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October 6, 2007

Georgia vs. UT Video Flashbacks

From years past...


Anonymous said...

Ah, Herschel running over Bill Bates does it for me every time.

Andrew said...

It's halftime right now, and I must say this is the worst prepared Richt team that I have ever seen. I hope the second half is different.

Holla said...

Something I've been wondering for a while now: How is it that the 2001 Tennessee game is not online anywhere? I mean the real-live version? That and the 2002 Alabama game. I can't believe there's no Dawg fans out there who have these on video and can put them on Youtube. Just sayin'.

Andrew said...

Lack of preparation, no sense of urgency, and penalties negating big plays...sandbagging to the extreme by the UT bloggers, and we're still working on that whole SEC East win thing. Hrm.

Anonymous said...

Screw the SEC East - we don't even deserve to still be in the hunt. My God, at least we got Vanderbilt next week. . .wait, oh yeah, they would've scored at least 24 on Tennessee.

Anonymous said...

2005 seems so far away. I miss Shockley, Massaquoi (when he caught balls), Pope, Blue, Moses, Jackson, Taylor, Oliver, Jennings, Minter...

yes, those were the good years.

The fact of the matter is that it is becoming apparent that Georgia is closer to the Vandy and Kentucky programs than it is the Florida-like programs.

Ward said...

Anon, Andrew was referring to just a single *win* in the SEC East, not actually winning the division.....


Andrew said...

Thanks, Ward. Let's hope Vandy is SEC East win #1 in a long, long rebuilding chain.

And re: David, while I'm not sure that UGA has hit where Vandy and Kentucky once used to reside in terms of the SEC East standings, I definitely feel that, for the time being, the dominant UGA performances against SEC teams have fallen by the wayside.

It seems like, when we win against closely-matched SEC opponents, it's a struggle most of the way--Alabama--and any losses against such opponents are either slips (South Carolina) or complete flops (today). We just never seem to come out and really formulate and execute a plan of total game domination (2005 SEC Championship, LSU) anymore.

So--player fall-off as more go to traditionally weaker teams that are now building up decent recruiting pitches with big-time wins (Kentucky)? Is Coach Richt just not demanding enough as a coach--maybe not from the Miles/Meyer cloth--to compete in the new SEC East? Not sure.

Tear this up at will, it might just be the loss talking.

Go Dawgs!

Anonymous said...

There are bigger issues, but I'll say now what I said last year: Get Massaquoi of the freaking team. I don't care about his potential or his speed or if he has EVER had a good game. He is SUPPOSED to have good games. He cannot catch the ball. Yes, I read the article in the AJC last week about Chandler's redemption: great. He's new. Massaquoi has a LONG record of dropping passes. It's just maddening.

Anonymous said...

Anon - 6:33 am.

I think you're way off base on this

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