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November 28, 2007

Why the Tech offensive lineman was ejected

Tech lies and cheats. What a bush league move.



Anonymous said...

Fuel the hatred!

Dawgnoxious said...

There's your "Total Person" concept. Tech lies and cheats. Verily.

Anonymous said...

Like they say over on North Avenue:

"If you can't beat 'em, maim 'em."

Fuck Tech

Nathan said...

Dunmon is going to be a very good interior lineman because he has a nasty streak a mile wide. Dunmon is also going to get a lot of penalties because he's just mean. That was just a dumb, stupid and foolish penalty. At best.

Anonymous said...

Nathan -- You are confusing "nasty streak" with yellow streak. Dunmon is a jackoff who will ultimately find himself flopping around on the field holding his own knee if he continues that kind of chicken shit style of play.

JasonC said...

It's one thing to have a mean streak, it's another thing to maim another player- granted, that didn't happen here, but the next time it could.

I'm surprised Auburn hasn't contacted him yet.

Anonymous said...

Is this more evidence of how Tech "has so much more class" than the Dawgs we heard so much about from their mindless, inane babbling on the hive(s) and world of warcraft chat rooms?

Anonymous said...

I could be mistaken on the play but did anyone else notice on the opening kickoff return that one of the Tech guys intentionally shoved the return man's head back into the grass when he tried to lift up? I'd love to see that clip if anyone can post it.
...You stay classy, North Avenue.

LD said...

Send to The Wiz of Odds for his "Cheap Shot of the Year" contest.

Anonymous said...


My wife noticed that. I thought he was just trying to get up without paying attention to where he put his hand. Just didn't have that intentional look to me. Not forceful enough.

Unknown said...

Maybe our friend from New Jersey, Mr. Moreno, can send Mr. Dunmon a crutch...because he's going to need it next year.

Quinton McDawg said...

At Auburn, that earns you "benefits."

Sundawg said...

Players have a way of taking care of other players who take cheap shots. Dunmon better wear knee braces from now on.

Remember folks, this is one player, not the entire team or the school.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous. Moves lack that should carry a much stronger penalty than 15 yards and an ejection.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting this classless cheap shot up. The broadcast glossed over it while they were interviewing UGA VI on the sidelines.

Would it be possible to post the story of Tyrone Sorrells from the mid-80's? I just want to further deflate the "superior academics" argument the Techies always pull out when they lose.

The 31st Floor said...

Sadly this POS reminds me of Daniel Inman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Macondawg, I'll have to check the DVR but I remember watching that thinking "Holy Hell if we'd done anything like that (accidentally or intentionally) during the OurBarn game it would've been called for an unsportsman-like with that flag-happy crew.

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

Interesting that after the Florida and Auburn games, the Tech boards were blowing up with talk of how unsportsmanlike Georgia was and how we better not try that s%$# when we go to BDS, but then the game actually happens and it's those fine upstanding Tech Men trying to go all Ultimate Fighting Champion on the proceedings.

Anonymous said...

Just to add fuel to the fire..

Dunmon's father has been on a GT message board proudly talking about it.



Anonymous said...

hobnail- which board?

Anonymous said...


Go here to read the the sickening shit coming from those models of class.

Anonymous said...

Supposedly #74's Dad says,

"The way we look at it, his stock with the Oakland Raiders may have just went up a few points."

And you can tell by reading the posts that follow Dad's that there is a lot of masturbating going on in Buzz World. They are actually talkin' to DAD! Thanks DAD! WE LOVE YOU DAD! Tell your dirty son we love him too DAD!

Damn. It is sickening.

Anonymous said...

This, supposedly from DAD, concerning Chan Gailey.

"The nature of football has become a "dog eat dog" type sport, where either you destroy them or pay for it later. This is the one weakness that I could not understand. Coach Gailey came from an era along with Dan Reeves, and Tom Landry. "Gentelmens football".

