Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

June 27, 2007

Greatest NCAA Football Video Game Glitch Ever

Orson Swindle called it, and he found the video. I present to you the amazing 7 inch tall linebacker.

I stumbled into this glitch in Season 2 or 3 of the '07 Dynasty.



Anonymous said...

I love exploiting the system in a football game. I never would've thought of making a player that short. My favorite exploit doesn't really cheat in any technical sense but works in every football game I've ever played that allows for substitution and audibles. It's not as iron-clad as having Herve Villechaize playing linebacker for you but it's pretty good.

Multi-set Offense: Using substitution by formation and audibles, you can line a package up in one formation and then audible to another. The big play I do with this is substitute a goalline (which I never use) to include a bunch of lightweight players and WRs. Then I use the audible to shift to a spread. Even if the defense is smart enough to audible with you, they have the wrong personnel on the field and you can usually scorch them.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Tyson Browning transfered to Texas A&M, or that he had eligibility remaining.

Anonymous said...

that was actually Tra battle.

Anonymous said...

I want to see a video of one of those guys getting a pick or better yet as a RB/WR!

oreo said...

I always thought moving Reggie Ball to the defensive side of the ball was a good idea...

Anonymous said...

That 7 inch guy sucks on the return team.

Get him outta there.

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