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November 19, 2008

Keep an eye on Miami vs. GT

Defending Tech's triple option will be the biggest challenge of the season's final game. Stopping that offense requires playing assignment football and excellent tackling. Unfortunately, those are two things that Georgia has struggled with at times this season.

To quote a friend, "our guys tackle like women." And not tough women like those semi-pro football league chicks that bring a certain fierce determination to both their games and auto body repair careers. More delicate than that (Note: Not Rennie. He'd tackle my nightmares and the Detroit Bailout if unleashed). We've got to wrap up Tech's runners at the initial collision. But I digress.

On Thursday, the Miami Hurricanes will be the next in line to try and stop Tech's ground game. Their plan seems to be attack the football and tackle high. I'm assuming that the "tackle high" comment at the end of the article pertains mainly to the QB. If Miami tries to tackle Jonathan Dwyer high, they will be watching end zone celebrations throughout the night.

It's interesting to see how other teams have prepared to defend Tech. FSU worked its scout team offense against its first team defense without a football so the Noles could focus on their assignments better. Given that Bowden is 126 years old and has seen more triple option football than anyone not employed by a service academy or Georgia Tech, it seemed like a logical way to prepare. Unfortunately for FSU, Tech ran some new looks at them and rushed for 288 yards.

The good news:
  • Georgia Tech's offensive line is in shambles because of injuries. This is helpful news given that UGA's defensive line is arguably our most injured and inconsistent unit.

  • The last team that had an extra week to prepare for GT's triple option was UNC. The final score was 28-7. However, UNC still gave up 326 yards on the ground to the Yellow Jackets.
I'm expecting Georgia to give up 250-325 yards on the ground in our game, but I'm also expecting the Tech offense to turn the ball over several times. More importantly, I'm expecting the UGA offense to outscore the Tech offense. Isn't that what really matters?

See Also:PWD


Anonymous said...

If I'm interpretting this correctly, you're saying we're in a lot of trouble if they don't turn it over at least 2 or 3 times.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying they are going to score points. But I think our offense vs. their defense is a better match-up than their offense vs our defense.

Anonymous said...

Keep "an" eye out for typographical errors, PWD. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

The really bad thing with this game, in addition to some of the other really bad things with this game, like our defense, is the fact that Tech actually has a long week to prepare for the DAWGS. That means wrinkles, wrinkles, and more wrinkles for Ellerbe to watch unfold while Curran runs around him to tackle somebody.

Go Dawgs! Tech blows sheep!

Anonymous said...

Tech can add all the defensive wrinkles they want. Other than their DL, they have nothing. Protect Stafford and get a decent push off the line and we'll score plenty.

Offensively, Johnson has run pretty much the same offense for years. It has different looks, but it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

I understand that their rushing yardage numbers are impressive, but when you run the ball 85% of the time (just guessing), the numbers are inflated. It's like the Texas Tech passing numbers...

It still concerns me; however, we will not be afraid of the pass at all...

Unknown said...

the best defense is a good offense that can hold the ball for 3/4 of the game...

Anonymous said...

This is the one game of the year where I could give a damn whether we give up 500 yards on offense....just as long as we whip there ass for the 8th year in a row and the final score shows Dawgs on top!

Fuck Tech!

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly watch tonight, but from the games I've watched MIA this year there is one thing that sticks out with their D ... S P E E D ... they have a lot of it and use it every down. We don't have their level of speed, but we do have more girth up front, which leads to the need for assignment football - as PWD notes.

Anonymous said...

Um, tech plays tomorrow night. I dont know if miami is disciplined enough to beat tech.

Unknown said...

And good luck with that White Out, Techies.

Anonymous said...

To the Hunkering Hank at 2:16 p.m. You are not me. Don't use my call sign.

I agree with the rest of your post.

The original Hunkering Hank.

Anonymous said...

If I'm interpreting you correctly, you're saying if we score more points than they do, we'll win?

Anonymous said...

Godawg, unfortunately Dawg fans are not generally pleased with just scoring more points than the other team (see: Auburn and Kentucky). We complain and moan while watching an "underachieving" team settle for a 9-2 record while losing to two top 3 teams. Many Dawg fans of late have been complaining about HOW the Dawgs have won. They are not content with merely beating Auburn or Kentucky, they want to win by huge margins. In this instance, I agree with PWD. GT can lead in all statistical categories except one (the final score) and I'll be happy. I just don't want to live in a world where GT is the victor.

Anonymous said...

Hey y'all, I go to UNC and was at the tech game here. Most of those yards came late in the game, when it was pretty much over (90 yards were in one dwyer run in the 4th). I honestly think the main reason UNC was able to handle tech so easily was their strength up the middle. Tech ran inside way more often than you'd think an option offense would. UNC has a GREAT DT in marvin austin, and he plugged the middle incredibly well, allowing the linebackers to run sideline-to-sideline a lot more easily. Also, im pretty sure that the UNC safety, Tremaine Goddard, was in the box the entire game.

So if our DTs can plug up the middle, I think we should be ok. This will be a game where we'll definitely miss Jeff Owens. Oh..and Reshad Jones will need to learn to wrap up instead of just lowering his shoulder into somebody.

Anonymous said...

Yes, scoring 1 more point than GT would be great. At least this ol Dawg would take it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess that "hunkering hank" shows the lowest common denominator of what a "so called" Dawg fan truly is. Your one of the main reasons I don't bring my kids to the games.
If I were your Dad, I would have washed your mouth out with soap!
To bad that you will never take any of this said to heart.
Just do us a favor and stay at home and stay off the road!


Anonymous said...

oh no people are cussin'!

it's the end of the world!

Anonymous said...


The problem is we were picked preseason #1 by most college football syndicates and prognosticators. We have had our share of injuries, but we also have some of the best skilled players in the nation, plus depth at many positions.
Our problem is we seem to play down to our competitions level (ie. Kentucky, Auburn) I, for one, believe we should have dominated both teams on both sides of the ball. What scares me about playing Tech is if we are not patient enough and keep to our lanes on D, oh yeah not to mention TACKLING!

So to sum it up, even though I am happy we are 9-2, we are no where near the point yet of competing with UF and UA.

Anonymous said...

I kept an eye on the game last night and didn't like what I saw...If Tech plays like that, we're in trouble...


OMG. 472 yards on the ground? I don't think I will be able to watch next week.

Our only hope is to put Knowshon into the Nickle package and stuff the box, forcing Tech to throw.

Anonymous said...

Yep. We are going to kick your #*%!
Go Tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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