The last time the song was played at a UGA game, Sanford Stadium was still decades away from being built. It was apparently the original fight song circa 1908, but the music was lost. You know something is old as hell when it pre-dates Dan Magill.
This is what it will sound like. More or less. Sort of an old school Big 10 style circus march meets the Doxology.
I still think it needs some cannon fire at the end. But then again...what doesn't need more cannon fire? I'm of the opinion that everything would be better with more bacon, butter, bourbon, boobs and cannons.
What about CowBell?
It just needs more CowBell!
I am a Redcoat Band alumnus who cannot be at the game because of an injury. I can confirm that the "Red and Black March" will be performed at halftime. I wish I could be there.
PWD - I have never understood why we haven't mocked up a version of the 'double-barreled cannon' to fire at games...but then, I'd like to see that thing go off every time we score...
Jeez, you know you wonder how something like the fight song can get 'lost.' Then you hear it and realize it may have been a cordial way of telling the composer that the song just wasn't very good.
Some things should remain lost.
I was at the Redcoats' practice yesterday for a Homecoming walk-through, and they definitely played the "Red and Black March." It was complete with the announcer (Tom Jackson at the game) explaining the whole story behind the march, and the band launched into it immediately. It's different from any other UGA fight song you'll hear on Saturday.
"everything would be better with more bacon, butter, bourbon, boobs and cannons"
+1 and an awesome way to start the day.
I was at Stone Mountain for the 4th of July fireworks show in the summer of 1980. We were sitting on the big lawn in front of the carving, listening to the Army band from Fort McPherson play suitably patriotic music, waiting for the sun to go down.
Suddenly, the band cranked up Tchikovsky's 1812 Overture (some of you wont know the name, but it's the music from Caddyshack at the end when Bill Murray basically blows up Bushwood Country Club). The band gets to the part where it goes duh DUH duh duh duh duh duh DUH duh duh.....and then, BOOOOOOM. They fired off a couple of cannons, which yours truly was not expecting, and which made a substantial concussive noise which bounced off the solid granite face of the mountain.
Once I got over the initial, "what the **** was THAT?" shock, it was pretty cool. I agree that properly timed cannon fire can enhance a lot of experiences. I'm also cool with more cowbell, though. That's just how I roll.
The excitement generated by this song is perfect for a game with Vandy.
"music from Caddyshack at the end when Bill Murray basically blows up Bushwood Country Club"
I never knew that Kenny Loggins sang to Tchikovsky ... just kidding
Ubiquitous GA Alum,
I distinctly remember it this way...
I'm alright. BOOM.
Nobody worry 'bout me. BOOM.
Why you got to gimme a fight? BOOM.
Can't you just let it be? BOOM.
Unrelated band nerd moment....re: Cannons.
I was in the HS band as a kid in South Carolina. I remember a competition where Orangeburg HS (all black, but not like stylistically like SW Dekalb or FAMU at the time) performed 1812 Overture....with Cannons. Circa 1988 or so.
When the last cannon went off, they all fell straight back to the ground without breaking their fall. As if they had been shot. Obviously, they won the competition.
Big boy version of 1812 proves that cannons kick ass.
After listening to that song, I have an uncontrollable urge to say...
"And now for something completely different."
Actually I kind of like it. Probably says more about my age than anything else. But it is not as good as some of the Big Ten's best like the Victors. :)
I dunno, this kinda' reminds me of the music you'd hear playing in the background of a silent film, right after someone ran into a fire hydrant.
Cannons would definitely make this passable. As would bourbon. Lots and lots of bourbon.
Im actually in the redcoat band, and can confirm that we practiced it as of yesterday, and that it is in for halftime before the homecoming court stuff. Also, i think its sounds pretty cool, i mean like old and hokey but as these things go, good.
Redcoats played 1812 Overture back in 1997, if my memory serves me. I say that year because we took it down to Jacksonville and had the cannon effect (though no actual cannons) and happened to win the game. Can't say if the two were related or not, but I wouldn't argue against having some cannons with the R&B march should we choose to play it in Jacksonville, too.
It sounds like it is straight out of "The Music Man."
I am on staff with the football team and I heard the Redcoats rehearsing this week. It will DEFINITELY be played on Saturday. It sounds good, too.
Almost the right meter for a graduation ceremony..."Hail to Georgia Down in Dixie" still much better melody and tempo for a fight song. I agree with the above poster...this is real close to Monty Python...almost has a "Sit on My Face" feel to it!
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