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April 21, 2008

Clemson to play 2 SEC teams per year

Starting in 2010, the Clemson Tigers will enter a seven year stretch of playing at least two SEC teams per year. This is in addition to Clemson opening the season against Alabama in 2008 in the Georgia Dome.

The Tigers have signed two game series with Auburn, Georgia, Ole Miss and Vanderbilt.







UGA, Vandy


Ole Miss

Ole Miss

It'll be interesting to see how Auburn with a Lake holds up against Auburn without a Lake in 2010-2011.

See Also:
-- Clemson Future Schedules -
-- Georgia Future Schedules -
-- UGA vs. Clemson '03 (Gibson TD) - YouTube
-- UGA vs. Clemson '03 (Pollack INT) - YouTube

BTW -- This post is one of those "scheduled posts" that I'm tinkering with from I found this info earlier Sunday morning, and I saved the post for today. It's at least "something" football related for you since I didn't have time tonight to put together a Spring Recap article. However, I do have some more interesting things on that front hopefully soon. Also, Quinton has a couple of solid baseball and "other" sport articles up this morning.


ht - The Wizard of Odds


Anonymous said...

I was looking at our 2013 schedule and noticed a few odd things.

First, have we ever played in both "Death Valley" stadiums in the same year?

Second, we have basically four straight away games bookended bt open dates. That's 49 days between home games. Weird.

Third, we scheduled App. State early. That's dangerous.

And finally, Auburn and Alabama at home the same year. I can't imagine that's happened much.

Anonymous said...


2013 is basically the 2003 schedule almost verbatim.

In '03, we went to Clemson and LSU while getting Bama and Auburn at home.

As for Appy State. They'll go back to being Appy State (a team that gets beaten by 3-9 NC State type squads) after this current QB graduates.

There's no reason to fear any Div I-AA squad. Appy State beat Michigan because Michigan didn't take them serious, their QB was playing out of his mind and Hart missed 1.5 quarters with a leg issue.


Unknown said...

Where do you find 5 and 10 year future schdules? The Athletic Dept. website only has schdules for about 2 years out.

Anonymous said...

Ernest -- You go to the link above. He's got 'em all the way out to 2016.

Anonymous said...

Over/Under on the times Clemson finishes higher in the SEC than south carolina in the next 10 years: 7.

JasonC said...

+1 Auburn with a lake and Auburn without a lake.

I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

I think we also played at both Death Valleys in 1990. And, we played both Bama & Auburn at home in 1995. That was the year of the dream home schedule that included between the hedges contest with South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, and Auburn.

As bad as 2008 is, our 2009 schedule will be one of the hardest in the history of college football (I'm not kidding). If everyone stays in school, we will face the following Senior QBs:

-@ Okla. State & Zac Robinson
-vs. ASU & Rudy Carpenter
-@ Jax vs. Fla. & Tim Tebow
-vs. LSU & Ryan Perriloux

We will also face quality opponents:

-vs. South Carolina
-@ Tennessee
-@ Arkansas (which will be led by former Mich. Wolverine Ryan Mallet)
-@ Georgia Tech
-vs. Auburn

That is scary & amazing. I'm glad we're really good because we're going to need to be. Should be fun to watch. Hopefully, we'll have a senior QB that trumps them all.

Ludakit said...
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Ludakit said...

-@ Okla. State & Zac Robinson
-vs. ASU & Rudy Carpenter
-@ Jax vs. Fla. & Tim Tebow
-vs. LSU & Ryan Perriloux

We will also face quality opponents:

-vs. South Carolina
-@ Tennessee
-@ Arkansas (which will be led by former Mich. Wolverine Ryan Mallet)
-@ Georgia Tech
-vs. Auburn

C, I think you're wrong about a couple of things.

1) OSU with or without Robinson will probably not have Mike Gundy as coach come 2009. T. Boone wants a Championship and if Gundy doesn't make things happen soon, they'll go shopping. Just my opinion.

2) Rudy Carpenter will never be a threat. He whines too much to the officials to really have command of that team. He reminds me a lot of a "Cali-style" Brandon Cox. Plus, added bonus of Dennis Erickson being the coach, which means he may be gone by next year.

3) Tim Tebow will not be at Florida in 2009. He'll put up ridiculous stats again this year (and hopefully not against us) and finish somewhere in the top 5 for the Heisman again and will go pro.

4) Ryan Perrilouxser will not even make it through this year while being on the LSU team. We'll be facing Russell Shephard by then and he's an '09 prospect.

As far as "facing quality opponents," I can't disagree, but such is the schedule for the SEC (plus Tech, which should be vastly improved from this year to next year).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's why I said that "if everyone stays in school", which is definitely a longshot with Perriloux. However, I'd like to know the stats on if a BCS conference team has ever played 11 other BCS conference teams in the regular season. I can't imagine that has happened often. I hope Tebow's back to try to get one more shot in Jax because he just can't win there!

Anonymous said...


i believe that the university of southern california will play 12 BCS conference teams plus Notre Dame(even though they are terrible and i hate them) this season. props to them for actually trying to schedule games against decent teams. however, none of the games are against the SEC. the PAC-10 has been a little improved over the past few years. i still do not like USC. hopefully the DAWGS will have a matchup against them in the NC and bring the title home.

Anonymous said...

*i meant to say that the 12 games includes their matchup with Notre Dame

Anonymous said...

I just read that about USC last night and thought, oh well, what do I know? They schedule pretty strong, but as you say that's open to one's interpretation of what a PAC-10 schedule is really like. Plus, they play 9 PAC-10 games each season, so that means they only need 3 other non-conference games. Kudos to the Pac-10 for determining a true champion, but the competition seems suspect. Guess we'll get our shot to prove our mettle in the desert.

ChiliDawg said...

Just being 20, I missed out on the real nasty days of the Clemson vs. UGA rivalries, but I've heard stories. I could be reading much too deeply into this, but could someone explain for a young whippersnapper like myself why Clemson would be an Auburn with a lake. I just want to get on the same page.

Anonymous said...

Auburn and Clemson are the same school basically. Only Clemson has Lake Hartwell.

So Lewis Grizzard used to call them "Auburn...with a Lake."

ChiliDawg said...

Thanks PWD. I'm assuming what makes them the same school would be their 2nd place ranking behind the larger state school and potentially their agricultural based academics.

Anonymous said...

More the agricultural stuff. In Football, Clemson is by far the dominate power in that State.

Historically, they win 2-1 vs. the Coots. They also have won 9 of the last 11 match-ups.

Over the last 20 years, it's more like 3 to 1 in favor of Clemson.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when Clemson used to be orange and navy blue, like Auburn. Of course, they can't decide what their colors are now, much like Auburn can't decide what their mascot is. The campuses look eerily similar, and they both cheat. Plus, they're both called the Tigers. Their basically the same school.

If we played Clemson every year, it would be one of our biggest rivalries. I am not fond of them. I watched David Treadwell (barely) make it through the uprights in '86 & '87 and it broke my heart both times. I celebrated with Butler doing the same thing to them in '84. Clemson really used to be our big game. We pulled out the red pants twice in Death Valley in the 80's ('85 & '87). Ford & Dooley didn't like each other, and we were both national powers. Of course, we've beat them 5 times in a row these days. Man, I love beating Clemson. Learn to loathe ALL things orange, young chillidawg!

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