DawgBone.net is a great place to start your Bulldog web surfing. Check out their old school pics index for other gems. This particular shot is from a 1970s Cocktail Party.
UGA 45 Austin Peay 0
UGA 41 South Carolina 17
UGA 43 Mizzou 29
UGA 38 Tenn 12
UGA 41 Vandy 13
LSU 36 UGA 13
UGA 36 UF 17
UGA 34 UK 17
UGA 27 AU 10
UGA 66 UMass 27
UGA 45 Tech 21
I'm almost certain that was the 1980 game (just a little drama later on, huh?). Devo's hit "Whip it" was getting alot of airplay that Summer and Fall...hence the reference.
probably the coolest thing ever
Yeah, I have to agree with Anon 8:21 on this one.
Devo released "Whip it" in 1980.
That's got to be what they were referencing.
Yes it was the "Lindsay Scott" game.
During fall quarter 1980, you could count on that song to get all the Georgia students out on the dance floor...very much like "Rock Lobster" did the fall before.
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