwards and his traitorous foot bone

3. 1994 UA - Friggin Ray going conservative

4. 2000 AU - Friggin sideline not being 6 inches to the left so that Terrence scores on the QB keeper.

5. 2003 LSU - friggin Billy and his always dependable big toe letting us down for the first time ever.

Andrew said...

Where can i find a list of all UGA starting QB's and years they started??

Anonymous said...

no idea. but if you have a specific year request someone here can probably help you

Anonymous said...

I was at that game as a student. I remember the big deal was an overhead camera on a wire the TV network put up, it didn't move and it looked like punts were going to hit it. It was a bitter loss. I thought James Jackson was the starter for that game and most of the year. Wayne Johnson's big moment was the 1986 Auburn "Between the Hoses" victory, when Jackson missed the game because of the death of a grandparent. I think Johnson was from Columbus, so the win was especially sweet for him.

Tommy said...

Yeah, I remember James Jackson. He was a little like the '80s version of Quincy Carter. I think it was in '85 against South Carolina that he nearly pulled a Clint Stoerner as we were salting away the clock. Cocks picked it up, but we managed to run them down to prevent an ending that would have been both comedic and disastrous.

Anonymous said...

I think what actually happened in that game vs. South Carolina was that James scrambled around for about a 15 or so yard loss and then when time ran out he laid the ball on the ground around the 20. The Cocks picked it up and ran with it and the place went bezerk.

The problem with that thought was back then you couldn't advance a fumble. The refs knew this, Vince knew this, and South Carolina Coach Joe Morrison knew this. But like a jackass Morrison tried to make a big deal out of it and refused to shake Vince's hand and wouldn't take his team off the field. So the fans stayed and booed.

Vince was ticked! The ESPN mikes caught him telling Morrison pointedly that the game was over. Then when he was interviewed he had a wild-eyed look (barely controlled anger) and very pointedly called the ending of the game "very interesting." I am guessing that James got an earful for a whole week on that one.

Back to Wayne though, every once in a while a player will gain instant love and admiration from one game. He had a good career. But the 1986 Auburn game definitely put him in our hearts and minds forever. Darn good performance in the 1989 GAtor Bowl too.

JasonC said...

'94 Bama was a heart breaker. As I heard the call come in, I knew that the TE was gonna get the ball. We had been getting that play all day long (and there was another that we ran the daylights out of most of the game too). I remember thinking, "we'll hit the TE, get the first down and run out the clock", but the pass was dropped and Jay Barker ended up with the game of his career.

Another great game, but heartbreaker for me was the '92 Cocktail Party or Monsoon Party. Shannon Mitchell and Zeier were incredible that game, too bad a TO ruined it.

Anonymous said...

Man, I love those jersies.

White numbers. No trim. No border. Old school.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what Wayne is up to these days?

Anonymous said...


This is pretty close..

Georgia Passing Leaders

Anonymous said...

Also, Andrew, that will be updated (with Stafford) when I launch the site redesign.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is absolutely correct about the 85 game in Columbia, I had the good fortune to attend that game too. The funniest thing about it was while Carolina was arguing with the refs, a Cock fan slipped on the field in shorts and a striped referees shirt, ran to the goal line, and signaled touchdown. The place went nuts, the faux ref ran to the student section pursued by two large bellied Carolina highway patrolmen. We saw him remove the shirt and get passed through the student section, I think he got away. Another great moment in Southern football.

Unknown said...

Check out the story about Blake Barnes and Tripp Chandler getting busted for alcohol.

Anonymous said...

To Paul Westerdawg

I agree with you, I like '2003 LSU - friggin Billy and his always dependable big toe letting us down for the first time ever.' as well

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