Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

November 28, 2008

Weather Tomorrow = Epic Suck calls for 90% chance of rain and temperatures around 47 degrees at kickoff tomorrow. The winds will be around 10 mph with a mixture of steady rain and thunder showers. So we've got that going for us.

Now, the debate rages on. Who benefits the most from the rain?

The triple option is a precision system dependent upon well timed inside hand offs and outside pitches. For all of its strengths (unpredictability and the pressure it puts on defenses), it's weakness is fumbles. Even the old Nebraska teams struggled with fumbles.

Can Tech protect the football tomorrow?

BTW -- If the weather forecast bums you out, just'll be colder, more windy and awful in the 600 level. Suck on that Tech fans.

See Also:
-- Thoughts on the Game - Blutarsky
-- Over analyzing the Weather - DawgsOnline
-- GT game preview - HeyJennySlater



Anonymous said...

I cannot express to you the beauty of $8 student tickets and the overhang on the 100 level.

Smitty said...

Thanks Mom for those 600 level "gift" seats....

Anonymous said...

Amen. Plus last time we played Tech in the rain in Athens Ball thought he had 5 Downs....So remember that!

Anonymous said...

I will be down with the state troopers at the endzone so we have no cover unless we stand under the walkdowns from the lockerooms but we cant see anything from there.

Unknown said...


No Pulpwood for the Tech game?

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow's weather won't be as bad as 2004, the weather will be like the 2006 Auburn game. When you factor in the windy and rainy conditions with 37 degree weather... you have a disaster.

Anonymous said...


I don't really know the story on that. Pulpwood contacts the masses. The masses don't contact Pulpwood.

I'm not bothering him. He's got kids to raise.

Anonymous said...

"suck on that Tech fans".

Just further verifies how trashy and classless UGA fans are. I don't care how hott you think your women are, how good you think your school is, how great you think your athletic program is. At least Tech fans act like decent human beings and not pieces of sh*t.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 11:04....speaking of class, trying to rip apart our hedges after the game was a great way to so how wonderful your classy team/fans are.

Michael C said...

You should be honored that Tech would want a piece of the hedges. Think about it this way, they revere the hedges, a UGA institution, so much they want a part of it. From a UGA perspective you should just chalk it up to yet another jealousy thing by the Techsters.

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