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November 28, 2007

Today's Bowl Rumors and Headlines

Image: Hipple

The Athens paper says Damon is working the phones to get us the best bowl possible. However, Richt won't brag on the Dawgs or lobby for a better bowl because he's too busy doing his Munson/Dooley poor mouthing impression.

Richt might not be talking about the Dawgs, but Les Miles is. The Mad Hatter is irked over Georgia's possible national title run. Miles isn't the only one with a beef. Fox's resident moron analyst Charles Davis described UGA getting into the National Title game as "The Nightmare Scenario." I see nothing nightmarish about UGA playing for the title given the insanity of this season. The only nightmare in my eyes would be a Hawaii in the slot opposite Ohio State.

Terry Bowden must be lobbying for the Georgia Tech head coaching job. He spends a little time in his BCS article mentioning that he doesn't want to see UGA in the title game.

Andy Stables of the Tampa Tribune notes that Florida isn't technically out of the BCS mix. Technically, he's right. But UGA getting knocked of its guaranteed at-large spot so the Gators can sneak into the Orange Bowl is a massive leap. LSU is currently 7th. They aren't going to jump three spots in one week while passing two teams that didn't play. Get serious. Even if Virginia Tech loses, I just don't see them jumping Georgia *and* Kansas to push us out of the Top 4. has their bowl update and so does Josh Kendall of the Macon Telegraph closes out the morning bowl discussion.


[Dawgnoxious note: if you filled out your bowl ticket request online but did not include any or all of the BCS bowls considering the Dawgs, you can call the UGA ticket office through Friday to change your ticket request. However, if you attempt to add those bowl ticket requests online you will not be able to do so. I called Monday and the whole process took about 2 minutes.]


Anonymous said...

I think a far larger "nightmare scenario" from the BCS's perspective is for incredibly small market Missouri to play incredibly small market West Virginia for the national title. The folks in charge of the BCS would probably be willing to fly to West Virginia and go Tanya Harding on the entire team if they thought they could get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Paul --- The scenario the Tampa writer was referring to was if, say, Kansas jumps us in next week's BCS (not likely, but possible). A lot of people think ANY top-4 team is automatically in the BCS, but in fact it's only the highest-ranked team in the top 4 (that isn't otherwise qualified by winning its conference) who is automatically in. So only the higher-ranked of Kansas and Georgia in next week's BCS gets an automatic berth. If Georgia doesn't get that automatic berth, then the Orange, say, could take Georgia, Florida or any other eligible team.


Anonymous said...

Ohio State will play West Virginia for all the marbles.

That in and of itself is a travesty. Has either of those team played and beaten a top twenty team this year?

And Les Miles can go eat Cajun shit. If LSU had had a decent head football coach there is not a team in the country that would have come within 2 touchdowns of them.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Florida.

"Hey, wouldn't it be awesome if the Orange Bowl screwed Georgia and we got to play in the BCS? Yeah!"

"We'd sell out the Orange Bowl!" (Sure, because Georgia wouldn't. Right.)

Look, Florida. You had a very nice season. Tebow is great. But you also lost three games, finished *****THIRD***** in the SEC East, were roundly dismissed in Jacksonville, lost to Auburn (Auburn!), and have a grand total of one (1) win of any real consequence. Accept your Citrus/Outback bid and just shut up.

This is the same sort of nonsense these jokers tried to pull in '03. Can't win the games on the field? Then get Foley and the minions to do some back-room shenanigans and grift your way into an undeserved bowl. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, if the SEC lets UGA hang in the breeze on both the Rose and the Orange Bowls, then I think it's time to take that and the truly awful Penn Wagers-led officiating against Auburn/Florida into account...and pack our bags and leave.

Either that or go '07 Patriots on the conference next season. Our choice.

Crane said...

Hey we could still go to the Sugar Bowl 2 ways.

LSU goes to the BCS championship if both WVU and Missouri lose.

Super awkward way to go the bowl game.

Sugar Bowl: Tennessee/LSU vs UGA
How does it happen:
Hawaii Loses to Washington so the non-BCS don't have someone ranked in the top 14. UGA is picked as an at Large for the SEC championship part II.

I don't imagine that would happen but it is technically possible

Rose Bowl: UCLA vs Illinois
How does it happen:
Oklahoma beats Missouri or Pitt Beats WVU.UCLA beats USC
Arizona beats Arizona State
Illinois Jumps 1 Spot on a Tennessee or Hawaii Loss

Anonymous said...

The one thing that comes to mind when we talk all about the bowl scenarios is what a mess it is and how much we need a playoff system. Except that, the playoff would be just as screwed up. Instead of worrying about BCS rankings, we'd all be worrying about seeds and home field advantage, and how in the first round team A lost to team H in three overtimes because their best player got injured in the first quarter so they got eliminated, but we all know they were really the best team, etc., etc.

I freakin' LOVE college football.

JasonC said...

Orange Bowl? Rose Bowl? Sugar Bowl against another SEC team? Grassy knoll? Decent article by Terrance Moore? Two gunmen?... head hurting.

Don't blow 2 games and then you don't have to worry about such matters.

Davis (FOX),
The way I look at it, USC- a team he likes- is in the same situation as UGA; a 2-loss team that caught fire at the end of the season. Granted, USC is going to win the Pac10 because of Oregon's timely demise, but if Vandy or Kentucky's kickers could make a FG, we'd be in the same position.

