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Some of my favorite lines after the game were:
-- "Vandy called. They said welcome to the cellar."
-- "Honk if you sacked Tebow."
-- "Our kicker has more tackles than Tebow had rushing yards."
-- "Hey look, Willie bought a VCR."
List your best lines below.
What a game. Some pics:
-- AJC photo gallery 1
-- AJC photo gallery 2
-- DawgPost.com gallery
More headlines and comments later.
All your swamp are belong to us..
Your Jorts have been sacked.
Tebow, would you like a sandwich with your sack?
Wow.. maybe you idoits that keep
b!tching and moaning about Willie will shut up atleast for a week. I got news for you if it was not for our defense last year we would have been lucky to win 6 games. Beside UT and WVU(held to 7pts in 2nd half) We have been more than solid. I know he's everyones whipping boy but get over it. He's staying I promise you and not going anywhere unless he wants to leave.
Tebow for Criesman!
I still love the Beat Florida shirt you have on your page.
Simple but oh so sweet.
About Willie. If you recall the butt whoopings we took in the first half, a la UT and WVU, then you would realize that we would not have lost those games. It is not that Willie is a bad all the time it is that Willie doesn't prepare. We have to suffer through the 1st half in order to have a great defense only for the 2nd half. This is why we complain and moan about Willie.
Granted the defensive scheme was great for UF but why can't we use that same scheme with the same amount of blitzes, man coverage, and push up the middle. It is amazing to see what Willie can do with two weeks to prepare. The problem is that you don't get two weeks to prepare for every game.
I wish he would either get his act together or go somewhere else.
Muschamp for DC.
You may be a Gator......But your moma is a DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!
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