I dont think nor have I ever thought he was a bad coach, but he coached in a way that will NOT win games today."

Any questions as to why his son is a dirty coward?

Ya gotta hit 'em when the play is over and they ain't lookin' son!

Astronaut Mike Dexter said...

This one's pretty bad too, although at least most of the commenters had the good sense to condemn the bad apples:

Too bad the same can't be said for the legions of "Buzzoff" patrons moistening their drawers over the "intensity" of one dickweed O-lineman's dirty play. Here's hoping Poppa Dunmon has a real shitty time in Athens next year.

Just when I think 7 in a row is softening my hatred for these twits, they come out of their holes and stoke the fires all over again . . .

Dan said...

1. Complete and total cheapshot. I missed the play apparently, but if I was the coach he's running until he throws up twice.

2. Please don't equate most Tech fans with anything you ever read on Buzzoff.

JasonC said...

I read the buzzoff thread and it was pretty ridiculous. The 2 anon posters who quoted the site were pretty spot on about the thread.
There was another jerk "ruleman" or something gay like that, that lauded attempts at breaking a Dog player's leg.
Then there was a post with a UGA's fans comments about the thread and Daddy went berserk a la Mike Gundy, going on about "you can't talk bad about my son, I'm a man! Talk to me, blah blah, blah..."

They called us a bunch of rule breakers for stuff like the Florida celebration (guess what- we were penalized and moved on). The problem is when you are doing illegal stuff that can seriously injure people.

Look, there are classless Tech fans and there are classless UGA fans, every school has classless fans. But regardless of what they say, 7-0 speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed that the CSS rebroadcast didn't have Joe Hamilton along side with Buck. I thought he was brilliant last year during the rebroadcast: "Co Mar Rick know heh coterback from heh days wit Flahda Stay." We could have all used you in the booth last weekend for this thuggery, coterback Joe.

Unknown said...

Dirty Dog back
Friday, September 15, 2006
By David Paschall
Staff Writer

ATHENS, Ga. -- The dirtiest player on Georgia's football team is finally getting dirty.

Daniel Inman, a 6-foot-7, 319-pound senior offensive tackle from Hope Mills, N.C., will make a belated debut Saturday afternoon against UAB after sitting out a two-game suspension. Inman is thrilled to be playing, as are his teammates who repeatedly scrap with him in practice.

"He's like a big bully," senior defensive tackle Ray Gant said. "He's going to keep pushing your buttons until you fight back. He likes holding. He'll grab your facemask and hold it tight and try to pull your helmet off after the play. The play will be over, and he'll push you in the back.

"Dan is dirty, man, and I'm glad he's on my side. I can't imagine what he'll do to somebody he doesn't care about."

Inman is one of three Bulldogs returning this week, joining redshirt freshman center Ian Smith and junior cornerback Thomas Flowers. Smith was suspended following a February arrest for public intoxication and underage drinking, while the suspensions of Inman and Flowers were undisclosed team rules violations.

A fourth Georgia player, sophomore weakside linebacker Dannell Ellerbe, will return next week when the Bulldogs host Colorado. Ellerbe was arrested in January and charged with theft by taking of an automobile, driving under the influence, underage possession and providing false information to police.

Having started 37 games the past three seasons, Inman was easily the most notable of the suspensions.
He watched the opening win over Western Kentucky with his teammates on the Sanford Stadium sideline and viewed last weekend's win at South Carolina alone in his apartment.

He'll have his first Friday night team meal of the season tonight.

"It's been a long road," Inman said. "Watching two games go by is almost like watching a fourth of my season. I always thought about it through the summer and through camp, but it never really hit me until game week. The closer it got to the game, the more I got that sick feeling."

Sick of facing Inman during the week, Gant and Charles Johnson agree no teammate is more ornery. Each has a history of sparring with Inman, though most of the skirmishes are becoming distant.