Back to Moore:
The crazy thing is that for the most part he is right. This team has a tremendous amount of potential for next year (and beyond). Richt is correct in that Florida is young and the rest of the league isn't going to raise a white flag. However, as has been discussed on this site before, the '08 schedule is a bear. And it is quite possible that we get closer to a MNC this year than next, despite the probability that next year's team is better. As others have noted, winning a MNC is as much a function of luck and having outside factors fall into place as it is being a great team and winning games.

And I got an idea for marketing us to the Rose Bowl this year- photoshop a pic of Stafford spooning with a USC song girl and add the caption: "Excitement all the way to the afterglow"

Jmac said...

Maybe if Les Miles focused on, you know, beating Kentucky rather than complaining about the Pac-10 or the national title race, this wouldn't be an issue.

Jmac said...

Also ... should someone tell Terry Bowden Georgia is 10-2.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can't remember when Terry Bowden had something good to say about UGA. I'd love for him to go to an SEC school so we could kick his team in the teeth. You know, just to make him hate us more.

Anonymous said...

Terry Bowden...that fat ass loser can kiss my big ass. Know why you're not relevant jackoff? Cause you suck & got fired. No one gives a shit what you think.

Dismissing all Bowdens has never been a problem for CMR. I welcome that piece of shot to the trade school.

Anonymous said...

IS LSU really that much better than Georgia, Les? Comparative scoring can be fool's gold, sure, but just for the sake of argument...

vs. USC
LSU won by a couple of scores, Georgia lost. They've got us there.

vs. Alabama
LSU had to come back to win by a score (via a JPW gift), Georgia lost a two score lead but won in OT. Pretty much a wash.

vs. Florida
LSU had to come back from a two-score deficit to win at home, Georgia handled Florida throughout in Jax. Edge goes to the Dawgs. No fourth down magic needed here.

vs. Auburn
LSU needed a last-second TD to win. Georgia destroyed the Tigers. Huge edge, Georgia.

vs. Kentucky
LSU lost. Georgia didn't. Another notch for the Dawgs.

Now, they can pick up another edge against UT, but from where I see it, we've handled our biz-ness much better as of late. LSU hasn't really looked solid since mid-September.

Anonymous said...

Davis references BYU and states that the world did not spin off it's axis when they won the title.

Does he not remember Nebraska making it to the BCS title game despite not winning their own division?

It's already happened IN THE BCS for God's sakes. How do people forget stuff like that?

Anonymous said...

Because Nebraska had the Blackshirts and Eric Crouch and super awesome fans and tried hard and the stadium is legendary and blah blah blah!

Know what's been great about the Callahan Era in Lincoln? That the ridiculous Husker Kool-Aid flow was stopped. That devastating Miami beatdown might have built the coffin, but thankfully Callahan remembered to supply the nails.

Smitty said...

Les Filling and his crispy white hat can go kiss my ass. He would fit right in at Michigan and the Big 10 or 11. Looks like he could blow a bowl game just like good ol' Bo. My wife went to LSU and I've told her from day one that Les is in over his head and he's a flake. He's had the most talented team around over the last 3 years and what does he have to show for it. Not yet an SEC title even though I think they will win close on Saturday. What do you think Nick Saban would have done with those teams if he stayed??? Les if you want to get in the National Title game you down lose after Thanksgiving for crying out loud to an unranked team that puts 50 on the board in your house!

Anonymous said...

Who is Charles Davis? Never heard of him.


Anonymous said...

Anyone else think this is scary - regarding the Nebraska coaching search: Note - Mark Richt was born in Omaha.

The media, using information available on the Web, have had their eyes on the skies. Using Federal Aviation Administration owner registration records and flight tracking software, outlets were able to report that a booster's plane flew Osborne and chancellor Harvey Perlman to Baton Rouge, La., apparently to interview Pelini.

They were also able to report the same plane then flew to *Atlanta*, where more work on the search was apparently done.

JasonC said...

Richt is not going to Nebraska. Per ESPN:
"A source close to Wake Forest indicated that coach Jim Grobe interviewed with Nebraska in Atlanta on Nov. 26. The source thinks Grobe has a good shot at the job. Apparently, LSU defensive coordinator Bo Pelini didn't knock A.D. Tom Osborne's socks off during the interview and doesn't feel good about it."

Probably the interview with Grobe, not Richt. The only thing we need to worry about is FSU and Bowden is currently working on an extension. Hopefully, Jimbo Fisher stays in Tallahasee and assumes the position (so to speak) when Daddy Bowden retires. But I imagine UGA does whatever they can to keep Richt, who I believe likes Georgia enough to stay.

As I wrote this ESPN changed direction and said that Bo Pelini and Turner Gil are the top 2 for Nebraska, but that doesn't change that Osborne could have been in ATL for Grobe.

Anonymous said...

Richt is probably going to end up Top 10 this year, win or lose the bowl game. A win probably puts them a 3 for the second time in Richt's tenure. Next year, UGA is a near certain lock for Top 5 preseason. And the year after, they actually have a better shot at going undefeated than this coming year. I wouldn't start worrying about Richt leaving until he has a national title under his belt or he's on a multi-year skid from the 20's to unranked. Even then, I'd be more worried about the NFL than college teams since there aren't many college teams that can outpay Georgia.

And then even if Richt leaves UGA in the mid-future, any team that would stoop to hiring Callahan is out of Richt's league. Nebraksa's best bet is to find their own assistant coach with head coach potential. I was born in Dallas but I wouldn't take the SMU (or even the Texas) coaching job if I were already doing so well at my current schoold.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:36...

"They were also able to report the same plane then flew to *Atlanta*, where more work on the search was apparently done."

I think they hired an Atlanta-based search firm, which would explain the flight to Atlanta.

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