Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

April 30, 2008

Bulldogs Finalize 2009 Schedule. Maintain Bye Week before UF

The TTU Cowboy-Plumber-Trainer-Medic in action

Georgia announced that the 2009 football schedule is baked. The final team will be the Tennessee Tech. Next year's schedule:
    at Oklahoma State - opening their new facility
    vs. South Carolina
    at Arkansas
    vs. Arizona State
    vs. LSU
    at Tennessee
    at Vanderbilt
    vs. Florida (Jacksonville)
    vs. Tennessee Tech
    vs. Auburn
    vs. Kentucky
    at Georgia Tech
The home games (in bold) deliver enough excitement even with Tennessee Tech to keep me fired up.

Any schedule that involves at least two non-conference BCS teams (GT, Ok State and ASU) plus a bye week before the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party is a damn good one.

Note: The photo at the top was taken at a TTU game two years ago. I'm pretty sure that he has athletic tape, a screw driver, a toilet scrub brush, a six shooter and a feather duster on that belt. He has worked the sidelines for Watson Brown for quite some time.



JasonC said...

You forgot to put Tech in bold. We usually have half the fans anyway.

I am not excited about Tenn Tech, but with ASU, OkSt and Tech all on the OOC schedule I guess it's okay. I would rather play FAU or Duke or some other Div 1 patsy instead of stooping to lower divisions.

And 2 trips that would scare Dr. Livingstone- into the backwoods abyss of Fayetteville and Stillwater. I remember at least one announcer saying that the trip to Fayetteville was one of the worst in college football.

Anonymous said...

Dare I say it looks a bit more like a National Championship favoring schedule than this year's?

Anonymous said...

JasonC -- Dawgnoxious and I have been to Fayetteville twice (2000 and 2004). I have nothing negative to say about their fans or their stadium.

Frankly, their stadium is one of the nicest on campus facilities that you'll go to in terms of design, layout, scoreboard, etc.

The Ozarks are beautiful.

You can fly into Tulsa from ATL cheap as hell. (90 minute drive from Tulsa)

Their fans have no general beef with us. By any reasonable measure, I should've been beaten to a PULP in 2000 for my drunken conversations with the locals post-game. But they were very cool / fun.

And "Doe's Steakhouse" in downtown Fayetteville serves one helluva a steak. PLUS, I have watched UF lose to Mississippi State *twice* in that bar. Note: Doe's bar stools are actually saddles. So, it's good times.

Starkville on the other hand. It's the land that prosperity forgot.


JasonC said...


I travelled with the Dogs to Fayetteville back in the early 90s. We flew to Joplin. Missouri, which had a small airport. Then bussed about 2 hours to a golf resort (in the middle of nowhere), where we stayed Friday night. Then we bussed at least another hour on game day to the stadium.

It was one of the least convenient trips I remember. What I saw of the facilities where, in fact, pretty good. It was just a pain to get there. And you are correct, their fans weren't bad either.

Stickville is in the middle of nowhere. I did that once and it was an okay trip- nothing great.

Baton Rouge is my last remaining SEC campus to see a game at.

Anonymous said...

Arizona State and LSU back-to-back weeks at home. That'll be a good time.

Anonymous said...

jasonC - the have made monumental progress with their facilities since the trip in 2000. they were very much a work in progress for that one.

But you're ain't easy to get to Fayettenam.

Dawgnoxious and I flew into Memphis the first time to hang out there a day. Then drove over to Little Rock for Friday night. Watched the game in F-ville Sat and drove back to Memphis.

Second trip was MUCH better just flying into Tulsa. That said, I think we connected through Chicago to get the $150 flight. That and the $20 rental car from Hotwire was a great deal.

Tulsa has 2 dining must sees. One is Billy Simms' BBQ place with the Longhorn Toilet and the 4 foot tall bobble head Billy Sims Doll complete with afro. Hysterical. Plus, an infamous mexican place with a margarita called, "The Panty Dropper." LMAO!


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, no one has commented on the off-week before FL.

And we all know the value of having the week off before that game.

Anonymous said...

FWIW, Tennessee has Auburn at home the week before us in '09. So at least there won't be a bye week advantage for them to add to their annual "Save Fulmer" motivational tactic (a la last year).

Anonymous said...

Everyone makes a fuss about the day off before UF, did UGA have the week off during the era when it was beating UF and owning UF?

I do not have old schedules or my ESPN College Football Encyclopedia handy.

Anonymous said...

Ski - It wasn't so much that we had an off week. It was the fact that Florida played Auburn the week before us. The big physical AU squads would beat the hell out Florida for us.

UGA usually played UK, Vandy, Richmond, Temple or someone else. If memory serves.

The first thing Spurrier did was start lobbying to move the Auburn game to a different week. has the info in his historical schedules area.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, I thought University of Louisville and Georgia were to play '09 and '10? Did I miss something here?

Anonymous said...

Louisville in '11 and '12...

Anonymous said...

Arkansas fans are great win or lose (other than the time we lost and I had to wear a damned hog on my head all day at work and yell "soouuuuee go hawgs!") whenever anyone asked about it)

They love to buy your drinks and don't seem to mind when you play " Georgia on my mind" 10 straight times on the juke box.

Anonymous said...

FYI - Walmart built a decent airport at Fayetteville (well more or less) and it's often cheaper to fly into/out of than Tulsa (my home). Now who do I speak to about reserving my tickets for the OSU & Ark games?

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