Georgia Sports Blog FanShop

March 16, 2009

Pistol Pete Holds Up Bulldog Nation

"Get 'em up and keep 'em up, bulldog." 
If you haven't gotten your season ticket order form yet, get ready for a mild shock.  Road game tickets to Oklahoma State are $100 a pop.  That's the price of two tickets almost everywhere else.  It's $15 more than OSU charges its own fans for single tickets to conference games and $40 more than OSU's other nonconference games.  They are not selling individual tickets for the our game, either.  In other words, OSU has targeted Georgia fans for a severe gouge. 
An increase in ticket price isn't going to make or break those of us heading to Stillwater, but it's the principle of the thing.  Yell nasty stuff at us?  Sure.  Give us crappy seats?  No big deal.  Run out of beer at your local brewery?  We'll manage.  Turn us over inside your port-a-pottys?  Umm ...  But don't single us out for disparate treatment in ticket prices.
I suppose we should't expect egalitarianism from Okie State.  Their program is the second most prominant example of the disproportionately powerful single donor.  With OSU's pervasive use of variable ticket pricing and the impressive showing Dawg fans put on in Tempe last year, we should count on this type of treatment from the Pokes.  After all, they have some money to make up after Uncle Boone lost all their money in the market.  They might as well force visitors to make up for those losses.   


Anonymous said...

I have no problem with them doing this as long as it is what we did to them in Athens. If not then you have to wonder where the benefit is to these types of OOC games?

Everyone likes to talk about playing big name opponets OCC assures us a MNC game with one loss, but a lot of teams manage to make the MNC with one (or some times two) losses without playing a "great" OCC schedule as long as they play a great conference schedule.

Crane said...

Is it me, or does pistol pete look a lot like Robert Goulet? Perhaps T. Boone Pickens was a fan.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! I'd be shocked if we charged them more than $40/ticket when they came to Athens two years ago. Pathetic display of return hospitality!

I am quite certain that our players will adopt a "win one for the C-Note" mentality and use it as motivation to beat the pokes by 20+ to open the season.

Anonymous said...

The lesson to be learned from this is for DE and his staff to put a clause in any new contract for a home and away deal that prohibits them charging us any more than they charge their fans, or an actual agreement as to the price for each team. In the meantime, hopefully it's just something to motivate the team.

Anonymous said...

Actually, let me change it to, "Win One for Our Benjamins!"

Anonymous said...

I'm certain they were charged face for their trip to Athens - not 100. Called the ticket office to find out where to address my letter of disgust. They didn't have any suggestions beside Ok St.

Wondering if Damon can't work in some type of reciprocity on ticket price for future home-home series.

Anonymous said...

After speaking on message boards with some Oklahoma State people....we charged then $45.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this is normal behavior for the Big XII. Some schools will do this to their in-conference rivals too. They are not just singling Georgia fans out - taking advantage of our fervent fan base, yes - but singling out, no.

For all you headed out there - know that liquor stores close at 9pm & bars close at 12:30. As soon as the game is over, get the hell outta dodge.

Hobnail_Boot said...

They're barking up the wrong tree. Georgia's gonna run the pokes out of their shiny new stadium, and T. Boone can stick that up his ass.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the running out of beer thing, I can attest that the folks at Gordon Biersch Tempe were completely caught by surprise when so many UGA fans showed up for the ASU game. A pal out there knows the manager of that location, who said the UGA/ASU gameday crowd was at least as big as the Super Bowl. In fact they were about to run out of bottled beer as early as 12noon on gameday.

Anonymous said...

I like Hobnail's thought process. :)

Anonymous said...

Arizona State'd

Anonymous said...

Damon does use "retaliatory" pricing for visitors. If you charge above normal face value for the UGA game at your place, we return the favor by charging your fans the same amount.

So GT tickets will be $50+ next year. Because that's what they charge for our tickets. We'll all have the same price as season ticket holders but their fans will have to pay more for visitor seats.

The problem is....what happens when you go to the other guy's place after they've already been here.

It's really sketch to pull a stunt like this. But we'll know for future contracts.

Anonymous said...

PWD - Agreed. Hopefully we can work something like that in with Oregon and Louisville, but I'm wondering what Colorado is planning.

Anonymous said...

FYI - Bars may close in Stillwater at 12:30, but in Tulsa it's 2am (and it's just not that far).

Anonymous said...

Fair Warning - the beer in Oklahoma is not the same as the beer in Georgia, I STRONGLY advise you bring your own, it's 3.2 beer here (aka weak crap).

Now, when's UGA going to start selling tickets so I can send my $100 in?

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell ya boys, but we're gettin' screwed two ways - in addition to the $100 price tag, OSU is also only giving us 5,000 tickets - after 500 or so for player families, band, etc., that leaves a small number for contributors.

OSU tickets will probably require a 35,000 point cut-off. By comparison, it took a 27,000 point score to get one of the 7,500-8,000 alloted tickets at ASU. That wasn't big deal there, as there was plenty of availability to satisfy the additional 10,000 or so Dawgs. OSU will be the tightest non-conference road ticket we've ever seen....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your friendly sidewalk businessman is the way to go for tickets out there.

Anonymous said...

Not a big deal for me, as I don't plan on going to Stillwater. But, this is outrageous. I'm really disappointed that a clause preventing gouging on away tickets was not included in the contract.

Anonymous said...

UGA wont be scared by this they will do to them what they di in athens GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!

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