"The last time we fought, I think I came out of there with a dislocated shoulder because he and Fernando Velasco double-teamed me," Gant said. "I didn't like it too much, so they dislocated my shoulder. You have to fight with Dan, because if you don't he'll keep picking on you."

Said Johnson: "When he gets ready to fight, he tries to take your helmet off first thing. Then if he gets it, he'll throw it at you."

Asked about his reputation, Inman smiled and said, "I just play to the whistle ... sometimes. I've got those long arms and can lock them up."

David Pollack, Kedric Golston and Quentin Moses are other notables Inman has fought on the fields.
Gant said Inman will be "snarling" and "drooling" at Saturday's kickoff, but offensive coordinator Neil Callaway wants his emotions in check.

"We always want to play hard, but we always want to play smart," Callaway said. "You never want to do anything stupid, so hopefully he'll go out there and play hard and get back playing like he's capable of playing."

Inman expects to be intense against a UAB defense that held its own against Oklahoma and Heisman Trophy candidate Adrian Peterson. Inman also expects his 38th career start to be one of his toughest.
"For my first game back, I'm going up against some animals," he said. "I'm going to be the pup out there who hasn't played."

Anonymous said...

I was trying to read the rest of the posts but I think Mr. Dad compared Chan Gailey to Tom Landry and something broke in my brain trying to comprehend that. There was nothing gentlemanly about the way Landry's defense played. I'm pretty sure Chuck Howley alone led to some rule changes on permissible contact in the NFL.

Anonymous said...

Kevin 8:15

Was the point of your post that the Dawgs had a cheap-shot taking lineman too? If it was, at least Dawgs fans didn't congratulate Inman for his play. Most couldn't wait until he was gone.

Anonymous said...

Kevin - Dawg fans thought Inman was a penalty magnet douche, and were glad he finally graduated.

We didn't celebrate his antics, and he never hurt or tried to hurt an opponent.

Anonymous said...

I wish Inman's DAD would jump on the board with us.

I'd like to see if he gets the same cod massage that DAD got over at Buzzoff.

It was repulsive.

Anonymous said...

I am a UGA fan all the way. I know Dunmon from highschool where he was a two time all state offensive lineman. This is not his normal behavior and I haven seen him play many times. He is only a freshman and felt that a cheap shot was put on him earlier in the game by the same player that he took a shot at. These two players also have a history back in highschool where they played against each other in the playoffs. I am not condoning this flagrant violation but I am saying that maybe this was a reaction based on frustration and an earlier cheap shot taken against him that was not flagged.

Anonymous said...

Yes because UGA players have never ever taken a cheap shot before in their life! The Tech guy got ejected from the game... your guys usually end up behind bars.

Anonymous said...

Our guys go behind bars for underage drinking. Tech boys go behind bars for drug trafficking. Go home NAT!

Anonymous said...

You guys are all idiots. Any father would take up for his son. The kid made a mistake. He paid for the mistake. Got kicked out of the game. I swear some of us UGA fans are so ridiculous. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

One of the posters said that a 15 yard penalty and ejection from the game was not enough. This is from the school where an armed robbery conviction over the summer results in a one game suspension against the Northeastern New Mexico State!

Anonymous said...

One player is one player. I'm appalled that anyone on the GT team would do that, just as you are appalled at players on your team who do that.

BTW, sitting in the north endzone, I saw a uga player grab Tashard Choice's face mask on the way up from the ground, lifting it just a couple inches before slamming it back down. Call that clean? Cos I don't. But it's a rivalry game, and people get pumped up and do stupid shit.

We're talking class act, cf. Mark Richt's "celebrate until the flag" instruction to his team. (Let it be known that that aside, I think Richt's a pretty good guy.)

Anonymous said...

After reading all these posts about how the UGA players should/will retaliate, how 74 would be laid out with a blown knee sometime down the road, etc., I now better understand how UGA fans define "class".

Thankfully we all agree that Tech fans and players do not have the UGA brand of "class".

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