Croom at work (Image: BulldogBlitz.com)
Georgia Tech is apparently planning a White Out for their home game against Mississippi State. Given the variety of uniform combinations at Tech's disposal, it's not shocking that they would eventually land on an all-white ensemble. I'm guessing they go white pants, white jerseys and gold helmets.
With the myriad of gold, old gold, yellow, vegas gold, cheddar, urine, navy, blue, black and white rainbow of suck their fans generally bring to the game, settling on a white out will give them the opportunity to match for once. However, they picked one helluva weekend for a White Out.
Tech could be limping into the Mississippi State game at 1-2 following road games against Boston College and Virginia Tech. It's going to take a lot more than free cokes, free hot dogs and white t-shirts to get Tech fans to come watch a losing product play a non-rival SEC West team.
Conversely, MSU should be 2-1 with some nice post-bowl momentum. State fans are desperate for prosperity of any kind, and their record showing at the Liberty Bowl is evidence of that.
Imagine the shock of the Tech fans as they enter Bobby Dodd Stadium only to find:
- 30,000 Tech Fans
15,000 Mississippi State fans
10,000 Empty Seats
5,000 Cow Bells
If Tech had worn their gold unis, the MSU team would've worn their all whites. A color the MSU fans are much less passionate about. Throwing MSU into a White Out environment where they get to wear Maroon is like throwing Briar Rabbit into the briar patch.
Originally, I said that beating this brand of Bulldogs was not the methadone they crave. Looking at the divergent paths of the two programs, I think this is a game that will only make Tech matters worse.
More Cow Bell indeed.
Not to mention that MSU has worn all-white uniforms themselves several times over the last few seasons, if memory serves. I don't see how that's supposed to intimidate them.
I wonder how many [insert team color here]-outs we'll see this season. I know UGA wasn't the first to ever pull such a stunt, but it was pretty high profile, and I'm sure got some wheels turning in the heads of some marketing guys in the athletic departments.
Will Tech paint the empty seats white, too?
Yes, nothing intimidates like the color of freshly laudered and crisp, clean linens. JC Penney, Macy's, Bed, Bath, and Beyond - take note: From this day forward, A White Sale=Bad Intentions.
Johnson stated that the Tech Team is will be wearing white tops at home this year.... It's a shame we're playing them in Athens this year. I'd Love to see a blackout in Bobby Dodd.
I don't think a white out is such a good idea for Tech. It's going to be kind of hard to hide when they wet themselves on the field. I thought that's why they wore gold/yellow in the first place?
[color]-outs aren't anything new. Georgia just figured out a way to make them work. And I personally think a big reason it did work is because Georgia just doesn't deviate much on their uniform. The teams that jump on this [color]-out idea are going to be the ones who never wear the same uniform twice and they'll scratch their heads trying to figure out why it just isn't working for them.
The good news is that if they do wet themselves, the stain will match their color scheme anyway...
I am praying one of these completely implausable scenarios play out:
-Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ask for Georgia Tech to apologize for the ''white-out'' and call the event ''insensitive and morally objectionable'' given that Sly Croom is the only African-American head coach in the SEC.
-Several Liquid Paper companies sue Georgia Tech to prevent them from using the term white-out because they fear it will have a negative effect on sales.
-To increase attendance for the game, Georgia Tech will print BYORTBD (Bring Your Own Robot to Bobby Dodd) and pass out white ponchos at the gate.
-Conversation between two Tech fans in their dorm room talking about the white-out:
Nerd #1: Oh man, I have nothing to wear that's white
Nerd #2: Me neither.
(Both nerds sit down frustrated until one runs over to their closet with a big smile. He reaches in awkwardly grabs to items.)
Nerd #1: Stormtrooper uniforms!
Nerd #2: The force is strong with this one.
I fall on the floor and gasp for air in laughter at EmotionalFescue's comment. :D
Go Dawgs!
My vote is for Urine cunis. And then Miss State should steal a page from their book by wearing "piss on Yech" stickers on their helmets.
Ah, beginning and ending your season getting your asses whipped by bulldogs is gonna leave a mark nerds.
That my friends, is what we call poetic justice.
Paul Johnson, you're about to get Croom'd.
(I'd make a bad joke about people from Mississippi being intimidated by a group wearing all-white, but I'll refrain...)
By December, Tech fans will wish the NCAA would just white out the entire 2008 season.
...just like they did for all those "ineligible" years.
Oxford Dawg here,
That's Bre'r (as in Brother) Rabbit, you dumb, ill-educated ass-hole.
Georgia Blows. Go lick yourselves.
Now I'm the first to admit I hate our (GT's) new unis, but please--comments on school colors from a UGA fan? You need to tell your student section that red pants don't wash very well.
Can anyone say "pink"?
You guys are pathetic. Go back to swigging some natty light out of the back of your pickup trucks and we Tech alums will toss a few bucks at you as we pass by. We've got plenty to spare. Up with the White and Gold (and our successful careers)
"Tech could be limping into the Mississippi State game at 1-2 following road games against Boston College and Virginia Tech. It's going to take a lot more than free cokes, free hot dogs and white t-shirts to get Tech fans to come watch a losing product play a non-rival SEC West team.
Conversely, MSU should be 2-1 with some nice post-bowl momentum. State fans are desperate for prosperity of any kind, and their record showing at the Liberty Bowl is evidence of that."
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