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June 17, 2007

Dawgs Land 15th Commitment: Bryce Ros

Bryce Ros, son of Frank Ros (Captain of Georgia's National Championship '80 Squad) commited to play football for Georgia ( Per the AJC's article on Bryce's recruitment:
"Bryce didn't want for much. Even at 4, what he wanted most wasn't some colorful, noisy bauble. All he wanted was to watch the VHS tape of the 1980 Georgia title game...."Four or five times a day he would just sit there and watch it," Frank said. "He knew everything they said on that," Jan added. "He knew every word, every play, everything that was going to happen."
You can't beat recruiting talented kids who bleed red and black from birth. Bryce had offers from Bama, Auburn, Clemson, UNC and others. This isn't some favor to his old man. This kid can play.

With Ros and Dwayne Allen (TE from North Carolina) committed, you have to image we're full when it comes to that postition for the '08 class.

See Also:
-- Ros is staying home -
-- Like father like son - AJC
-- Full UGA Commit List -
-- Frank Ros Profile - UGA Alumni Web Site
-- Dooley on the '80 Team - ABH



Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me if Herschel played in the 1981 Clemson game (the year they won the NC)??
I don't think he did - wasn't he injured?
$300 and a six-pack is riding on this one. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Not only did Herschel play in that game, he fumbled 3 times as well.

Joel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joel said...

28 att
111 yds
0 td

Anonymous said...

Herschel was injured for the '82 game in Athens. He was a decoy on a reverse to Tron Jackson.

Beyond that -- see the link above for his '81 stat. They only won that game b/c we had like a bojillion turnovers. Buck threw 5 or 6 INTs and I think Herschel fumbled several away.

Anonymous said...

In the '82 game, Herschel also added a footnote to his legacy when he took out Dan Benish (sp?), a talkative Clemson DE, with a forearm uppercut to the throat with the cast on his broken thumb.

For several weeks before the game, Benish had talked about how he dreamed about a one-on-one shot at Herschel, and, as Herschel said afterwards in that high-pitched voice, "I just love making folks' dreams come true."

But, yes, Herschel and especially Buck stank up the joint at Clemson in '81. It was truly ugly -- the Stone Age offense of a Dooley team with the error-prone execution of a Goff/Donnan era team.

Anonymous said...

sonofabitch - I lost the bet.
Thanks for the info - guess I got my years mixed up. Damn!

Anonymous said...

For anyone that wants to know, we are not particulary recruiting Bryce as a tight end. We are recruiting him as an athlete. We were done with tight end recruitment for a while. My bet is Bryce plays defense. He can play their also. Just look at his stats last year. Played on the d-line and had 65 tackles and 10 sacks. Kid is very versitale so I wouldn't mind if he was a tight end. Either way I'm glad he is a Dawg

Anonymous said...

With a name like Bryce Warner Ros how could he play anywhere else?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 12:03...

It's not "Warner,", it's WOERNER, as in his dad's teammate Scott Woerner. As is Larry Munson screaming "WOERNER, WOERNER, WOERNER!" after a kick/punt/int. return for a touchdown, of which there were several back in those days.

I grant you it isnt the easiest name to spell, but the guy's a legend from the 1980 National Championship team. It's not like he has a triple vowel thing going like Eric Zier, errr, Zeir, errrrr ZEIER.

You young folks and your spelling.

Anonymous said...

I think Anon thought he was named for Kirk Warner

Anonymous said...

That 1981 Clemson game may have been the ugliest perfomance by a team that ultimately finished in the top 10 in the history of college football.

We turned the ball over NINE times. No wonder Dooley hated the passing game. I think Belue had 4 or 5 interceptions. Only problem was that the balance of the TOs came from the running game. It was truly a day where we couldnt get out of our own way.

Clemson was still smarting from the previous year's performance. At the half, they had outgained us on offense by about 300 yards, but thanks to a return by Scott WOERNER for a TD and a INT return by the same guy for 97 yards (before he gassed out on the 3) which we then drove the last 3 yards for a TD, we were ahead and ultimately won the game.

The thing (well, one thing) that always made me wonder about that game: What if we only turn it over 5 or 6 times? We might still have beaten the SOBs. Alas, it was not to be.

That said, the most disappointing game that year was the crushing last minute defeat by Pitt in the Sugar Bowl. I have hated Dan Marino since then, and for that matter, Bill Lewis, too.

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