From the two day old news bin, I have to ask. What exactly has the SEC been spending it's $2.5 billion on if not HD TVs for the replay officials to view the games? If Slive and Redding are spending ESPN's money on coke and whores, I give them style points. But it's likely nothing so cool.
If we're saving that cash for a rainy day, look around fellas. It's raining. At least on your refs. I literally refuse to watch sports on a standard non-HD set...at a bar. And when I'm at a bar, I'm drinking with my head on a swivel looking for hot chicks...and barely paying attention to the TV to start with. I certainly wouldn't run my business through a standard TV.
I would be more indignant about this, but Slive and Redding won't read a blog posting. The Internet is a fad.
*Obviously not.
What's ridiculous is that they don't use replays from the TV cameras. They only use the shots from their hard point mounted cameras to supposedly, bring uniformity to the replay angles from stadium to stadium. If the objective is to get the call right, why wouldn't you use everything you have availble to you at a given game?
and guns and firetrucks and.....
Why they can't mount a damn camera on each side of the goaline with a view right down the line is beyond me. How many times to we have to watch a replay to see if the ball crossed the line from some angle that makes it impossible to judge? Again its a $3 billion league with 50 cents of officiating.
I'm going to say this ranks with the interview with Urban Meyer as one of your funnier posts, PWD. Good work.
Apparently the league has spent at least a billion dollars on feeding the refs. Holy shit. Did anybody NOT see that fat bastard of a line judge at the UGA v. TTU game? The dude wouldn't (couldn't) even run all the way to where the ball was downed. Cocaine might not be a bad idea as it might skinny him up a little.
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