Image: DawgPost.com
He's dealt with academic suspensions. He's dealt with injuries. He's dealt with pocket knife suspensions. He's dealt with jay walking suspensions. He's dealt with bad bounces, tough breaks, bad calls, you name it and Dennis Felton has faced it this season.
Tonight, Dennis Felton took his bad luck to a whole new level. A tornado (or hailnado if you prefer) appears to have struck the Georgia Dome and surrounding areas causing the Georgia vs. Kentucky game to be postponed until Saturday at 12:00 pm (according to WSB TV as of 2:00 am this morning).
Felton reacts to postponing the game (DawgPost.com)...
Now, Felton's yoke of troubles expands. If he were to pull off the massive upset of the Wildcats, he would likely have to play two games in one day on Saturday. And if that's not enough, he has to face the Wildcats in Georgia Tech's Alexander Memorial Coliseum. Insert dark gallows humor about his inability to win on the road here.
As of right now, there's no word on how the SEC will handle seating at Tech. They can either use a first come first serve method for seating, or they can play the game in an empty gym for TV only. The problem with the first come first serve angle...there are over 17,000 fans in town that have tickets for this game. The McThriller Dome only holds 9,100.
In fairness to Felton, the Kentucky fans weren't blaming the weather related problems on Dennis. That obviously fell at the feet of Tubby and/or Saul Smith. I'm not sure how, but you just have to nod along with them when they start bitching about Tubby.
According to the AJC, admission will be limited to players' families and those with working credentials.
I was in the dome. It sounded like a train was going right by outside. It was really, really weird.
Is is just me, or does Felton look like he's doing the Hokey-pokey in the first pic?
Was at CNN Center about to start trying to look for tix. Glad I got that second beer.
This is a good thing for Felton and the Dawgs. There will only be family and media in the flying saucer dome, and we are used to playing in front of empty houses. Kentucky and others might not know how to handle an empty arena.
That's my spin and I am sticking to it until about 3 or 4 this afternoon.
all i know is, i was driving on 85 (back to athens from the airport) when that crazy storm hit...there'd been an insane amount of lightening bolts already and all of a sudden one huge drop hit the windshield and then it was like a downpour of rain/hail with crazy winds. couldn't see a thing for the longest time.
"If the Dawgs were to advance to Saturday, then monkeys would fly out of my ass..."
How you feelin' this morning PWD? :)
i don't understand why they just don't play it in Philips arena
i will say one thing, the man has improved immeasurably since 5 years ago in his speaking with the media. It may be too little, too late, but he's showing the desired "marked improvement" in many areas.
Mr. Egger: As an 81 graduate of the Grady School, I noticed the exact same thing. Felton's media presence has improved light years. If our team could make the same progress, Dennis Felton could be the Mark Richt of basketball.
larrymunson'shead -
Here's your answer:
Philips Arena escaped any structural damage from the storm, the decision to cancel this evenings event was based on the estimated 18,000 thousand people coming downtown during the clean up of debris throughout the area. With the tour ending tomorrow night in Nashville, there will not be an opportunity to reschedule the concert. Winter Jam Spectacular Tour plans to return in 2009, check www.PhilipsArena.com for more information.
is this game at tech going to be televised?
+1 for the "Things That Go Bump..." tag.
+1 to the "hailnado" Sporting News article writer, Spencer Hall, for "It was awesome, but in that old testament wrath of God way, not that fun, Andrew WK party way."
I totally understand moving the games to the Alexander, however I want to say this as a Dawg fan.....I HATE TECH AND EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR!
Beating UK on Tech's court would make a win triply sweet! GO DAWGS!
Is this game being televised in Atlanta??? I've checked every network and sports station I know, and I can't find the Dawgs. Help?
Did you photoshop that red tie on Felton?
Monkeys moving at Tornadic speed.
I wish those damn monkeys would take us all the way to the Big Dance!
omgwtfbbqhax ZACK SWANSEY!!!1!111!!!ELEVENTY!
This is Wannstedtesque, will you give Felton a fruit basket?
will there be fans allowed for the final game next week? will it still be at techs crappy place?
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